ST on PSN?

***** This thread can be closed now*****

I can’t believe there is agruing in this thread …

Many of you are actually hurting SRK … This is why I have little interest to pursue SRK anymore. I love ST, but the drama and “internet ego” that many of you carry is pathetic and sad. You do nothing but detract from the SRK community and make the HDR & ST sub-forums little dungeons that no one wants to visit or contribute to.

I got my answer… No ST on PS3.

Thx to those who actually answered the question maturely.


Come on, fatboy, no excuses now. AFAIK, most, if not all, the offline players in your area are just fine. If you have other priorities, that’s entirely understandable, but not going to events because folks act out (when not in the direct presence of others) doesn’t sound right (and if so, it’d be blaming the wrong group of people).

But yeah, negativity snowballs hard. Folks should post responsibly.

Yeah fatboy, I heard sf2 players in your area are very mature :slight_smile: Hint: you see dgv posted a new thread?

BTW cross posting from tech forum since maybe rufus, tmonkey and other techwiz might know…

How to connect a LED to TE MC Cthulhu to make input lag test video?


I want to test input lag for various systems like NKI did here


I want to test arcade ST, fba (ggpo) on windows7 / XP, Xbox HDR classic mode, PS2 AE capcore, and maybe PS3 HDR if I can borrow one.

I have a TE w/ MC Cthulhu but I’m not exactly sure how to hook up the LED to my stick, but I guess it should be fairly straight forward.

Can someone help? Thanks.

Oh now this is something I’m really looking forward to see. This should be good.

@ Ganelon- Please don’t get me wrong. I think I need to clarify… The [] scene. The SoCal SF tourny/gathering scene is great. Many of the players are AMAZING people. I love them, they are like a small extended family.

Those (DG/V, SJV, Cesar, Antonio & etc) who put the effort into create and maintain a local scene, or in this case the SoCal scene deserve an amazing amount of respect and acknowledgement. Nothing I wrote was aimed towards them.

Same goes for the EC crew, they do an amazing job of being the Ambassadors of the ST community right now. They are doing all that they can to prevent ST from dying. NH2, John, and Phil do a grip to provide a place for ST fans to enjoy and watch the game.

But, as of late on SRK, almost every topic in the forums degrades into the same argument and battle. It just gets tiresome.

Prior post edited.


For the record, me and those 2 **** pasky and papasi are actually good friends on ggpo. We just joshing. no real harm meant. I heart sign you guys.


I can confirm this. They really like, enjoy, cherish, love and caress each other, this sort of stuff. I’ve seen it, everyone did.

Papercut confirmed for homolust.

Can’t wait for this.

ST forums has to be the most hostile SRK forum lol…

And people wonder why i never bother with this section. LOL

People wonder that?

ST on PS3? Classic Mode son.

So after a false start yesterday, I got two tests done tonight (i bought a camera assuming every camera can record video at 60fps, wasted ganelon & dgv’s time helping me testing on xbl and recorded a bunch of videos at 30fps, then i went back to the store and exchanged for one that can do 60 fps)

xbox classic mode speed0 ryu cr rh

arcade us turbo 0 ryu cr. rh

button test

I did cr. RH with RYU 20 times on each platform using a TE stick dual modded with MC Cthulhu.

Arcade is supergun setup with laugh’s psx converter and jammaboards’s $40 video encoder s-video output to a regular CRT TV

Xbox hdmi output to EVO asus v236h 2ms LCD monitor.

on cps2 it’s average 4.5 frames

on xbox it’s 6-7 frames with majority of them at 7 frames.

later this week i’m going to test ps2 AE, ggpo, supercade, latest fba/mame offline, and if i can get a ps3 then HDR on ps3

I don’t think I know (or I can) how to edit/compile a video like NKIs, so I’m just gonna upload the raw footage and you can step them thru frame by frame if you want to verify.

What kind of camera and TV are you using? I didn’t see more than 5 frames on HDR in my testing.
Direction Test 1

Grounded normal delay will add one frame.

I already mentioned the monitor is EVO ASUS V236H. Camera is Flip Ultra HD.
Yes, it really does depend on the moves.

I choose Ryu cr. RH because that’s what NKI used in [media=youtube]JoJzobmdGzU&feature=player_embedded"[/media].
I don’t have dreamcast or ps2 CCC or PS1 ST so I want to use the same move that he used so the results are comparable.

Normal throw (which should be activated as soon as button is pressed) comes out in 3 frames for cps2, and 5-6 frames on Xbox classic mode.

Rufus, it would be cool if you can verify the result using your setup (classic mode, speed 0, ryu cr. RH), thx.

As I said before, you can use my ps3 if you want. I have HDR. It lags like hell

PS2 CCC2 ->CRT 8 frames # [media=youtube]JoJzobmdGzU[/media]
PS1 ST ->CRT 4 frames # [media=youtube]JoJzobmdGzU[/media]
DC ST ->CRT 5 frames # [media=youtube]JoJzobmdGzU[/media]

xp demul emulator dc ryu rh 6-frames

cps2 s-video encoder->CRT 4.5 frames *

cps2 vga encoder->LCD 7-frames *

xbox classic mode->LCD 6-7 frames *

xbox classic mode->CRT 6-7 frames *

PS3 classic mode->LCD 8 frames

ps2 ae->CRT 6 frames *

xp psx2 emulator ps2 ae ryu-rh 7-8-frames

w7 aero 8-11 frames (and a lot of dropped inputs) *
w7 fullscreen 7-9 frames *
w7 disable aero 7-8-frames *
xp 6 frames *

w7 aero 8-10 frames (and a lot of dropped inputs) *
w7 fullscreen 7 frames *
w7 disable aero 7 frames *
xp 6 frames *

xp offline fba version 029708 6 frames *

xp offline mame version 0141b 6 frames *

win7 offline fba version 029708 disable aero 7-8 frames

win7 offline fba version 029708 aero 9 frames

win7 offline mame version 0141b disable aero 7 frames

win7 offline mame version 0141b aero 7-8 frames

XP SF4 ryu cr. rh 5-6 frames

xbox SSF4 ryu cr. rh 6 frames *

PS3 SSF4 ryu cr. rh 7-8 frames (most of them at 8 frames) *

Console hdmi output to Asus V236H

Emulation are tested on Dell Dimension 9200 2ghz core2duo / ATI 4850 / Asus V236H

thanks ultracombo for lending the ps3 for testing

^ Great info there. one concern, is it possible emulation like mame/ggpo/supercade achieve a perfect 4 framed cr rh among all moves offline or online?