If you guys are playing on saturday for sure post up… i have to take MPRE Saturday morning and then its a busy spring break… but ill be traveling in that direction anyway
Hi, My name is Cory, im in the state college area, and am looking for talented players to improve my playing style, if anyone is up to game let me know, I’m always down
what do you play? are you on/off campus? do you like $5 pizza?
andy, I will halfto bargain well with brandon for wii, but i think its doable. lol
Well, lately it’s been the alpha series, but I can play most SF/VS series games, I live off campus and have a car, and yes I like 5 dollar pizza
Andy, spandex world domination is not a sickness. It is the cure.
I think I may come out this weekend, make yourselves ready. And Sean… why are you asking what he plays? You never come out here. All you play is hard to get.
sorry guys, these professors are using dumptrucks to pile work on THE FIRM. I cant play today after all. I’ll see you guys after spring break!
Good luck to The Firm. Own that homework like you own up sucka players.
Is anyone interested in going to evo this year? It looks like the best year for me to go. These dates are on the evo page: 8-10th of August. And for the first time, it’s gonna be on the strip. I should have a few days of free rooms available so some of you can crash with me.
btw, fall classes don’t start until aug. 25th.
A pimped-out basement, what is that like, ST on three televisions (it would explain your visions/dreams/nightmares/prophecies)? Whatever it is I want to see!
If I’m free Thanh (that is, depending on when/if I have summer courses) I’d love to see Evo in person. You recovered yet, by the way, or still on the brink of death?
My copy of SF III arrived today, so I’ll be retreating to my mountainside sanctuary to train… but not before this weekend! Let’s do something!
Thanh, I’ll keep evo in mind, but I’ll have to wait until I know what I’m doing this summer. evo east will more likely work for me.
Carmen, you need only 1 move: cr.mk -> super.
Andy, when are we playing, friday or saturday? I have another toy to show you.
Dan, you have gone too far. The bison will be feasted on—oregon trail style.
Let me know if you are playing Friday or Saturday. My stick is still not here yet and it was supposed to be 2-7 days shipped last Friday. Has anybody ordered from YellowOasis on Ebay before?
3s / st no lag! #srkkaillera on irc.prison.net
Yo D. I gots that program. Don’t have that 3s (whatever weird game that is) but I have ST!
I have a friend who ordered the Xenogears sountrack from them some years back. It was, of course, a bootleg, but it DID arrive, if you’re curious about their delivery record.
eee, gotta try and make it out this weekend. keep me updated as to when we play
Looks like there will be gaming tonight and tomorrow. Call me or Andy or just post. Most likely, if you can get to my place, Andy can pick up from there.
what time are you guys playing? I forgot your phone number
wtf, kewlslut is game again?
hey guys, im at home this weekend working and what not, but I should be around next weekend if you guys are gonna be playing…
It’s the SC reunion tour baby. Time to start playing again! SHAST!
Something’s up with this thread. I think State College is still here… but where is the final attack gone??
@Dennis: Did your stick arrive yet?