State College Spring 2008 A.D. - The Firm's Final Attack!

cant play today exam tomorrow :\

I can’t play this week but I am free to play maybe sunday and next tuesday.

my weekend schedule looks like this, as soon as i get the clear with lis/andy:

friday: work till noon, go home, leave, arrive at andy’s in the afternoon some time. do whatnot, see a movie; take pictures etc. etc.

saturday: day with andy/lisa sc crew who knows at this point

sunday: 1:30-3:30 judo session(tho i remember it being earlier for some reason), freetime(may even skip it, and do something healthy.). 8-11 i think, malaysian night at the hub… hang w/ malay peeps(be4/after, i dunno). sleep one last night

monday: leave at a time that does not inconvenience andy/lisa

SWEET! That’s an awesome schedule. The only thing you forgot was the part where you pick me up!

@Dennis: Did your skills arrive yet?

Stop hatin’ man, Dennis’s Vega will slice, dice, and take you out to eat (uhm, yea.)

So… is anybody doing anything this weekend?

I might be able to play tomorrow or Saturday night. Anyone else?

Dennis is an x-copier from waaaaaaaaaaaaay back :cybot: Don’t show him any tricks, or else he’ll snap em up and put you out of business.

The best way to defeat Dennis to to play your worst so that he x-copies bad habits. That’s been my strategy. Any day now it will pay off.

There he is! Quick–play really shitty and then lock him in the sensory deprivation cage!

might be able to do something saturday not tonight :\

Likewise, I’m busier this weekend then I thought, but maybe tomorrow I can do something… :confused:

I can’t do short short supers with hrap2 :mad:

I don’t know how that 3s game works :confused: Maybe you’re trying too hard. Open your heart to find the answer! Extend!

I can’t do 2xQCFs consistantly, so don’t feel too bad.

anyone up for some gaming tuesday night?

I’m back in town but need a few days to catch up with work

Welcome back Scott! Hope your journey was well.

Can’t do anything Tuesday, but that just gives me more time to practise 3s… assuming my Tekken stick arrives (have put the game on hold until I can actually use all six attacks)

ok I can play next tuesday april 1st. Seeyou guys then.

^^ im going to assume thats a joke

Hello Residents of Happy Valley,

May is fast-approaching; how many of you fools are gonna be graduating? I’d like to come up for a weekend in April (or in May before graduation) to grace you all with my presence. I smell very nice. I’ll be accepting money matches in Space Harrier, Tetris, Big 2, and Connect 4. I also know how to do short short supers with hrap2.

I’m going to be busy the first two weekends in April (5th-6th and 12th-13th), but other than that I’m good! When’s I come up?