State College Spring 2008 A.D. - The Firm's Final Attack!


So sean does this mean im supposed to lose and say “if you strike me down ill become more powerful than you could possibly imagine?” If so then cool haha

yes! and it means scott must avenge you next semester. thanh is most definitely han solo

Well, he does travel around in search of wealth, and he did get himself encased in carbonite that one time… But other than that, I don’t see the connection.

if you are luke, and he’s o’l wandering han, it makes sense; esp. when savonne dies

Who does that make me then?

crosses fingers hoping for Lando

HAHAH This star wars shit is the best.

Dan = Lando
FMJ = palapatine
Keith and Carmen are those 2 dudes who followed Mace Windu into Palpatines chambers
Sonny and Cherry could be Luke’s Aunt and Uncle who took care of him
Chase = Qui Gon Jin
Josh = General Grevious
Teenage Anakin = Jarron


I won’t be in Philly. I’ll be in NY for a day or two. If the time is right, I may drive down there on my way back to SC.

Cool man, I hope you can make it… It should be a lot of fun.

Once you guys start double-casting us all as Ewoks… I call dibs on the one that gets shot!

im going to make a post later im just holding this spot regarding the ***FINAL ATTACK.

***stay tuned

jarvi = jar jar… wherever he is :frowning:

Chris = Boba Fett
Kyle = Mace Windu
Nate = admiral Akbar
Jason = Count Dooku

“And so the sky opened up and THE FIRM descended to Earth to test the might of the worthy ones”

  • Firm 11:2

So we come upon the final battle and thus the final attack. This is THE FIRM’S last week at PSU as a student. I think its only fitting that I go out in a bang or according to Seans Star Wars/State College story, getting chopped in half by Dennis Vader. So I want to have 1 last play session and then liquidate THE FIRMS assets aka my skillz.

Is Anyone able to play tuesday or wednesday? I know Keith can only play tuesday.

Let me know, whats up with you guys. I might hire a film crew and tell him to record us playing. Maybe it could be the newest highlander or starwars movie.

in the end there can be only THE FIRM.

Yeah, I’m good for tomorrow. Hopefully Scott can also play tomorrow because I’m still stick-less. :sweat:

wait… wouldn’t that make me a robot or something… oh well, atleast the robot people were unbeatable killing machines in battlefront.

I want a class of 2008 picture

I am always free
to fulfill the FIRM’s prophecy.

This is good news because I am only free tuesday.

rofl. @ jarvi being jarjar

savonne, I have the legendary fmj stick to pass down to u

Tomorrow (tues) is fine for me, and I can host if Andy can’t. We’ll record and post footage one way or another; we may even add live commentary by Keith

Keithefeller is down!