Let’s do it ups! I’m busy May 17-18 (this weekend), June 14-15, and June 21-22. How about Memorial Day weekend? I’d come up Saturday morning, sleep on Old Main lawn, and leave Monday. Bus fare is actually cheaper for me than driving
Just tried 3s on GGPO and the lag is much better than before. Same with other games. They are all better than kaillera. I’ll be on playing kof98, alpha2 and 3s. Pm me if you want to play.
I’m assuming ST won’t be on there because of remix? Yo JMS I’ll be gone that weekend, but let’s go for one in June…
GGPO is great, its just limited, which is the problem. That 2DF Freeplay (http://2dfighter.com/default.aspx) seems more promising until they start updating more games on GGPO, too bad I can’t get it to work yet.
Hammer, Savonne, I’m still expecting PMs regarding Shin SS challenges :wgrin:
Andy: Here is a list of games on ggpo: St, garou mark of the wolf, kof98, kof2k2, samsho2, D&D2, MVC, sfa2, sfa3, vsavior, xvssf, and 3s.
carmen, we can play some kof98 later if you want.
Yea, we’ll def. get some 98 in. Unfortunetly I can’t install anything on the comp at home but once I get back to SC this Saturday we can play online/offline. I’d really like to get into KOF again.
Mark of the Wolves, really? Must be in a test room or something, I know thats the case with SS2 but unfortunetly I can’t IRC yet…
Yo Carmen, when I get situated at home we will have some battles in SS2 DEFINATELY. You better bring ur A+ game!! I gotta practice some 98 too, I cant let Thanh dominate that shit any longer. I may not be in SC anymore but I’m still gonna battle you guys for supremacy in every single game!
Im like the ghost of obi wan kenobi haha
Thanh, where are you getting the supported games list? This one looks official, but it’s missing some on your list.
I’d like to get some games in this Sunday since I’ll be gone all next week.
those are for 2.7. I am using 2.9
I’ll see if I can get it running on my old PC at home…
Josh, when do you have a break between class? I was thinking we could play GG – you down with that? Do you have US accent core?
YO man, there’s been an emergency. All my weekends got booked with shits. How about the last weekend in June (28-29)?
I’m back in SC… again. Its so peaceful here in the summer, but the force of T. Hawk’s Storm Hammer will change that I foresee
LOL, JMS let me check my schedule tonights and see. That should work
JMS & Andy, what about the first (or any) weekend in July? I’ll be out of town the last one in June.
Not sure about my 4th of July plans, so that weekend might be good! Second weekend in July is good for me, third weekend is busy.
If those don’t work, June 4-5 of 2011 is a good weekend for me.
You are all busy on Aug 8th -10th because you are coming with me to evo
Haha… if I could see Evo once I could die a happy man. But, actually, I could die happy regardless, because I just downloaded the new GGPO - you were right Thanh!, Shin SS and Mark of the Wolves! Just need to get some Bakumatsu and some Real Bout out there and I’ll never leave the computer.
So, anybody want to do anything? I have like, no classes for half the week.
Carmen, I’m out of town now, but I’ll be back this weekend. I’ve been meaning to try GGPO for some time now.
Cool. We should def. get some games… I take it Thanh and Andy are still around too?
Yea, I just noticed today there is a “Third Strike” button on that list to the side… seems like its calling out for you, haha!
andy, I’ll say this one last time if you (or anyone) wants to plan or get together with me, call me; don’t ask me online. I do not have a computer. You have my number, if anyone else wants it either ask Andy or PM me.
That said, I think we should indeed get together for Guilty Gear with Carmen or anyone else who is interested.