State College Spring 2008 A.D. - The Firm's Final Attack!

I’ll be outs this weekend sadly.

Andy rises from his grave.

Don’t you mean “gwave”?

Thanh and others, I’ll be home by 6.

Ahh, I guess I don’t need to call then!

Iapetsu, I’ll PM you my number… I’m terribly free Thursday-Sunday, my summer schedule isn’t the most trying :wgrin:

dan, be proud. I just bought the metal gear 3 pack collection. I’ll start it in 3 weeks -_-

I thought I’d be leaving this weekend… but I’m not. Leaving next weekend instead, so if anyone’s around I’d be ready for some games!

2df. magical drop 3. let’s go.

The new ladder season is up on diablo2. Is anyone interested in joining me and the crew at amazonbasin for a few games?

I’ll do it to avenge Savonne!!

ST HD remix is the bomb. Scott, when you get back to the states, you gotta come over and try it out. New Ken is a beast and Ryu fake fireball makes for some interesting traps. Online isn’t too bad at all, occasional slowdown, but overall, very responsive.

Sweet! I’m looking forward to HD, CRT proj, and whatever other misc stuff we play with when Rob gets here.

London is really cool. Yesterday, we went to Wimbledon and then the arcade for some 3s. They have the h2h style machines with sanwa parts, although some of the sticks are pretty bad. I played until the place closed and then was too late for the subway to get back! Good thing people are quite helpful for directions

Rob is bringing his test disc so we can calibrate your setup properly.

this is the spirt of the firm. I am in limbo. I am looking for a host body to inhabit and come back to the realm of the living.

i miss psu

is this for real?

SF anime is on Sci fi channel right now!

Who need the SF anime when you have this masterpiece of modern animation?


This man speaks the truth. USA! USA!

Hey Savonne, did Hammer ever send you those pics from the Final Attack?

You’re not one too talk about pictures Scott, we never heard anything about England! Or at least I didnt… did you check out the London arcade scene?

My friend who will be rooming with me next semester, he’s just arrived from Japan a few days ago and says he’s really gotten into 3S… heh.