SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Its annoying that you have to post obvious things like this so the peanut gallery can be like OK, when its so self evident.

BTW, would you guys consider having an alternative to an Ultra set up that’s is already a available to you with another Ultra set up a real buff. conspiring its already one of the most situational Ultra set ups in the game, and extremely difficult to set up?

Well, it’s not much, but even an extra tiny chance for Vega to do good damage is appreciated.

you understand that they make the choice to play those characters right? i could name off 15-20 top level players japanese players that switched to top tier to counter your argument, but thats not the point.

point being, that they dont act like bitches because someone else switches characters

well i appreciate it, and understand its better than nothing. I worded what I wanted to say wrong, What I meant to ask is, practicable buffs vs situational buffs

does a situational buff really add more, metagame wise, to a character.

speaking of VEga he is getting a lot of buffs in the form of nerfs from other characters. Should be interesting how he pans out in AE 2012

WTF Capcom ?!?! :eek:

Adon got phucked in the ass hard in this Beta version !! jeez !!
Spammable moves like Bison’s Scissors Kick and Balrog’s dash punch that quite safe are left untouched, but it is Adon that got the Smack Down ?!?!


We are officially back on track :tup:…let’s go!

People complained that it had too much of an impact on the pace of a match. Emhpasized by the fact that it pretty much was the only thing that made her semi-viable.

So? People complain about a lot of things and it doesn’t mean they’re overpowered. I’m just tired of Capcom messing with characters who are very middle-of-the-pack. It’s senseless. And the Japanese players play Adon better? Right, because SBO was littered with an unstoppable army of Adons…These are two characters who had all the tools they needed in Super, no more; no less. Yet, Capcom chose to fizuck around with them for no reason. It should be obvious by now that the developers have no idea how their own game is played…If I seem salty it’s because I was a Gouken main in vanilla and I’ve watched him get raped over and over again for no reason and now they’re doing it all over again.

oh yeah, they bitch about characters,everyone does

but they arent saying shit like fuck tier whores or talking shit about another player hiding behind a character

If saying my opinion is more correct than your opinion, doesn’t that make you a troll…?

tiers are subject to change. Dhalsim was never established as mid tier or low tier, because opinions differed from person to person. Some said yes, others said paper Dhalsim didn’t matter much because he beat the trinity. Do I really have to state the obvious every time. This isn’t kindergarden

And if that is the case, SRK is nothing but a troll site. Example Skatan’s wall of text’s regarding Sakura as a character in Super. He gave nothing but example after example of viable practicle stuff and the majority where like nah broski you wrong.

I love how people keep lopping Akuma in with Yun, Yang and Fei

Tell me how many people actually did well at EVO with Akuma, or any other major tournament for that matter. Tokido? Infiltration?

Compared to how many people raped with Fei / Yun…

As for Palm no longer being an overhead, this was not a buff in AE. Palm has always been an overhead, fix the first post

And I think I know why Capcom nerfed it. They clearly saw my video and discovered the move is OP

I apologize to all Akuma players for causing this

i dont think you can deny akuma being top 5 in every version of sf4.

now take your nerfs with the rest of the good characters and deal with it

also maybe try to be less insecure when someone calls your character good/very strong/top tier or whatever. the characters dont win matches for you. you still have to think, react, and predict no matter what your characters tier is

guess he told you

I was mostly replying to this

Who switched to Akuma, or played him to begin with, and has done well with him at a major tournament? I am not doubting his placement in the tiers, I am not saying he’s bad. He’s a great character, with plenty of options and tools

You still have not answered my question: Who has actually done well with him at a major tournament, compared to the army of Feis, Vipers, Yangs and Yuns?

People lop Akuma with Yun/Yang/Fei for a few reasons

  1. Safety factor in his move set
    People don’t like safe, high damage, fast characters. Period. That is why they don’t like Viper either. Regardless of how much effort it does or does not take to play said character the fact is being safe, fast, and powerful makes the matchup seem less dynamic as one player is putting in a lot more chips and working around a lot more weak areas. Not saying it is unbalanced in ANY way as it can be done and maintain balance. The point is how it appears.

  2. Number of options. This is why less people complain about Viper than complain about Yun/Yang/Akuma. People like that characters have distinct personalities in their gameplay complete with flaws. Having characters that are TOO complete with no real areas anyone can point to and say “this is where they suffer by design” such as Viper’s lack of options when being pressured, or Makoto’s horrible wakeup/lack of options when pressured. Make the character seem imbalanced and once again the fun factor for players (and spectators) of “how will they handle this situation?” is thrown out the window as the characters “area of weakness” is often better than other characters who don’t even have it considered their weakness.

  3. Popularity. Everyone wants the underdog to win. That is why more people bitch about Yun than Yang despite the fact that Yang is argued by some top level japanese to actually have a higher potential than Yun. But he is less popular so people give him more leeway. Akuma is one of the most popular characters in the game and thus some of that hate comes from the sheer fact a lot of people play him (and thus he also has a lot of defenders, regardless of what he may or may not need depending on the developers and top level players views.) And having a lot of white knights trying to defend the character only leads to further frustration from the players who don’t like him.

Lol. Somebody somewhere in a thread on SRK makes an offhand remark vaguely insinuating that Akuma is top tier, and ClxJames is suddenly there immediately to remind everybody why Akuma is certainly not top tier and don’t you dare say that he is. :looney:

The second part of the changes look pretty good overall. I’m just kind of mystified about Capcom’s thought process with T Hawk. It’s like they decided that Blanka finally needed some good buffs, and then somebody piped up in the board room, “But if we buff Blanka, what happens to Hawk?” and then all the executives look around at each other awkwardly for a minute before they all silently come to an agreement that Hawk is a lost cause, and forget that he’s even in the game.

For the record, I don’t play Hawk or Blanka.

Fucking read before you post. There is a difference between thinking someone is not top tier, and questioning what top players have done well with the character

Why haven’t they fixed Seth’s stomps yet? They whiff on several characters for no reason or require strict timing.
Am I gonna have to register 1000 twitter accounts and spam Ono to rectify this?

why shouldnt he be lopped with team hong kong?

no one did well with yang at evo also, yet hes getting nerfed the hardest. but still, no one is as salty as akuma players.