ST Online w/ negligible lag

can you read?


would be nice to quote the full line, unless of course, you can’t read and missed it. NKI says

Owned. Nice knowing you, though.

It’s not a performance issue with nFBA, something just isn’t right when playing ST on it. It’s not the input delay as far as I can tell, but maybe it’s just me.

No, you are right, the emulation of ST is off on NFBA.


Here is my playing history…
Shit loads of Arc. Cab.
Shit loads of Console.
Shit loads of XBL.
Moderate amounts of Mame.
Shit loads of NFBA this weekend…

B4 I start… Major shout outs to Raisin and DJ Friojles.

I played HELLA NFBA this weekend (based on this thread) at least 250 ~ 300 matches with many different people.

Heres what I found (NO SURPISE to anyone): Arcade> Console> XBL~ MANE~ nFBA

XBL, Mame, and NFBA all play about the same. Neither are any better than the other. All suffer from the same issues. Some more than others…

If XBL is working well (is has been lately, around X-mas it was trash), I think it is the best ot the three.: Little game play lag, no input lag, small but solid player base. Downer, the 59.99 annual price tag for a gold membership…

Mame, and NFBA are about the same. They both suffer from emulation problems: Bad sound, glitchy, etc. However, they are free, and there are hella’ SRKers on it.

IMHO, there was quite a bit of input lag on nFBA. I noticed it right away. Even running 1p without playing on Kailera, I could feel it.

I have not played MAME in a bit, so I don’t remember if it any better in terms of input lag. I don’t remember it. But I could be there.

However, you still have tons of lag tactics on nFBA, tons of Honda’s headbutt /butt splashs, tick throws, turbo controllers/ programmable, and tons of “I love to jump b/c I can” jumpers. The input lag and actual game lag can really make it hard to counter these simple as tactics.

I played a Rog last night. All he did was, Jp. fierce> low roundhouse, with an occasional headbut tick> repeat trap… It was so hard to AA him out of the air. I had to pracitaly anticipate jumps B4 they even happen, meaning I could not watch for the jump and then “place” my counter. That is not what SF should be. By the time I got use to the different factors of lags, the set was over (it was a Super Sunday set).

However, some connections were better then average, and the input lag was very manageable.

With that said, all online options have the ability to play reasonably well. None of them are much better than the other. They are great for casual play, but don?t base a lot of merit on whether you win or lose.

** EDIT >>> I played with ‘Brian’ last night 03/04/08. I plugged in and used my DOA stick as opposed to my converter and HRAP. It felt a lot better! It did not have that floaty feeling (less/no input lag)! There was a bit of gameplay/connection lag, but considering it was was a EAST - WEST coast conecction, I don’t think I could have been much better. I can only imagine how great the connection is if we lived closer! Nothing beats P2P in real life (i.e. Arc. & Console) … but this is a good alternative for casual play.:tup: Thanks for helping me get set up! :pray:**

How are you peoples hooking up to play?

I also have some trouble doing stuff online that IRL is simple. For example, I can combo Vega’s flipkicks on the DC and PS1 versions (not all the time but at least I can do it) but hardly ever on nFBA/mame (I think I have pulled it off twice and one of them was randomly mashing on KB). I also have some problems doing some basic, bread and butter combos such as j. fierce, c. forward, c. strong which I can do 100% of the time on PS1 and DC. The lag tactics are pretty cheap too such as random blanka balls, wall dives, jump ins, rushdown, you name it. I find I have to just my tactics IE: having to insert random psychic dps into fireball barrages when I play as O. ken in order to beat jump ins, randomly flipping away as Vega while poking in order to combat random shit, etc. I also am able to get away with really retarded shit sometimes such as using vegas 3k flip in order to whore meter while losing and take away 75% of their life with his super. The message is that when you play online, be prepared to deal with really random tactics that you will never see irl ST (well maybe CCC2 ST).

I agree with you fatboy. As I started recently playing online (thanks to Djfrijoles) I’ve noticed many of the same things. Even though I’m playing with keyboard, there is quite a bit of randomness and unexpected things occurring. Pulling reversals (which I NEVER have prob. w/on console) is nearly impossible due to the lag/prog. (that’s bad news for players like me that rely reflex and execution). It’s still a lot of fun and I’ve learned a few neat tricks that are quite simple and hard to counter. AA is a major pain, esp. in mame (nFBA does have lag but only occasionally); performing complicated combos (very easy on console) is downright evil [even though I’m on kb, any lag will still mess it up]. I’m glad u decided to jump on the ST online wagon as well. One good thing is I have yet to meet any jerks/idiots/morons/rude people. The wide range of tactics that diff. people use is what I enjoy the most (except for tick throw city; pain in the ass on kb to get out of).

On Kawaks 1.59 p2p I get reversals all the time

I think it has less to do with your “reflex and execution” and more with the just not being able to do them problem.

Fatboy, you claim that you have input lag on nfba even offline… If I understand correctly this has been tested, and there is no (maybe 1 frame?) of input lag.

It could be the case however that you have delay in whatever converter you’re using… how are you hooking up your stick?

So, True! LOLOLOL :lol:



Hey, that is great point! :karate: I am playing on modded Hori RAP 2, with modded stick and buttons.

I am not trying to flame or start stupid shit. I am just saying what my experiece was. It just feels “floaty” if that makes any sense.

All I am really saying, to those who don’t play on it (people like me, before this weekend), is it is fun, but it has its problems. It is not the second coming of christ or anything. On line play… well… is on line play.

For the record, I think everybody should jump on it and play. However, given how much I play on other platforms (arc/console) it is very hard to play “hard core/ ultra high level of game play” due to the nature of on-line game play. It is not a knock to NFBA, as I said it is just the nature of on-line game play… But, I had FUN and will prob. be on it more than XBL now.

I am just making/giving my option to those who would like to hear it, or for those (like me) who are thinking of playing on it.

I’ll look in to the converter bit thanks! :tup:

It just sounds like you might not have gotten the best possible nfba experience… I’m pretty sure there is essentially zero lag offline so something sounds fishy.

Perhaps you should reserve judgement on the netcode until you have the offline play part worked out :).

Oh and as for the reversal issue… for what it’s worth I can get reversals almost 100 percent of the time both on and offline using the piano method. I think the leeway the piano method gives you is easily enough to make up for a few frames of lag. (you get 6 chances so if you have 3 frames of lag say then you should get the reversal just fine).

If you are trying to get a particular strength reversal out or a reversal throw than that is another story.

I almost never use the piano method for those reasons (no offense but lol). I might have to resort to the piano method after all. The timing is easy for me, which is why I have questions about WTF?? where’s my reversal. Looks like we’ve got a lively thread goin. :rofl:

P.S. thanks for introducing me to nFBA b/c it is MUCH better than Mame.

:confused: uh, every top player uses piano method, are you serious about “resorting” to it? Wow.

This thread is becoming hilarious.

^^^^^ I wanted to share my experience. I think others are curious about starting to play on nFBA.

If it wasn’t for brian, I don’t think I would have hopped on nFBA, due to the lack of quality game play/ ST players on mame from past experience.

On-line play will never be perfect. Plain and Simple. However, it is better than not playing at all.

Ive had really good experiences with p2p st and my opponents have no problems with counter throwing, reversal wakeup or mashing out of stun.

Some of the difficulty for me is due to the damn keyboard I have to play on :rofl:
I’m definitely not blaming it on the emulator (I far as I understand it random lag is the only prob. but is impossible to fix lol).