State College Spring 2008 A.D. - The Firm's Final Attack!

hmnnn… april ehh? 3rd weekend of april it will be just rajah and me again.

edit: rajah:

English plz Sean.

How can people play with these incredibly sensitive sanwa buttons. Instead of target chains I’m getting target taunts and random EX shoryukens. I must get my seimitsu back…

much hype for the jms vs gbursine connect 4 match

blokus tournament!

everyone please buy vanilla frosted mini wheats such a great cereal

I got that cereal.

If I had a dog, I’d name it Pythagoras.

And what is this… logic… you speak of ?

**All the birds flew south for the winter except for the ones with ****diarrhea, they flew to college and allen.

When are we gaming peeps? Who’s around this weekend? You just got to stop spazzing and negative edging the sanwas, just give them a little tap (like dis, tap tap tap)

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I never walk that way anymore its like an ocean of fuckin bird shit everywhere.

Once i was walking home late one night and had to cross the street and hide near the jewlery shop across the street. It was raining bird shit like the 40 day/night flood.

Yo im posting 2 times in a row, if i do it a 3rd time the thread explodes. This is fact.

Yo are we playing Saturday? I can do Saturday. I’m 99 percent sure i cant play today. This week owned me hard. Scott, Carmen, Dennis, Thahn, Keith, Andy, Dan, Josh and Chris. Where yall at tomorrow? If I forgot anyone my apologies, I have to use the bathroom really bad as im typing this.

Btw. I saw Josh 2 days in a row, if i see him again Saturday the world explodes. This is fact.

Yes! I’m in and the thread remains, I’ll be around Saturday, and I saw Moon 2 days in a row.

I’m game, I haven’t seen THE FIRM in ages. I just had my fill of online Real Bout as the perfect practice for another Street Fighter get-together! And by perfect I mean I’m going to be trying to line-switch in SF II and wonder why its not working.

Okay listen. I said this awhile ago but nothing happened. I do really want to start playing again. I’m down for whenever. I do work quite a bit, but thats about the only thing that would get in the way. Call me to let me know when you all are playing. Pm or email me for my number. Email: fixxed


We’re playing tonight around 7 at my place unless the bomberman intervenes. THE FIRM will be in attendance so bring your A-games.

m0nkey, I sent you a PM.

monkey has hidden o.g. 3s skills. i remember his gay urien :amazed:

Sean take your email off the forum before a spambot gets you.

They all play on the weekends. I almost never play on the weekends. I am free tuesday. I don’t think anyone here plays marvel anymore. Almost everyone has or trying to adapt to japanese sticks. Things have changed alot here when playland closed. PM me if you want to play.

I play marvel still!

ok there are some that still play marvel once every two months. :-/

Thanh you as cold as ICE!

If I remember how I used to play Marvel I’ll play too. It was something like quick low x2, super, repeat, as far I recall, heh.