ST Online w/ negligible lag

not you, but the dude not using the piano method complaining that he can’t reversal.

I’ve only been using nFBA for a couple weeks but I’ve had nothing but good experiences. I haven’t noticed any input delay offline and online I think nFBA P2P is the best option for SF2 (better than MAME or XBL). Hope to see you all online.

If we’re sharing our experiences:

Mine, and other Seattle ST players’ experience is that even P2P NFBA ST is garbage, and there are other online players I have talked to that think it’s only good for fun too.

ST is like VF, in that it’s a VERY frame specific game. So, if you cannot time down to the specific frame, then it becomes a crapshoot. For example, on wakeups you have only ONE reversal frame where you will win out on throws against the person that knocked you down. If you can’t time to this very frame, (which is more based on luck than on a consistent frame rate setting like DC or Arcade) than the outcomes of matches can be very, very different.

I also notice that fullscreen fireballs are MUCH harder to get around than offline because of net inconsistencies. Even on a connection where NFBA claimed that there was only 3 frames of input lag, it was well worse than what I would consider “playable”.

Tick throws are also a lot less useful online than they are offline, because again, you can’t time to one frame as consistently.

Try kawaks 1.59, i have problems with st in nfba too. And try increasing the polling speed of the usb port you are using.

What TRT said. NFBA is trash. Remember that CCC2 had 4 extra frames of input delay and it took a while for anyone to notice, I’d look at making sure your USB port speed is set correctly (1ms) and trying Kawaks 1.59 with the September release of the P2P client.

Good luck.

How are you people hooking up to play? IRC, AIM etc? I wanna get in on some of this =]

Online is fun and for the most part very playable, but I must agree with Fatboy and Airthrow - it can’t be used as a serious measure of how good somebody really is.

Here is the edit from this post:

** EDIT >>> I played with ‘Brian’ last night 03/04/08. I plugged in and used my DOA stick as opposed to my converter and HRAP. It felt a lot better! It did not have that floaty feeling (less/no input lag)! There was a bit of gameplay/connection lag, but considering it was was a EAST - WEST coast conecction, I don’t think I could have been much better. I can only imagine how great the connection is if we lived closer! Nothing beats P2P in real life (i.e. Arc. & Console) … but this is a good alternative for casual play.:tup: Thanks for helping me get set up!**

But you can tell who is really really shitty at it, you can also tell if they have good fundamentals. You can also tell who knows the exploits of the games.

As the case with fatboy shows, if you arent finding nfba to be a great way to play ST online, then most likely there is something wrong with your setup.

Im no tech expert, but getting rid of converters for sticks helps alot (try a 360 stick) as does closing whatever other programs you have running/ using the net etc. Im sure there could be many other possible issues here like routers, different isps blah blah.

But seriously alot of very picky players (like me) have been impressed with how great nfba is.

Please don’t come on here and declare unilaterally that nfba sucks/is only good “for fun” and so on when it could easily just be your own personal problem.

I’m with brian. I’m very picky when it comes to playing SF, everything needs to feel right, from the stick, to the buttons, to the animation. My experience on nFBA has gotten me addicted to ST again after a decade. It has even prompted me to buy an arcade cab just to further enhance the experience. Reversals are not a problem, same for on reaction dps, etc. I too suspect most of the problems people are having are local (internet connection, pc, stick, converter). The most important thing for a good connection is low latency. Cable modems beat dsl in this regard. If you are experiencing any input lag at all, even with a bad connection, it is most likely your converter.

HOLY. What kind of converter are you using for THAT?

No converter. Happ 360 optical sticks and push buttons connected to an i-pac ( interface which connects to pc via usb or ps/2.

i dont think so, with this data:

playing with emulator give this lag:

a basic of 1 or 2 frame of input lag(even offline) it depends from emulator

“n” frame with n: frame from internet lag and you can calculate by this: 1 frame every 17 pointo of ping.

if u can have less than 17 of ping is quite the same of the game center.

Things are looking up on this front with NFBA. While the Feb. 11th standard release has 1 frame of input lag, the Feb. 23rd Dev Test has 0. If the fact that it’s a beta makes you skittish, don’t worry; it seems certain that there will be a stable release before too long with 0 frames of input lag.

I went over to a friend’s house a couple of weekends ago to play some ST. We played some offline games and then watched each other challenge some online opponents. I couldn’t even feel a difference between the two. That’s what a fast-connection game should feel like. :tup:

Do you expect to play somebody with 17 points of ping regularly?

Assuming you get a connection with 40 ping. That adds 2 frames on top of the two frames from the emulator. That’s a total of 4 frames input lag. CCC2 had 4 frames of input lag and many pro players considered it unplayable at the tourney level.

Now I’m not saying online ST sucks or anything. I am saying that while good can never replace the live experience. It can never be as accurate in measuring an opponents full ability as the live experience.

So I got FBA, SSF2, and ST. And, well, apparently the ROM version I got has some different ROM info so its name shows up differently in FBA and Kaillera than most people’s ST ROMs do, meaning they can’t join my games and I can’t join theirs. If anyone could uh…PM me some…info…regarding the proper version of the game, let me know.

Mine shows up as Super Street Fighter II Turbo (super street fighter 2 X 940223 etc), where most people’s show up as Super Street Fighter II Turbo (World 940223) I think.

I did find one kid on there with the same version as me. And his Boxer was mean, but I still stomped him with my keyboard lawl.

You need to find the World version, it’s just that simple. I can’t direct you to find it, you just have to do that on your own. To do so would be a blatant violation of the forum rules.

I’m not going out of my way to get banned today, Sorry you are just going to have do the work yourself.

Google is your friend.

I found the World version. It just has a different Info box and FBA reads it as a different ROM than what most people have. It’s the same game though. I guess I wasn’t clear enough. I didn’t exactly ask for someone to find me a download for the proper version. I just wanna know why I can’t play with people who have the same game with a slightly different info box.

Edit: MAME reads it as it is supposed to be and thus will work online; however, I really don’t want to use MAME and really do want to use FBA…

Anyone else run into this problem?

It’s listed as (etc.) for me in nfba as well. I guess that’s how nfba shows the world rom. In mame it’s listed as world.