Then I guess all of us FBA players will just have to play together!
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was possible in places like Korea, where the geographical size is small and super-high-speed internet is all over the place. Denki is from Japan, so I don’t if that’s quite the same, but that might explain why he’s saying that…
NFBA now has 0 frames of input lag. :tup:
That’s just the way NFBA describes the ROM for some reason. It’s the same world ROM that works in NFBA or Mame. (Not that anyone uses Mame these days). So you’re good to go.
Join our league and I don’t think you will lack challenging opponents.
Yeah, it’s not likely to get that kind of ping here. I would need to play somebody in the same city to get that kind of ping. (I’m in Canada)
Have they fixed the sound problem yet?
or cammy’s stage having a tear in it. Or dhalsims stage running to fast and the background is messed?
Kawaks ftw
Did nFBA steal your girlfriend or something? Why so bitter? I’ve used kawaks. As far as I’m concerned, and I’m sure most of the other people here, nFBA rips its dick off.
:lol: It never stops!
As to Kawaks…
You might want to take what I’m going to say with a grain of salt, considering I’m playing using my keyboard…but uh…
It seems like if anything, Kawaks has input lag. I can’t seem to get the timing right for a :hcf:+:p: to save my life, especially on Ryu’s red fbs. I can nail it every time with nFBA though…
So uh…I dunno if Kawaks has input lag…or maybe nFBA has some and I’m just used to it…or what but…yeah. Thought I’d offer my input there.
Input lag has nothing to do with whether or not you can actually do your moves.
It does if you’re trying to time a reversal with proper offline timing and you actually need to do it frames earlier due to input lag.
However I don’t think with the right equipment input lag is a big problem, net lag and input dropping is on a bad connection.
yes of course.
Now i am playing in osaka and usually i get a ping between 12 and 20 but i have tested in Tokyo and there i can get a ping of less than 5. (all with LAN quality)
Hey Denki,
Are you using the newest nFBA with the p2p client ? If you are I would like to exchange recorded matches with you to watch on the player. I’d send you mine and I’ll watch yours.
I’m really interested in seeing the skill level on the emu. scene where you live. If you have
MSN/AIM/YIM we could do it through that, plus I’m always up for ST discussion and making new friends.
It doesn’t. NKI tested and it’s 4 frames to action on screen just as per arcade board.
It’s probably nFBA’s wonky CPS2 emulation where it speeds up some stages that has you doubting.
Could be. I dunno. All I know is I can do red fireballs, yoga flames, etc. consistenly on nFBA and with mixed results on Kawaks.
As for my ability to perform the moves…didn’t I just state that I can do any :hcf:+:p: on nFBA? It’s obviously not my inability to perform the moves.
The only moves I have trouble with are :l:<charge>:r::l::r:+:p:/:k: I can’t seem to ever do them
I never said you couldn’t do moves. But I do think that might be a problem. I have no troubles doing what you describe on keyboard.
Kawaks has wonky input detection.
I see.
As for the charge specials, hell, I can’t even do those on a stick
But yeah, I dunno. Probably is just the wacky nFBA stuff throwing me off.
NFBA’s input detection is perfectly fine, I am a NAZI about such things, the problem is based on the connection you have with someone.
Could be. I’ll test it more rigorously in offline play, but from what I recall, I had the same problem offline when playing a friend (I used keyboard, he used some shitty controller)
Edit: Yeah, just tested it offline with just me and my keyboard. I can throw a red fb every time on nFBA, without fail, and almost never can in Kawaks. I’ll make vids if anyone wants to see. It’s really weird. I guess this is just a problem that I’m having and no one else then.
Yes, i do! And i have an input lag of 0, i started using in this days and now is really the same as the game center until the last frame.
This is the situation in Japan:
All kaillera players use emerald mame (that has a input lag of 0) or some other emulator but unfortunatly not nFBA and the reason is very simple: for playing in japan they use server and for nFBA is possible only p2p. If in Japan you dont have some friends to connect p2p is a hard work to find some people to play if not in the server as sixbanana.
If it will be possible to put together the 0 input lag emulator as nFBA and the server connections as emerald mame it will be as the game center.
However connecting p2p in japan as a delay from ping = 0 because (it depends from the city) but is about 3-5 ping or probably tokyo-tokyo near to 0 ping.
0 input lag on a central server