Thanh, I’ll be able to play around 7.
Andy, what do you think of this:
Thanh, I’ll be able to play around 7.
Andy, what do you think of this:
lol weighs 80lbs.
Let’s go check this out – I think my RGB connectors will work on this as it’s multisync and can go down to low-res RGB it looks like. Contact them and set it up – we can go tomorrow, thurs or Friday after 5… Nice! Tho not sure about bulb replacement cost or if it is even possible with a projector this old…
Ok I found the service manual and am excited though I may have to kill you and take it for myself…
Yo Scott,
A really good read on low res versus high res – even has 3rd Strike pics.
I haven’t given this any thought before this post, but due to an impending lack of storage space i’d probably be willing to sell my rgb monitor. It’s the same one i purchased from andy a few years ago, so if you are interested he can tell you about its goofy discoloration and a method to alleviate most of that problem. I have a splitter and cables for dc, ps2, saturn, and possibly gamecube.
On the other hand, i have no clue what you are talking about as i have only read this page of the thread so i may be way off base as to what you are looking for.
Double on the other hand, i may need new stick parts for my mvs machine. What’s a good place to grab those?
Thanks for the info and the go-ahead, Andy. It looks like Friday evening should work, still waiting for a confirm to time/location.
Nate, that sounds interesting as well; We may deal on that whether or not this projector goes through. If you’re looking for sanwa parts, I recommend lizardlick for fast/easy or akihabarashop for selection/cheap.
Edit: it looks like Monday is the only time he’s free for awile.
Scott, it’s the same as my 25 inch Sony, so it is a good idea for you (and the tuner works right in that one, unlike mine). With all the cables, you’d be RGB ready. The discoloration is slight right? I think it just needs degaussed with a hairdryer or some other item…
Monday’s ok for me. Let’s set it up. Any time after say 5:30 ish is good.
So guys, any plans for gaming Friday/weekend?
discoloration is slight
i get rid of it by sticking a speaker on top of one side
i’m not the man to ask about the existence of a permanent solution though
Carmen kof98 online. msg me.
So nate dawg, how much you want for the monitor + cables?
Can anyone play tuesday?
Not sure if this belongs here, but I am gonna be at PSU this weekend (Thursday-Saturday). I play ST and HF, but am willing to play other games (Like Garou ). If anyone is gonna be around, think we can organize something?
Iapetus, I’d play, but I’ll be gone. I’ll spread the word for you, though.
Thanks, DT. I’ll get info as to where I am exactly so we can play in my room or elsewhere nearby.
I don’t have a PS2, but I have my own arcade stick. I do have a modded SNES with Gundam Wing: Endless Duel, TMNT TF and SSF2.
Yo, Iapetus is a very good friend of mine, and an awesome Ryu player in SF2. Andy or Thanh, are you going to be around?
Oh and I have a projector to play on…
sorry only day I can play is tuesday. My schedule will free up next fall.
If I’m free later in the week I’d play with you! I’m assuming Andy is around too.
As for Tuesday I’ll try my best to show up (assuming its still on?)… because I’m leaving for summer next Thursday…