Star Wars

what if RJ trains like Rocky and makes a comeback with the greatest trilogy ever made.
what are the chances of that happening? possible.



A virgin Wookieā€™s chance at a Furry convention.

Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker. Sort of meh on the trailer. Didnā€™t hate it/Didnā€™t love it.

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Well it fits with the other two trilogy ending filmsā€™ naming style

R word of blank with the moved to the front lol

Is that Palpatineā€™s laugh at the end or meant to be someone else?



It is Palpatine. Ian McDiarmid showed up after the lights came on after the teaser.


Yes to Ian McDiarmid

I hope it turns out Snoke is ether a pawn of Palpatine or something to that effect.

After how much they vomited on the story in the past 2 moviesā€¦ Iā€™ll wait for DVD/Stream to watch this shit.

Sure, you do you.
Let the rest of us enjoy the ā€œniceā€ movie with our overpaid Popcorn and Soda.

Simple yet effective. Letā€™s see how things shape of this go around.

So we still boycotting on nah?

Here comes dat kylo faceturn

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I find it very likely. The man has an idea on how to create character drama especially with his previous works. This will also be a story crafted with an intended beginning, middle, and end. It also wonā€™t be created in a vacuum, so there will be a guiding vision but others to bounce the ideas off of.

All that Last Jedi bullshingles just to name the last one Rise of Skywalker?


Might as well have titled it: ā€œWell Fuck Rian, Our Badā€



Kylo is a Skywalker.

I mentioned this as well.

Do I think theyā€™ll make Kylo and Rey related? Perhaps Han was out here slinging it across the galaxy and Leia got pissed


See, I was hoping Rey was Leia and Lukeā€™s daughter. Yeah, they fucked up. And thatā€™s why they left her in the desert and Luke went into exile.

But it didnā€™t turn out that way.


First he killed his dad and now he is gonna cuck his name too?


Alright, watched the trailer. 9/10 teaser. Felt super Star Wars-y in all the best possible ways. Reyā€™s outfit was bad ass, jumping over that one ship is Jedi nonsense thats cool. Hopefully this is the movie where Rey can be really likeable as a human being.

At this point you kind of have to accept that sheā€™s just gonna be bonkers. TLJ already set those expectations. Hoping we just get to see her be solid. Poe and Finn are cool characters to me
Just wished TLJ had hooked all three up properly.

Looks like its gonna be a fun time though. Kind of how I commented about FF7 giving me those silly goosebumps from when I was a kid. There were certain sounds and feelings in the teaser that just give you those good SW vibes. Kind of lile hearing the Star Trek theme orchestrated. Weird shared pop cultural experiences.


Welp, 8 months of speculation. The reality is that if it is Lukeā€™s kid, that makes him look even worse as a father.

That opening monologue is definitely not to Rey. They have never been that on the nose in these trailers.

Lando being back in the Captainā€™s seat of the Millennium Falcon was probably my favorite moment.

Bonus note - The Falcon has the circular dish now.