SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I do see a positive in this for Capcom if the TGS leak list is true. (which I highly doubt)

consider this…

A lot of people have stayed with Super on console as they don’t feel the $15 upgrade to AE is worth it for 4 new characters.
Adding 2 more now would probably help encourage some of those to upgrade for the 6 new characters.

It could be a genius way for Capcom to make money out of a free update (if true) from console Super owners that were putting the $15 AE upgrade off?

Enough Male Grapplers… what about Rainbow Mika and Karin Kanzuki.

i cant help but laugh honestly u think capcom will add more characters to AE for free when they charged for the color pack for third strike? lol

I think Capcom isn’t stupid enough to let go of more ways to get money in their bank accounts again, so the notion that they’ll release characters for free is so ridiculous that I might just have to go find a tree and cut it down and make me a burning ground for all my money, so those greedy asses don’t get a cent of it!!!

Joking aside, I…

Dammit ninja’d. But yeah, what he said. I think there is just too much for a developer to go “multi task” for multiple games and develop something and not find that the company is now short on money, resources and the company being less likely to be persuaded to go this route again, unless the words “PROFIT” or “SUCK OUT CUSTOMER’S WALLET” is involved.

you have makoto already

Makoto is a grappler?

Thank you again for that information, HFX. It confirmed some of my safe-jump related findings in Training Mode yesterday. The only discrepancy is with Blanka.

I have a safe jump set-ups for 2,3,4,5, and 6 frame wake-ups (with the 2 and 3 frame safe-jumps being empty jumps version of other safe-jumps).
I’ve been using them to figure out wake-up properties of different characters.

I’ve been testing out safe jumps after a hard knock on Blanka with him doing:
[INDENT=3]1) wake-up Block[/INDENT]
[INDENT=3]2) wake-up Reversal EX Up-Ball, which has a 4 frame start-up.[/INDENT]

Here are my findings:

4 frame safe jump:
[INDENT=3]If Blanka Blocks: Jumping attack whiffs[/INDENT]
[INDENT=3]If Blanka does EX Up-Ball: I can block the EX Up-Ball[/INDENT]

5 frame safe jump: jumping attack whiffs, and I can block the EX Up-Ball
[INDENT=3]If Blanka Blocks: Jumping attack whiffs[/INDENT]
[INDENT=3]If Blanka does EX Up-Ball: I block EX Up-Ball[/INDENT]

6 frame safe jump:
[INDENT=3]If Blanka Blocks: Jumping attack gets blocked[/INDENT]
[INDENT=3]If Blanka does EX Up-Ball: I get hit by Blanka’s EX Up-Ball[/INDENT]

What this all means:
According to the data from that googledoc, Blanka wakes up 2 frames later than most of the other characters.
According to my findings, Blanka actually wakes up ONE frame later, AND has one frame of invincibility on wake-up.

I really wish in v2012, Capcom would change this!

I think that might be hitbox related, Blanka’s wakeup hitbox is a hot mess. It’s really easy to whiff it with a lot of things.

There are also issues with certain moves causing weird knockdown times on certain characters because of weird hitbox stuff. It’s a bit annoying.

I heard Blanka’s hurt box shrinks when he gets up, same with Guile.

Sorry, but where do you see Hugo in that screenshot? I can only see Honda.
EDIT: Nevermind, I have understood what you want to say. My bad.

What I’d REALLY like to see is crossplatform play enabled between xbox and pc. There is literally NO reason not to have this. PC uses GFWL (which supports crossplatform play but has barely utilized it.) not only would it benefit both parties greatly but it would also show good faith from capcom that they want to help the PC gaming succeed more.

How it would benefit both sides: increased community (xbox doesn’t need this as much as PC but it certainly wouldn’t hurt for the xbox community to suddenly gain 15000 or so players.) for the xbox however the fact that the PC is a more stable host for games means smoother online play options if they choose to use matchmaking.

The capability is certainly there. Blazblue CT for all its faults was able to do cross platform play. What I am not sure about is if Capcom would have to change their netcode.

Even the infamous XBL would be an improvement on sifting through endless lobbies and players who haven’t a clue in ranked. At least it would be possible to find games.

Yes there is. The PC platform is far too variable to maintain an acceptable standard of play across both platforms. Its bad enough having to deal with those with questionable connection speeds without having to contend with Joe Derp and his monster PC cranking out 15 fps.

I’m all for crossplatform play and think it would be awesome, but I think it would open a can of worms in terms consistency. Its also missed its window of opportunity for cost effective implementation. There’s no monetary return in Capcom supporting it this late in the game’s life-cycle.

From Eventhubs…

Could this be a sign that the leak list from 4chan is right?

Here is hoping that the AE details are correct as well.

Maybe. BTW, I really wasn’t expecting to get pictures of them already. Also Heihachi looks kind of weird to me. What do you think?

Also, looks like Rolento has been recruited into the “No pupil club.” I really wonder why Capcom keeps doing that.

oh shit im gonna try out rolento alright… i wonder if hes gonna be playable at TGS…

What do I think?
I think the Heihachi picture looks like a perfect candidate for a new troll image.
Yeah, I must admit the no pupil thing is quite strange

the video of their Super Arts are out on iplaywinner YT channel

You’re like totally ignoring that all 4 characters were teased before that stupid leak… it’s so hard to predict characters who’ve been semi revealed already lol.