Star Wars

Well, I mean…the entire movie would be a retcon then

I honestly don’t really care for JJ’s style of storytelling. They can retcon it just to save face and I am fine. This sequel trilogy is a great example of what happens when you just launch something with no roadmap. This is frankly why I completely understand why Marvel wants to take their time adding in the X-Men.

RJ is still working on the other set of stories. I think that at least those will be a much better put together saga. Frankly I am ready to see IX moreso to see how it ends than the journey itself.

They should kill everybody and then reboot the whole series from A New Hope.

Burn it all to the ground, Star Wars stans are annoying anyway.


Sorry don’t mean to be annoying

In all seriousness, 7 8 9 should have been it’s own saga with no ties at all to the previous trilogy. I regret being a fan who wanted to see the story continue after 6

Well the hard part is that there are a lot of cool directions things could’ve gone. The issue is that once you commit to a direction, there are always going to be people who dont like it.

There’s no real way they could’ve moved forward without telling the ending of the original cast. Thats basically what a lot of long term fans wanted. But what we’ve gotten so far is variable in quality.

Doesnt help that they were handling sensitive material in the OG trio. So thats just where were at now. They should’ve had stories befitting of the legends. I’ll add a bit more later.

Yeah burn his bum ass character too.

He tried to cosplay his grandfather but forgot that Big Daddy Vader redeems himself. So he is all up in cosplay and fake news.

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My brother told me Disney plans on dropping the trailer for episode 9 for showing of Avengers Endgame. That makes a lot of sense if it’s true.

Star Wars Celebration is this weekend. If there is a trailer, we’d know before next week.

Yeah, that’s kinda what I was thinking, but I got shot down for saying it over in the MCU thread. Everyone seems to think it won’t be revealed until June or July.

Dont know that I care about the trailer for this movie. But I’ve also stopped caring about trailers altogether. The less I kmow, the more fun I habe with a movie.

@chadouken we need to go together though. Drive ya ass to El Paso and we’ll catch a saturday matinee.


Can we go to Alamo Drafthouse?


I dont know how easily we’d get tickets but sure. We can tore up on mexican cokes and popcorn.

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Lol, right on, man. It may be second viewing for me. I’ve committed to going opening weekend with my movie-going friends here in Cruces. You’re welcome to join us, too, though I know that’s a little tougher for you with the kind and all. We’ll work something out, either way.

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We should stream the after movie convo afterwards too. This whole thread and suck it with spoiler talk.




You know, if you want, we can watch TFA and TLJ beforehand. I own both.

A whole day of nonsense.

RIP thoughm dont have a single friend wgo wants to runback either of those movies.

Do you?

Or do they own you? :coffee:

Yeah man, I bought them both on Blu-ray!

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Star Wars Celebration Live Stream