You two should just get a room already. The sexual tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
My plate’s pretty full. Homo.
No homo.
Why bother doing anything but trolling until a mod who actually mods shows up? I’m just playing internet street fighter. Isn’t this how we play remix? Everything happens on paper?
Nah it’s more amusing out in the open.
That way we can laugh as they fumble trying to undo each others bras.
They are amusingly alike though.
Both tend to call people out online and then get schooled over it.
oh snap!
oh no you de-ant!!!
I only ever called out Shari, but I’d gladly play him again just to see who would think a laggy online match is legit.
You can all burn in hell.
The one who called me out over a laggy online match in the first place.
el oh el ultra combo. I gave him the slam dance treatment last time on my laggy internet. I guess he needed a ride that day, so I picked him up and took him for a spin.
ST forums are too funny
Nah, you’re leaving out the part where I said “online doesn’t mean anything” prior to that. Why don’t you tell an SFIV player they can’t learn fundamentals so they should play a game that’s notorious for having some really fucked up, non-fundamental shit?
That’s your opinion on ST ?
No wonder you lost to me.
Nah, that’s not why I lost to you. Considering I made guesses based on Claw teleporting all over my screen, I think I did pretty decent. The perfect wasn’t too bad.
drink more hateraid everybody!!! papasi sucks too. he thinks ggpo is better then hdr classic because he can’t afford 60 bucks for a 12 month subscription. ohhhhhhh what up now son!
ps. pasky see’s himself as a successful troll, little does he know that he is not a troll, thats just him irl, he can’t turn it off. no one likes you sucka!
ummm, goforbroke is the video game communities most ugly girl.
What? They raised the price to $60? I thought $50 for a 10 hours access over a year on XBL was bad
Do you want my Xbox? I can sell it to you at cost plus FREE copy of SF4 + HDR! It’s in pristine condition too.
Seriously you cannot act like a troll without actually being one, too fake
Oh those kisses after that match were fake.
Hey no way, I’m still a virgin!
Oh man, you hurt my feelings.
WTF. Shari, those short posts you do are some of the biggest trolling in here. You’re either being ironic or you’re a massive hypocrite.
Did you even read that post ?
The more I think about it, I don’t think the input lag is related to OS sytems (XP vs Win7, etc). I tested the fba that’s included with GGPO offline on my old pc that’s running XP. The input delay was still the same as on my new pc with Windows 7. I also tried my old Acer laptop which also runs off XP…same result. I tested my TE stick, arcade stand (wired with an official 360 pad), and used a hrap3. The input delay was the same. I’m wondering if it has more to do with the motherboards and usb pci on each respective pc that determines the input delay?
So in my case in terms of input delay offline closest to CPS2…it goes:
- AE on 360/PS2
- HDR/Classic mode…I was too lazy to test my DC since it was somewhere in my closest, but I’m guessing it’s the same since 360 HDR was based off it.
- FBA via PC
I prefer GGPO for the spectating feature and being able to chat, but in terms of match playability, I prefer classic mode. In terms of online connections, both sides have their pros and cons. GGPO is great for international matches, xbl tends to have better connections (IMO) domestically. Actually, the best for domestic matches was 2DF, plus it ran the US version as opposed to the World (fast/slow speed) version.
im on xp still, and with ggpo i get more input lag than my 32 inch tv does with classic/hdr as well.
but none of that matters cuz real men play champion edition anyways.