SSFIV in Washington Arcade?

I believe that the wood panel for the setup is too thick for sanwa parts. American sticks aren’t horrible to play on. Just gotta make adjustments.

It’s not about horrible its about staying consistant. It would be totally possible to outfit an american cab to fit sanwa parts. I just need to know if the proprietor would be willing or open to the idea.

They tried that with the cab when BB was there, the panel was thick enough that even with an extended shaft the balltop was like 3mm above the panel. IE you couldnt even fit your pinky under there

Thanks for decribing the real life implications that 3mm represented Dan I don’t know what I would’ve done without that.

Also, ya’ll just don’t really think do you. There is more than 1 way to fix a problem. Again, willing to put my time into it. Just wondering if there is a way to pitch this to the owner.

shut up nigga lol. this is america. you drive a mustang. and a malibu. shoot ar-15’s. playing on american parts should be like sittin on the couch.

actually it was harder for me to make the transition from american sticks to japanese because of working at gameworks. since american sticks do what you want them to when you want them to its worth learning on. since japanese sticks crowd the market these days…buy a mas. look at john choi…preppy…kyle chow…evan wenzel…jesus christ reincarnated

mvc2 or cvs2 at acme along with ae and/or vanilla…would shit on everybodys house session, and/or location aside from preppys. it would trounce the dojo because of not having to drive around the pacific ocean, and the food/casino options

Carlos I can play Viper on american sticks, you should have no problem playing Cammy on them.


lol, i already know i will be making “test drives” in customer’s cars to Acme for my lunch break. i should be able to get in at least 1 or 2 games before they start calling me from the shop

Even though I’ve been playing on Japanese equipment for so long, I will play this game on American at Acme for the sole purpose of just having access to the game. We did it at Narrows, we could do it here too. And man…if they really put like Marvel 2 or CvS2 or ST at Acme along with AE, good lord…I would probably live there. Please don’t get me excited.

Yo Jacob we all know I eat, shit, and vomit red white, and blue. That’s not the point jackass. It’s about staying consistant. Even Wenzel plays SF4 on a TE when I see him play and that dude DREAMS in marvel graphics. You know whats more American that using american parts…WINNING MOTHER FUCKER.

Ghrrk again I’m all about a light touch when playing so trying to convert would hurt my execution on both sides because of my bodies back and forth adjustment to both styles.

Deezo, I would too play even though its american just to check it out. I’m saying is there a way the owner would be open and willing to me modifying a JLF for the cab. I’ve already figured out a way to make the joystick a foot long if fucking necessary and since the joystick being longer would require more distance moved to trip the micro stiches I’ve found a way to fix that as well by putting a spacer in each microswitch. If this will be the place to go again best believe I will be there on the postman status rain sleet or snow.

I’d Rather go to Jollibee than play SSF4 in a Arcade.

All I ever want is an arcade to fight streets in.

Happs parts aren’t too bad and can take a severe beating. However, they need to fix that control panel. Straight up Amerikkkan layout. Also, there is no reason for the stick and the buttons to be 3 feet apart. That is my only gripe with the sfiv cab.

They need to not use that cabinet, at all if they get SSFIVAE. Just get 2 Blast City or Net City cabs and do it the right way, that would cost an extra 2k to do it the right way if you’re already going to spend 800 bajillion Dollars capcom will want for SSFIVAE anyways.

You don’t put a Ferrari engine in a Geo Metro. No matter how fast it goes it doesn’t matter if it feels like crap.

I agree with Mr. BLAZE. I know lots of folks don’t care, but simply put the new standard has pretty much been set for joystick layouts…and if you’re trying to cater to the current scene with a new title, I believe a new cab is in order. pennies.


Yes… ^ This.

Honestly I think the setups they’re in are great. As nice as a blast city would be, unless they get a vewlix (or something equivalent), I actually prefer the Dynamo Showcases with HD monitors regardless of controls. Would Japanese parts be nice, yes, but I’ll take better picture (with proper aspect ratio) over Japanese controls that will end up feeling crappy after a few weeks. And hey if Marvel 3 ends up playing better on American parts, then consider this a chance to learn to play on American parts.

Blast Cities have HD monitors (Trisync monitors), and they’re not that expensive. Dynamo showcases are cool, and it’s a matter of taste, but I would take a smaller but still HD monitor much closer to my eyes with good Japanese controls over huge monitor far away with American controls (which is what SFIV at Acme is right now). Or just get a naomi universal cab. Just my opinion.

(Going to edit away off topic stuff, but let me just say, it is a myth that Happ last so much longer than sanwa/seimitsu).

I guess I just really hate SF4 in 4:3, cuz the Trisync monitors won’t properly give a widescreen aspect ratio. Sure it might be scaled properly at 640x480, but i dunno SF4 just feels wrong 4:3. Maybe they can have one dynamo and one candy cab linked up so if you want widescreen you can get it at the cost of US sticks…

Drewfus said it well in his post. The placement of the SF4 cab in Narrows along with the layout of the controls were the reason for its eventual decline. Gameworks did have steady attendance, and likely even increased attendance past the console release because of its location and a control layout that matched everyone’s TE’s. Being close to Seattle and having a standard TE layout are indispensable if you want to get a steady base of players. I am surprised to see so many people here advocating American controls or no change to the layout, and underscoring how important it is.

I think you should absolutely get the update and that an ACME location can be very successful, but it will have to include a standard layout with the best parts. Players just won?t show up to play competitively or casually if they have to make a compromise while still paying a dollar.

Acme is a great location that is convienent for both North and South players, which I think is a real leg up on Gameworks. It also has great parking, a bar, and is open to a decent hour with food around it, with the parking being a huge bonus over Gameworks as well. Another popular fighter next to it as people have suggested would be very useful in bringing more people out, as 30 minute waits between matches with nothing else to play (as far as fighters go) can be a deterrent for people to come. I would suggest ST, CVS2, or 3rd Strike. If you can give the cab (or cabs) a prominent location so that a group of people can stand around it to watch the matches without crowding the players, that would be a bonus over Gameworks as well, as their cabs have not typically had great placement for spectators.