SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I don’t understand how someone being bad at the game completely invalidates their opinion. I am a terrible player; I still think that what I wrote on the last page is valid. A lot of it is a description of a mentality or approach to the game.

I cannot remember the last time that I won a round against a competent Gouken player.

me? 360

edit nvm

I would put most likely as no. 1 in what they tell themselves and no. 4 is what they really feel.


everybody walks through the valley of the shadow of death.

I don’t like mentality #1.

I think all charge characters want their tools back from super.

OH, shit, let me go into protective services before MOWR calls me out in front of the SRK Locker for saying pick a top tier.

What strength! But don’t forget there are many guys much better than you at this fucking game all over the world.

It becomes easier to generalize when you don’t play at a high level. Your dismissal of liking how a character plays as “thinking the character is good” is generalizing. I like a lot of how my character plays but I realize objectively he’s not strong because those aspects of his game are just not good enough, but he fits me quite well because he plays to my strengths and weaknesses.

It becomes easier to make blanket statements, and it’s harder for you to refute what other people are saying. One of your big go to’s for arguing is to reference top player experience, through matches or their history, instead of your own experience. Just because something worked in a match, or a player like Kuroda was able to overcome something doesn’t mean a lot in the grand scheme of things.

Observing just isn’t the same as playing. I don’t care how many matches you’ve watched, or how much theory you’ve read. Playing against and talking to top players is a far different experience than really anything else.

Well for one, the nerf meant nothing to the person in question, cause they weren’t even using the thing that got nerfed, they were just going crazy, even when I was blocking and leaving themselves in totally punishable situations, so not sure why they would even complain?

Two. Calling people whiners and babies and then just kicking someone for winning one game and saying as much… isn’t that what a spoiled whiner/baby would do? It’s just… ironic.

I’ve sat my ass down and played 30+ sets against Yun losing a lot. Same against Guy. I’m not kicking people or leaving in frustration. I’m trying to learn. Develop. After all those sets, I go to training mode and look for things as well.

Truth. All over my city, nevermind the world.

Lol yeah pretty much :slight_smile: its a win-win, baby!

Dan players are rare, but I have played a few damn good ones even in Vanilla(on PC). They may be scary in 2012. Not to mention the …I just lost to DAN mindset lol.

Lol, yeah you cant let the “dan Factor” get to you lol if you take him seriously you have a better chance of winning if you worry too much or underestimate him it could be trouble :tup:

True I was beating a Gouken player with Dan and he beat because he mashed ultra I just lmao at that.

You missed one. How about

5. You played SF1 and 2 when you were a kid and were the local killer with Ryu but could use any of the characters well (except for Gief, lol). Then, you got interested in girls. Next you went to college and started a career. After that, you began to settle down and bought a PS3 and heard SF4 was coming out. Oooooohhhh, I remember that! SF is old skool cool! Sooooooo you buy it missing all of the SF3 stuff and realize that shit has changed a lot lol. You hear about the MASTER of your old favorite, Ryu, being unlockable so you unlock him and start to learn him. You suck with him but meh, you suck with everyone at the moment because shit has changed a lot. So you stick with him and learn his tricks and combos, juggles, strengths, weaknesses, etc. You realize you are playing a brand new character that no one has played before this game so you figure that there will be new stuff discovered about him…and slowly there was. And you start to get better and start winning so you think you have definitely picked the right character, not knowing about tiers and shit. Then they change the character pretty drastically to get to SUPER…oooooooohhhhh, sooooperrrrr…so you kind of re learn how to attack and defend…then they change your character once again pretty drastically…oooooooohhhhhh, ARRRRRRCADE EDITION…It’s gold! you yet another time have to relearn how to use your character.

Somewhere along that roller coaster you come to SRK and realize that your whole premise is a lie and a farce, like the joke that led up to Gouken’s creation. Yet, you’ve learned so much about playing Gouken that EVERYONE else feels pretty damned awkward to play, what with all those hit-confirms and wake up reversals that you can FADC, mix ups, options selects that work really well…

Can you add that one for people like me?

where is the

“my character was god tier if used right in Vanilla, then majorly nerfed in Super but still viable and good, to nerfed again into AE but still viable and even harder to play well to nerfed AGAIN in AE 2012… Still via but now he’s lol”?

Also, just putting this out there:
Why did they fix Oni’s Ex Tatsu glitch but not Ryu’s / Akuma’s?
Why does Evil Ryu’s and Oni’s Raging Demon do more damage than Akuma’s?

Again with this nonsense? Akuma is probably top 5 (Arguably 1 in SF4) in every game of this series, probably still will be in the next one…WHAT’S THE ISSUE!?

I think that would fall under number 3

Oni’s Ex Tatsu in AE2012 will be the same as Ryu’s & Akuma’s meaning “occasionally” you will not get all of the hits, at the moment Oni’s Ex Tatsu is terribly random.

I could be quoting you in a manipulative way here. I didn’t fully grasp what you were trying to say to me.

I didn’t follow what you were trying to say here. I am not trolling; it honestly isn’t clear to me.

I believe you and I don’t have any objection to that. Maybe I am not following where you were going with that but the attitude that I am criticizing is the combination of what you wrote above (the realization that your character has problems) with a belief that your character is entitled to “winning”. Something like this, “I have explored this character. I think this character has serious problems. I need buffs.” I don’t think that mentality is beneficial to the player.

If you reach the point where you think that you have maximized a character’s potential you should either switch characters or accept your main for what it is. A desire to win (and I really mean “win” when I say this) and a lack of a character switch just doesn’t make any sense to me and it causes me to think that your motivation is something other than what you claim. The scenario where your character gets nerfed and you are pissed off about it is a difficult one but we have to accept that it is a reality of these games.

One thing that I realized when posting in this thread today is that a large part of the reason why I have never felt that the character that I am using needed buffs is that I have never believed that I played well enough to warrant it (long sentence). When I lose, I always feel like I could have played better. I don’t associate my loss with the character it’s always my own failures.

I cannot relate to someone who has reached a level of play where they feel like they couldn’t play any better but they are still losing. If that belief is what is motivating some people to ask for buffs/nerfs and I am criticizing those people, then yes I am the one who is wrong (assuming that they aren’t delusional).

It’s too hard for me to accept this without a more specific example. I could be misquoting you here.

That is a valid criticism of me. I use examples of things that better players than me have done to try to legitimize my own beliefs. I would obviously like to produce examples from my own experiences but cannot.

I consider those things to be ideals. You can’t deny that it represents something that is attainable? It could be foolish for us (or maybe just me) to think that we can attain it but someone has done it. I still like that Kuroda story that I referred to on the previous page. I love the mentality that allowed him to achieve that. I can’t accept that it is 100% physical ability (although a significant percentage of it probably is). We can all benefit from having some of that mentality in our own play.

I think that is a valid statement and I have no problem with someone who has that knowledge correcting the things that I write on here. I will not reject ideas just because they differ from my own; I will try to learn from them. I welcome the criticism.

Dan is better than Gouken. His tools are faster and his best move breaks armor but is fairly safe. The only serious weaknesses I see with him are his stupid floaty jump and his weak hado. Fix those two and you have a really good shoto. He can be a nightmare for the G if he stays grounded and rushes down.