SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Lol… To each is own man, you wanna play a character you like? Go ahead, noones calling you a scrub. And quite a few people here participate in tournaments to win money etc. I may like a character more than the top tier guy. But I like the money more than the character.

He is actually the dictionary definition of a scrub. The term scrub is used incorrectly a lot of the time but what we are all witnessing here is a real one.


[Zenpo Tenshin]: Startup of light, medium, heavy versions changed from 11F->10F.
[LK]: Block stun increased by 1F, giving total +2 on block.
[Target Combo 3]: 2nd hit is now super cancelable.

I guess something is better than nothing, but cmon give back his tc4 and ex command grab throw invincibility plzzzzz

No, I am saying that you are a coward.

Hey. Just because DaFeetLee picked a good character, it doesn’t mean that he didn’t take the time to learn the ins and outs of said character like everyone else. Stop with the scrub talk man, you’re sounding hella bitter.

Do that without making statements like this…

“i play a character because i actually like that character, not because im a scrub who hides my mediocre skills behind a top tier character”

…and I will think that you are the manliest man on earth.


…at least you admitted it. :tup:

This conversation is derailing the thread. This is my last post about this…

Pick a character that you think is good and try to get better. Accept the fact that other players are better than you. Don’t criticize another person’s character selection if you are not willing to do this.

I don’t see the appeal of Rose. What does she do anyway? All I get out of watching Rose is a whole lot of sliding and xx Soul Spiral.

I can’t even comment on Yun because I’m biased against dive kicks.

Wow, welcome to fighting games, where competitive people pick the characters that give them the highest chance of winning.

Now get the fuck outta here and back to gamefaq please. I’m sure people there will be more than happy to hear why you hate top tier and why you like Rose because of her looks, the story behind her or whatever,


haha…superlollo > woodenTEETH…

Actually, more people picked Sagat than Yang in this SBO.

Stupid argument in the first place.

…but…but…but…Ojisan and Nemo both picked Yang and they made 1st and 2nd place! Those damn scrubs! They suck, fucking tier whores, they’d never have placed that high by using Hakan or Rose. I have zero respect for them! And also for that Daigo dude. He’s super free, but his top tier character is making him win tournaments!

Irrelevant since Yun and Yang took SBO championships anyway.

Now, more discussion and less bickering please.

Possibly to avoid being able to execute light attack xx command grab and having it grab on the first possible frame. 11F command throw may have allowed for this, but 10F definitely doesn’t, not without delaying the cancel to later active frames anyway, which would requires 1 frame timing. Seems that the faster command grab may actually be a nerf.

good point, hadn’t thought of this before.

But he now has +2 on block on his!!! Definitely game breaking

This pretty much. The reason Fei’s is good is because he can cancel into it and the blockstun wears off in time to connect the command grab.

They wouldn’t have.

Nonbeliever! You have to be like Yugi and how he believed in his deck to win!

That was obv. a joke post and I made sure everyone could understand it. I guess I overestimated some of you.

You can’t have sarcasm go both ways and expect your joke to be coherent.