Palpy’s BACK!!!
I’ll watch episode 9 when it hits the streaming service. Fuck giving it my money in theaters.
Where does Mark Hamill say he hates the movie? I get he did the whole disagree part but actually praised the movie at completion.
Anyway, I am eager to see who and or what Skywalker is.
He obviously can’t say I HATE the movie since he’s getting paid. But he knows that they butchered Luke Skywalker just like everyone else knows.
I don’t think Palpatine is BACK back, though. I think his presence got infused in that chunk of Death Star 2.0 when it sploded. Now that chunk is stuck in the ocean and he’s haunting that motherfucker.
This is gonna be a ghost story.
Bro, if we get a goofy ass movie with an SW scooby. 10/10 will enjoy the salty tears.
Well. . . . . . Ok. Not approving of character direction and not liking to the movie are different.
Don’t know about the movie itself but that entire trailer was basically a middle finger to Episode VIII. “Let the past die!” Kylo is putting his helmet back on. Lando is back. Palpatine is apparently back. They show a planet with the rubble of the second Death Star, etc. The movie basically seems to be Episode IX: Retconning Rian Johnson
C’mon Palpatine clone saga from the EU comics.
Let’s make this trilogy even more bullshit than it already is.
It doesn’t even need to be a clone.
Let me dreeeeeeeeam
Oh it’s clear how they are setting that up. Mara Jade gonna pop up at some point.
Trying to wrap this story up as a trilogy would be a mistake. There’s so much to fix and one film can’t do it all.
I just hope Finn gets some loving from Rose.
Just so I can shout in the theater…
I honestly give zero fucks about Rose. Her character was so pointless in TLJ. Her sister was more interesting in her 5 minutes of screen time.
Agreed, she’s not needed. She’ll get a glorified cameo at best in this next movie.
I was just being silly. The sister was prettier but she is dead.
Go with the ho you got.