Papasi, try the test only use the Final Burn (not alpha) emulator, based on Xenozip’s tests he said that the original Final Burn is the most stable. Also, use FBA (GGPO) but disable the sound and test the difference between GGPO w/ sound and GGPO w/out sound.
If it does come to 4-5 frames (arcade standard), then XP would be the best possible option other than arcade to play stable ST. And also Ponder and/or Damdai can switch the emulator to Final Burn (original) just for CPS2 games.
If this would not be too much of a hassle, I would ask that you test a few different emulators. IIRC, the first guy to complete CPS-2 and 3 emulators was El Semi. His CPS-2 emulator, which was expanded to emulate a lot of other stuff, is called Nebula. I believe he also helped the CPS2-Shock guys with their emulator (Kawaks). I had always found Nebula to be more responsive, but it might be due to Kawaks demanding more resources. Remember that being lightweight does not actually mean being the better emulator: the more accurate an emulator gets, the higher CPU frequency it needs.
Emulators have a few video options such as scan-lines, full-screen, adjust to window, etc. These may affect input-display lag. Also, there are stupid background tasks due to Windows bugs, being anti-virus ones the most resource-hungry ones.
Edit: the classic mode lag on PS3 is scary. I will go to tournament this month and it will be HDR Classic mode on PS3. Four extra frames is retarded, but I suppose having the only ST-related tournament in years in my country canceled would be much worse.
No, I would not say that. The people organizing the tournament know about the game. The issue is many people do not have 360 sticks - PS1/2/3 were all really popular in Brazil - so the organization would need to provide sticks to a number of players, including myself. This is particularly troublesome due to the country’s tradition of US sticks, while many of the new players use Japanese ones. I would be the first one to complain about the input lag*, but I simply can not play on square gates. A 4-frame-delayed SRK is better then a cr.fierce pretty much always.
Anyway, I am most worried about Blanka, Zangief, O.Sagat and Vega. Odds are a few reaction SRKs will be too late, and those are match-ups where Ryu can not accept jump-ins.
I feel if I inform everyone about the issue, people will cancel their inscriptions. I will talk to the organizer directly, only. If you have a suggestion, please say it. This really needs to work: it is the first ST(-like) tournament in years, as I have said.
*there is some post of mine about how troublesome it is to land deep SRKs with Ryu if you are used to Ken, and the difference is just 2 frames.
Well, if he was the lead designer, then didn’t have the power to either A) make sure it didn’t lag more when they ported it or B) make it on PS3 first so that different input lag wouldn’t be an issue?
Btw, my second sentence in my last was me thinking out loud. Unrelated to your little clapping guys.
So, ugh, does anyone know whether Marvel vs. Capcom 2 HD has a different amount of frames in the PS3 version vs 360? I can?t find any threads on it using the search function.
This whole input lag business is starting to get annoying. Ah well. Time to play some Pokémon.
Go to the HDR forum and read about all the HDR vs ST posts…
I don’t think people here tested mvc2 at all, wrong forum to ask this… maybe try to MVC2 forum?
My gut feeling is that all fighters on PS3 has extra lag compared to xbox version.
PS3 has 1-2 frames additional lag, for SF4.
For HDR, PS3 has 2 frames additional lag than xbox, 4 frames additional lag than arcade. Plus PS3 game speed all screwed up and in general most buggy version of all.
Haha you’d think so and it’s only logical right? I won’t say it’s the lead designer’s sole responsibility, but backbone as a whole should have this tested or part of the test plans when they release this game.
Seriously, if they were able to pull this off (make sure input lag is same as arcade, plus add classic background), we could have a good/accessible/cheap platform to play ST on. Now people are jacking up the price of ST board and it’s making ST enthusiast / hobbyist’s life much harder and more excuses to haters who said arcade ST is not “practical”.
There’s a few things that aren’t ideal here, though. I have a PAL PS3, so it’ll only output a PAL signal (25fps) to an SD TV, while the camera is 30fps. But still, there shouldn’t be a difference of 5 frames! Is it possible that Remix mode has less lag than Classic mode? Maybe I’ll check on my HDTV so I can get a NTSC framerate (and then subtract the TV’s input lag).
I also noticed something else interesting when I was going frame-by-frame. It seems the SNES game I tested, Super Casltevania IV, doesn’t react until the frame after I hit the A button! But without a light to show me when the button is actually pressed, it’s hard to know, but I?m sure that I?m counting from the frame I completely press it. Is this just something my camera is doing or do some SNES games have a frame of input lag?
That’s another thing. I don’t have a LED light to show when the button is actually activated. That?s why I said 3-4
60fps camera? So if HD Remix runs at 60fps and has 8 frames of lag, then doesn’t that mean it ran in 30fps it would have 4 frames of lag? So if I?m supposed to record in 60fps then I guess that means the games I tested have twice as much lag as I thought…
Agh. How do I know whether a game runs in 30fps or 60fps?
For some reason, I?m now worried that every multiplatform game I have on PS3 has less inherit lag on X360.