State College Spring 2008 A.D. - The Firm's Final Attack!

wow thats like everyone almost, we need Monkey, Jarron and Andy. Of course Hammer will be there providing tactical support and logistical assistance at his disposal.

I wish I could make it, but I take comfort in the fact that my Lando status has now confirmed that I am the sexiest thing in the State College universe.

I’m going to go strong juggle some fool, blow up a death star, and wash it down with a Colt 45.

check out the winning bid!

It is of the afternoon and the sky is clear and my destiny is sure. The final attack is coming and its destroying everything in its path. I assume that we are playing at scotts place? Is this where all the troops will gather for battle?

If so maybe scott can call me and let me know when I can come over. Let me know, the shit is not a game. Lives will be lost and destinies will be created.

The Storm is on the horizon and the air is thick with doom and despair battle awaits…


Hopefully Scott won’t have the final parry.

Ehh, whaaaat??? :wow: You could get a PS2 for less then that.

So what time guys? I’m sure that was part of the prophecy too… If I had a screwdriver I’d take the capture card out of my comp and bring it+distribution amp, but alas, was not meant to be. We’ll just recreate the event for posterity using Star Wars action figures :rofl:

I will be home between 3:30 and 4 to welcome all world warriors, magical droppers, puzzle fighters, and noncommittal button-mashers. We will battle intensely until only one remains…There might also be an Andy-related frisbee intermission!

Yo yo – sorry about my absence – was kidnapped by some thugs and needed some “bad dudes” to help me out. I think it best to host at Scott’s place tonight, as I won’t have time to get mine in order… There is a 6 p.m. pickup game of ultimate frisbee, so all must attend!!!

Scott, should I bring a commodore for 2nd/3rd setup?

OK nm about frisbee, it’s all about ST!!!

LMAO!! andy

that has been my life for like 30 years. Ok guys lets do this…wait nevermind lets play ST

I am heading over to scotts place. We can decide what to do there.

The final attack has been recorded in the history books for the ages. THE FIRM took on all challengers, each in his own game. In the end, Dennis proved why you don’t fuck with darth vador in magical drop. Now, something is telling me to seek out Andy and become strong so I can avenge his defeat.

Despite some camera problems, I believe Hammer has some footage of the occasion. Good games guys. Congrats Savonne!

omg… i missed magical drop!!! :crybaby::crybaby::crybaby::crybaby: :sad::sad::sad::sad::sad:

Yesterday was epic.

There were explosions, death threats, and utter mayhem. When the dust settled I was beheaded by Darth Dennis. I have to heal from my wounds but I will return one day. It seems that Scott is going to avenge me, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Good games to everyone last night shit was massive fun, I am now sure that as a whole state college has stepped its game up from what I saw in the challenges I made to everyone. State college is in good hands! Keep up the good work. I’ll probably see you guys randomly on campus before I go this Saturday. But if i don’t then thx for all the good times and shit. I think everyone in this thread has my number, but if you don’t let me know!

FIRM, pm me your number, I lost it a while back. Never know when Lando will show up.

Savonne, ye will be missed. We barely knew you (This is actually true in my case.)

Never before released battle footage of Obi-Wan v. Darth Vader i.e. Savonne v. Dennis i.e. The FIRM ? kewlbub


100% how it happened, honestly :arazz:

haha carmen.

Me and Dennis fought years back right before he disappeared for 10 years. I’m not joking this is what really happened.


Dang, my bro decided to sneak attack me with an awesome stick –

Ready for remix.

Niiiiiiiiiiiice! I remember seeing that in the custom stick thread. The level of creativity in custom sticks these days is fierce, but that one definitely stands out. Love the paint splatter and punch-kick images. :tup:

yo JMS of SRK fame-- when you coming to SC to play ST? Scott and I wants to play!