SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Rolento looks kick ass.

Heihachi looks like a weird grandpa character. Entirely too happy/nice looking for such a badass.

Not ignoring, I didn’t know that.

At least he’s not wearing a diaper… yet.

This looks like a list of AE complaints and suggestions posted on Japanese BBS:
Pt 1:

Pt 2:

Google Translate sucks but there are some interesting points.

They seem to want Viper nerfed into the ground lol. Not as bad as Yun’s complaints though. Every second line says “… too strong”.

At first I wanted it translated to see their thoughts, then I read the words “Demand -> To simplify the Viper” and I was just like “…close tab

That might just be Google Translate being retarded. And even though some of their suggestions may be unreasonable, it’s quite interesting because they list the problems, suggest a fix and have comments. That’s much better than having 10 pages of posts about people whining about how weak their chars are.

I’m interested in what overall game mechanics they want changed (near the end of part 2). If I’m not mistaken, I think they want unblockables removed?

Really just seems impossible at this stage in the game to remove the unblockables. The cause is not any glitch with the system… it’s just with wonky hitboxes in certain ridiculous situations. You can try to remove existing ones by doing stuff like making Akuma’s forward throw have more recovery, but it could just as easily crop up a new set of them in 3 months. If you try and “widen” the block (so 1 pixel off center is blockable either way or something), you risk certain people’s legitimate crossups being ruined.

I think it just has to be accepted as part of the game and lived with now. Part of the growing pains of the 3D-models-on-a-2D-plane-at-60fps fighting game genre.

You’re probably correct that it’s a symptom of the shift from 3D to 2D hitboxes, but it should be possible to remove them without affecting the game too much. I don’t see them as a big problem though. I might be mistaken, but I think it has something to do with the character not swivelling exactly around their center when they change the direction they’re facing, or that the centerpoint moves slightly at during certain animations. If the centerpoint moves when you’re trying to block an attack that hits near the center, what can happen is that the character will start moving for a fraction of a second in the direction that you’re holding. If the character happens to be moving away from the attack, they’ll block it. If not, they will get hit. In some cases, characters will always move in the direction that the attack lands, which to my understanding is basically how most, if not all unblockables occur in this game.

They add or remove one frame from Akuma’s dash, and it’s all better

Akuma’s not the only character with an unblockable, though. In fact, lots of characters have one. Some characters even have the reverse… always-blockables? No matter which direction you try to block, it will always work (Hakan has one, maybe some other chars do as well). You can’t change it on a character by character basis… you pretty much have to find the cause in the game engine and fix it, and I just think that’s pretty unlikely at this point. I think the hotfix would probably cause more new problems than it fixes…

I went ahead and read through all of them. That thing has a couple of interesting ideas buried among a lot of stupid shit. Proof that just because you are japanese doesn’t mean you are automatically better than american/european players.

Some of my favorite stupid shit:

They want to nerf Gief and THawk’s SPDs by making them 3F/4F/5F start ups (based on strength).

They want to reduce Yang’s health down to 850

They want to completely remove Fei Long’s command throw

They want more nerfs for Makoto

They want to remove all invincibility on Viper’s EX-Seismo

They also want to remove the ability to Seismo feint and only let you Thunder Knuckle feint.


It’s not like anyone needed any proof of this though.

BTW, were you going off what Google Translate says or can you read the Japanese?

“Technical performance, such as a specific character I want to lose my wife first and foremost.”

Google translate is fantastic.

If Ono can make this happen he is my new God.

ON SRK you definetly need. Remember the power and knowledge of the avg Jap is over 9000!

Scrub is an universal language.

It’s easy to learn and nearly impossible to forget.

These “spicy characters” intrigue me, however.

I guess as long as a game has a strong player base, it will have a lot of stupid and vocal players. We hear of good Japanese players a lot, much less so of their crappy players.

Oh no, not that costume again… It was so distracting in T4. >.>

I think what I would like a lot for Chun-Li is a better hitbox for her MK cross up.
While it works well on some characters such as Cammy and Sakura, it pretty much never works on some other characters, such as Ryu and Ken.