SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

a glitchy tatsu?

whether he is #1 or dead last, those things shouldn’t exist. Which goes to show that Capcom won’t look at your character for flaws that shouldn’t exist due to engine problems or weird hit boxes if they consider him to be OK.

Bad game design. Where Nitsuma when you need him?

The Akuma argument again how about characters that got nerfed and got chump change in return (buffing Ryu U2 really) or got some of there stuff back instead of addressing other areas (Rose)

^ exactly my point. I shouldn’t land a combo on someone and be PUNISHED for it. It’s like Chun’s Ultra 1 juggle glitch. Why should she be punished for landing a move?

I ate a god damn mashed out Gief Ultra 1 after landing an Ex Tatsu on him, then lost 60-70% of my health. Really Capcom? It isn’t even character specific. So it isn’t a glitch I know to avoid. It’s just completely random, based on spacing

If Akuma is so great, why aren’t more people getting into Top 8 with him? Why aren’t more people winning with him? Why aren’t you playing him? I’ll tell you why you and others aren’t. He’s very hard to play

Quote me on this. Plenty of people think he’s top tier, and I agree, he’s a great character… On paper. Plenty of people go to play him and find out he’s difficult to play, his learning curve is very steep, and you have to go through months of losing before even doing moderately well (Gouken, Gen, etc come to mind). The problem isn’t Akuma, it’s the people playing him, myself included. With a character with so many tools and potential, the limiting factor is the player. It is the player holding back Akuma, not Akuma holding back the player. I find this situation to be unique, as the other top tiers (Yun, Fei, etc) aren’t limited by the player, they are just damn good characters.

I’m rambling. It’s w/e. But this is how I feel. It’s rough taking literally years of practice and dedication to a character learning his ins and outs, and seeing him just get nerfed over and over again. No other character has had this many nerfs or has been nerfed in every iteration. We’ve lost combos, we’ve lost counter hit setups, we’ve lost mix ups, we’ve lost setups off throws.

Im not saying buff Akuma. I’m not saying he has to be god tier. Im just saying stop giving him playstyle/gameplay changing nerfs.

Dan got a few nerfs in AE (god knows why), like HK dan kick damage lowered by 30, and most of the invincibility removed from his ultra 2.

Well I can agree on that James about that also punished for a combo Gief players know that all too well. :frowning:

I was referencing this exchange, sorry if that wasn’t clear. It struck me as odd. If people didn’t like their character they wouldn’t play them. Doesn’t automatically give them the opinion that their character is good.

I agree with this, but I think when we are talking about a rebalance patch it can be argued that your character should be given the option of being truly competitive. There is no better time to say “hey I need buffs” when the buff train is coming to town.

I think a lot of people are delusional for sure, but the game has obvious character imbalances. They aren’t that bad overall, but the fact that a lot of characters lose without having good tools is somewhat problematic.

I’ve hit a point where I’ve plateaued in skill level for the most part. My execution isn’t growing(it’s crappy), and I know my characters entire metagame for the most part. All I can really do is try to play better and better players of different characters to get better in matchups and try to do really subtle things in training mode to try to get the slightest advantage. I’ve lost to less skilled players because of character deficiencies while feeling like I played as well as I can, and it makes me feel I’ve wasted hundreds of hours sometimes.

Ideals don’t always play out, which is why they are ideals. If you’ve tried to grind your way to top player status you realize how absolutely hard it is and how many people besides you are trying and failing. Being absolutely the #1 player is a goal that might as well be unobtainable.
This game is incredibly hard to move up in, and isn’t like the top players aren’t getting better as well. The bar moves higher and higher.

becaue its to much work. Expect v.5 in 12-18 months.

Someone needs to set fire to this thread and leave it die a slow horrible death.

Wheres the news from the location tests anyway?? Been no news in an age.

I don’t know what’s going on anymore. People should pick one character at a time to discuss, not this vague nonsense going on.

To add to the list of why play a low tier.

I play gouken, because he seems familiar, but very different to a typical shoto. Few people play him, and I like the style/ aesthetics of the character and I keep hoping that they do right by him in future iterations of this game.

Here’s how I generally feel about my character choice with Vega…“I realize my character is flawed in a few key areas, but play him anyway because there’s no one else in this game who fits me quite as well as him. Also, I’m not quite at the level yet where I could legitimately claim my losses are due to my characters’ weaknesses, so I play him and try my best to improve and learn from my mistakes and address my weaknesses as a player.”

i know how akuma players feel about his nerfs. but hey, at least ya’ll ain’t yang.

Still playing the martyr I see.

I’m in same boat with Dudley.

We’re not so different, you and I. We might play different characters but we understand each other’s pain.

In my best Samuel L Jackson voice:
I have had it with hese mothafcking crying posts in this mothafcking thread!

drops zippo

I has to be Sakura or Seth…

Ken hasn’t received “Straight” buffs, he’s had some nerfs. The reason he moves up on tier lists as because other characters drop lower i.e his bad matchups get nerfed. This is pretty much what happened with Fei Long.

Where is the “If I stuck with Sagat from Vanilla to Super yall niggas need to stop bitchin and play ur damn char” category?

A Snakes On A Plane reference… really?

“I stuck with the #1 character who later became only in the top 8 characters in the game.”

Sagat was…not top 8 in Super.

You are a drug addict sir.