Star Wars

I hate to agree with AlphaCharlie of all people, but fans have been bitching about Disney era star wars ever since the Lucasfilm buyout happened. Lmao.

I personally feel like it’s rare to see star wars “fans” genuinely happy about anything regarding the franchise.

Unlikely. Last Jedi was such unparalleled trash. Almost nothing could ‘fix’ it. Best case scenario, it just gets retconned out of existence.

The fandom, overall, was MUCH more positive prior to Last Jedi. We might have had problems with Force Awakens but, most of us considered it a decent new start and hoped it’s problems would be fixed in the next one. Or that there was a Plan for the trilogy that would pay off the mysteries and other things Force Awakens hyped.


You know what sucks? In the grand scheme of things, you take that one action by itself and it is a legitimate epic Jedi feet. This Jedi couldn’t physically make it to a battle so he used the force to teleport his essence there and fight anyway.

Think the issue though, is that we’re showing his X-wing underwater to harken back to the yoda training stuff. He was able to get it out and working then. Think that scene gave people the idea that the x-wing could still be functional after a good number of years under salt water. That was definitely a story telling mistake from Rian.

Think if we’d gotten a scene where Luke panics and isn’t able to restart it (showing him force lifting the thing and going through all the struggle), then the next scenes with him suddenly in the salt planet would’ve legit been some WTF that would’ve made him being a ghost appearance all the more hype.

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^^ Fixed.

Maybe i would but, it just ended it’s run in my state. Which i caught the very Final showing of.

Thus ends the run of one of the most enchanting yet badass movies in YEARS.

And some fucking teleporting astral projection shenanigans killed his ass. LOL makes no fucking sense. Since when can Jedi’s die from using the force.

Ruin Johnson and Kathleen Kennedy willed it so.

Lol wut?

Using the force has always been physically strenuous. Stands to reason that conjuring up vast amounts of it to do anything would cause issues.

I don’t necessarily think TLJ did a good job of setting up that aspect of it, but you can tell that the more involved certain actions are, the more strain is shown by people. That’s why silly force jumps are easy but force pull (since you’re just manipulating your physical self) but controlling other physical objects requires concentration.


You put more thought into this post, than Rian and Kathleen put into the entirety of Episode 8.

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We were excited but…describes Jedi Fallen Order to me.

Did he really “die” though?

Also, earlier in the movie Kylo asked Rey if she was the one making them see each other through the Force, but then said, naw, the effort would kill her.

Luke did a hell of a lot more than just a Skype call.

TLJ is ass but lets not get amnesia fam. Obi-Wan straight ghosts himself with the Force when he faces off with Vader in Episode. He fades away like Luke did in TLJ.

I think the way it played it was more effective. I remember in the theater thinking he must have flown in the X-Wing. Then when it revealed him on the rock I was pretty amazed. Got goosebumps and shit.

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You see the massive negative reaction to it? That means he punted it.

You may have liked it, but the did a terribad job getting that message across. :man_shrugging:

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Let’s be honest, the negative reaction was to most of the movie. I thought it was pretty clear what had happened with Luke.


One more time.

You see the massive negative reaction? That means he punted it. Much like everything else going on with TLJ. He had a pretty cool idea and executed it poorly.

If you say something and people get the wrong impression of it, you have to go back to how the message was conveyed. Sure there are times when people are to blame on stuff. But you can’t just dump it all on people and call it a day.

In the case of the movie it is very much clear that a lot was lost in the final product. There are just no two ways around it.


Yeah I don’t see it that way, but you all know that already. To the point where it’s become a fucking meme with me liking the movie :joy:.

I understood exactly what was going on once it showed him meditating in midair back on the island.

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About it.

No two ways about it.

Around and about can be used somewhat interchangeably, to denote general proximity, or approximation.

There’s no two ways about it, however, refers to something being a certainty.

It is not a meme.

It is a sensory defect.
