SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Because a competent player won’t allow you to hold down back, and I wouldn’t have a charge to begin with. Kara throw won’t do much when they nuetral jump and decide to push a button because i walked forward and instead now I have to block or get hit. I could make them block, but its still a guess on my part if I want to jump and AA them, AA on the ground, or move back.

And i refuse to jump back and corner myself.

Haha. I can just imagine the Akuma’s forums reactions after hearing that Daigo is picking up Akuma

Your tears are now diamonds

(this is post is only directed at people who disagree with it)

If you rearrange the letters in that post you could easily spell “Never gonna give you up”

I don’t get this. If you only like to play high tier, then why cry about getting nerfed and just move on to the next top tier?

Waits for D_Dollars to infest 38th straight page with " nerf + yang" :coffee:

theres easier ways of getting infracted. just link some porn or something

You know gyppos, mike. They’re always throwing dogs in with deals.

Exactly lol, and it’s also two characters who are part of the selling point of SFxT so this makes it even dumber.


[10 characters]

The new SFxT characters will make their way into SF4 soon enough. A few months after SFxT when the hype for it dies and everyone is back on SF4.

I suppose it’s possible seeing that the models in SF X T look and act almost exactly the same.

Someone wake me from my cryochamber when the game is finished so I can play it in peace.

You’re right, jump-back strong is great. I love it.
I can’t speak for others, but I’m not trying to say Vega is completely free to jump-ins. He has options in that regard. It’s just that if Capcom wants to gimp his only means of initiating offense (cosmic heel) then I’d say it’s fair to give him a stronger set of AA ground normals to compensate. Otherwise all he’s left with his above footsies. Which doesn’t quite cut it in this game.

If the hype dies there’s more chance Capcom rush out SFxT ala UMVC3 than them adding Poison, Hugo, Rolento and others to SFIV. They’ll make more money selling a million units of SFxT 2.0 (and they’ll ship out @ least 2 million for SFxT like they did with Marvel) than selling DLC characters to the remaining hardcore fanbase of SFIV. Also SFxT is getting an announcement @ SBO, if the Japanese arcade players convert… players play where the competition is…

Besides a Poison, Hugo, Rolento DLC patch would have to be bundled with the next update (I think Capcom have learnt their lesson from the MVC3 DLC characters) so you’re looking @ late 2012 and I’m sure SFV for the next gen systems (WiiU, PS4, Xbox720) will be more on Capcom’s mind than a 5 year old game.

In order for Hugo and Poison to be in 2012 they would need to release SFxT before 2012 and let SFxT have at least 3 months of breathing room before Upper came out.

Considering it is September and Upper is supposed to come out by December and SFxT isn’t even gold yet…

Yeah, no.

All I know is the second I read “Hugo” in this thread I was reminded of the picture Ono showed when announcing AE12 and how people had noticed hugo was missing from the screenshot:

Then again** everyone** is missing from the screenshot.

I guess we will have to wait and see. I also think that unless SF5 is announced they will continue to try please the SF4 community unless there is a definate lack of interest after UMvC and SFxT are out and being played. I mean it is the future people, we have the internets where content can be uploaded, downloaded, changed all at the flick of a switch… hooray for technology. :pray:

Everyone is missing, there’s a big logo, and it says “Press Start.” I always assumed that was just a picture of the demo from sitting at the title screen too long.

WiiU and PS4 and next XBOX are a ways away. Capcom is going to keep milking SF4 as long as they can.

I guess the only thing we can do is wait and cross our fingers that we aren’t been trolled.

Sounds WAY to good for a free patch though.

Vampire Savior Online would be bueno, but this list reeks of bullshit.

lol that list had too many good things for it to be true.

But my last comment sounded dickish, sorry. It was a legitimate question, however.