Star Wars

That TIE fighter in the desert flying like a land speeder gave me that Super Mario Maker vibe.

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I am slightly concerned because if a few cues.

Lando in The Falcon
Skiffs on a Desert planet
A part of a Death Star
Palpatine laughing

Is this going to be ROTJ v2.0?

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All signs point to yes.

RoTJ Super Turbo.

Kylo will turn to the light side.

I know some were joking but Disney would never allow an incestuous offspring.
Maybe if George was still in charge ,but definitely not now.

Probably. But Iā€™ll just go enjoy the cool special effects.

Wish I had a copy of TFA. I remember having fun watching it. Need to give it a second go.

Also did I miss her or was there no Rose in the trailer?

I think this is ultimately what fans wanted. A retread of the same story.

I still generally enjoy the movie, but definitely feel that the story told where the cracks show that there really wasnā€™t a plan to begin with (hence all the rehashing of ideas).

She wasnā€™t there.

I bet Darth Vader comes back.

That would be awful. He redeemed himself at the end.

But if the ghost of Palpateen runs a shimmy though. :thinking:

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Thatā€™s what they should have done from the jump.

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Well that is one way to get people to come back.

Trailer was pretty wack.

Iā€™ve never really cared bout Star Wars outside the books. :man_shrugging:t4:

Remember when Luke projected himself across the galaxy? He was almost literally walking across the sky. I donā€™t think we should downplay the importance of that act.

Luke was the last Jedi. New order of force users are called Skywalkers?


You know what, I could get behind that.

Edit - Ian McDiarmid appeared directly after the trailer onstage at Celebration.

Was Darth Sidious somehow responsible for the immaculate conception of Anakin?

As soon as I heard Sir Ian McDiar-GAWDTIER is backā€¦


And so it begins


This isnt a full blown trailer, its a teaser. Different goal from a trailer.

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Iā€™ll give you guys a choice, either I stay in this thread and completely shit and hate on the movie. Or I can go elsewhere lol


As someone that hates TLJ, Iā€™d like to know more before I completely shit on this movie.

Oooh, we gonā€™ give mods ultimatum?

The Sith have gotten a hold of you, old padawan.



I mean what the fuck else can they do to redeem the pile of shit that TLJ was. Even Mark Hamil hates it.

Oh yeaā€¦ they will try to pander to us old school guys by bringing back Palpatineā€¦ suuuuuuuureeeeeee that will make the movie good.

Maybe Palpatine can force lightning Rose.