Star Wars



Even if it’s good, this trilogy has long been borked beyond repair. Can’t have two craptacular movies and a good third entry and look upon it in a good light.

Also nice job on Disney backpeddling from the “scorched earth” tactics of the other movies. Trying to force us(no pun) to forget about the classic characters by trashing them, in order to make the new guys look good so we’ll accept them. Saying we need to “grow up” and move on from the old guys. Now they’re going back to the well again by bringing back Lando, Palpatine, and who knows what else (no doubt, to trash them. Again, in a bid to make the new guys looks good).

At least they finally realized it was retarded to buy a billion dollar franchise only to scrap everything memorable about it and start fresh, with their own crew. It’s a little late now though.

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Bros before Rose, more like.

He’d def take a peg or six from Rey Broho.

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I get it. Rey is Luke’s daughter…

Maybe now Disney will learn it’s lesson about Quality Control!

You don’t buy a billion dollar franchise, then let the inmates run the asylum unsupervised. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened. Kathleen Kennedy and her circus retards rampaged unchecked, making crappy movies, and insulting the fandom left & right. The 40 years of Goodwill Lucas & Co fought to build up? Practically undone within a mere few years.

Of the 4 movies, only Rogue One wasn’t insulting to the franchise.

That’s always been Disney model. It’s worked out for them with Pixar and Marvel. I rather have that than trying to micromanage.

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They were LUCKY with those properties. Obviously as the disaster with Star Wars had proven, it’s NOT a good idea. Star Wars was supposed to be their latest Golden Goose acquisition too. Now it’s laughable with its diminishing movie profits, the toys don’t sell, a fandom jaded, etc.

Disney is smart enough to know to leave shit alone. When you already got successful properties the best thing to do is to leave things be. Things didn’t go downhill for Star Wars until episode 8 anyway.

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When is Alpha Charlie going to lick Kathleen Kennedy’s punani?

Epic matchup!

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Again, they were LUCKY that the Pixar & MCU crew with competent and knew what they were doing to be left alone. We know now that was NOT the right move with Star Wars, and led to disaster.

Things were starting to falter prior to Episode 8 also. With the various strange decisions made with the other movies (Rey’s Mary sueness, Kylo Ren getting bitched out in his first movie, etc).

No they weren’t. There were no huge fan backlashes in Disney era Star Wars prior to episode 8. Your personal gripes with episode 7 isn’t faltering.


The majority of the fandom had problems with those things i mentioned. But Force Awakens was a decent enough new start, that we were willing to give them a benefit of a doubt that things would improve in the sequel. Like Rey having a proper backstory and explanation for her Mary Sue’ness, Kylo Ren stepping up and being a credible villain, Snoke’s character paying off, etc.

Which none of the above happened. It just made it worse.

The more I think about it, the more I believe Rey will be a Skywalker, but not how you think.

Despite all the hate TLJ gets, a very significant thing happened at the end of it. Luke Skywalker transformed his namesake into mythology when he projected himself across the galaxy as a physical manifestation. He quite literally and figuratively “skywalked” across the cosmos, an act we had not seen any Jedi perform up to that point. We can’t forget the significance of this.

I think what we will see is the next evolution of powerful Force users born out of the conflict between the dark side and light side of the Force. The entire Skywalker saga is centrally themed on the fight for that balance. Anakin transforming from light to darkness, back to light again. Luke overcoming temptation to strike his father down in anger, refusing to succumb to the darkness.

Kylo, another Skywalker, now completely following the dark path, yet even he says forget about the Sith and the Jedi, let the past die.

And then there’s Rey, who went straight to the dark side and confronted it, right in front of Luke when he was teaching her to embrace the Force.

I think all these things have set up what will become a new powerful order, Force users who maintain a balance in the Force, and they will be called Skywalkers (essentially Grey Jedi). Rey will be the first Skywalker, named after the last true Jedi whose final living act is sealed into legend. She will learn from the sacred Jedi texts, and she will confront Kylo, who is now completely consumed by the dark, and defeat him by using both sides of the Force.

This could turn the sequel trilogy into something really special, and it would validate Luke’s legacy. But it would probably still piss off the legion of angry Star Wars nerds :laughing:. No matter how awesome IX potentially is, y’all got so triggered by VIII there’s no turning back.


There wasn’t any backlash for any of those. I had issues with Rey in episode 7 too but those weren’t things that threaten to derail the franchise. Not like the fan reaction to episode 8 and Solo flopping.


You don’t luck out with multiple properties. Also they didn’t let them reign freely. The early days of marvel were notoriously under watchful eye.


Alphacharlie, go watch Alita another 20 times.
And leave us STAR wars nerds in peace.

I never said there was a backlash. But Force Awakens was not without it’s problems, and that caused concern for the majority. But like i said, Force awakens was decent enough in the end, that we were willing to give it the benefit of a doubt that those issues would be addressed in a sequel.

Only it didn’t. Rey’s Mary sue’ness not only wasn’t fixed, it was EMBRACED. And it’s pretty clear Kylo Ren would die horribly if he attempted to stand his ground against Rey Again.

Last Jedi being such trash, it retroactively dragged Force Awakens down with it.

I’m thinking Rise of Skywalker could be so good it will lift the other two up and provide the context and closure needed to soothe the butthurt.