SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

1)Im not complaining about anything nor do I think my characters(I play a few) suck.
2)see 1
3)see 1, and listen to Juicebox Abel’s podcasts to learn more about character selection/preference and personality. It has nothing to do with the “look” of the character.

If you think looks = personality, then you have some of your own issues to attend to.

and, as always, thanks for playing the game.:tup:

tried it, been doing it since Vanilla. that flavor aid eventually runs out of steam and juice. and reality bitch slaps you in the face. Low tier in this game, isn’t low tier in that other game BTW.

Besides 3rd strike don’t count. It has stuff like red parry. that alone creates a lot of oppurtunity and options for characters with less options.


I think lollo is trying to say that how do you connect with a character some random japanesse guy thought up, when he was probably the highest he had ever been? I mean a spanish ninja with a mask and claw? A green troll? A russian bear wrestler?

I agree with all of that…

…and I also agree with the conclusion that you came to (the Sanford Kelly character selection method :rofl:). What neither of us want is for legitimate things to be removed from the game to compensate for the perceived low tier deficiencies.

Yea maybe personality wasnt the best word to use, I meant personal play style, or who you feel best playing.

–I was thinking of this writeup when I said personality: :slight_smile:
under in a nutshell.

Best decision i ever made. My character has gotten straight buffs since Vanilla :smiley:

Srsly that must be nice!! who else can say that??

You keep getting new toys while others are taken away!

well then that’s entirely diffrent.

Sakura I guess, Ken?

thought process of people who play low tier from least likely to most likely

  1. i am gdlk and my character choice dosent matter
  2. i dont think this character is bad, i’ll be the first to show the world
  3. i pick this character in every game he/she appears in no matter how good or bad they are
  4. im not very good, so i need to pick a character with a built in excuse for losses. i also despise top tier

the first 2 will rarely if ever complain about their character. they are actually the ones who jump out in defense, no matter how misguided, when someone calls their character shitty. you can find them in the 2012 improvement threads telling people that they are crazy for wanting buffs

number 3 usually keeps quiet when their character turns up top tier. they may have asked for 1 or 2 reasonable buffs but nothing major. they just want to have fun playing the chraracter that they love. they arent the people who want top tier destroyed. usually just wants to be competitive

thats number 4. these are the people who have a 4 page post of improvements for their character. ironically, these buffs would make their character top tier, causing a likely character change. cant play a character thats too “cheap”. these are also the people who complain the most about top tier, and usually carry the “fuck a tier whore” mentality


i have no shame in saying that i fell into category 4 during the early vanilla days.

Sounds right… anyone else get straight buffed since vanilla?

That was everything I would like to have said. :tup:

Where is “my character was mid tier then Capcom nerfed them and now I’m sad cause I just got really good at the game but now it’s time to switch to high tier?”


sounds like number 3 if you stuck to him. if you jump to top, you move into N/A. maybe i should add

  1. fuck this character, i want to win

That makes a lot of sense too.

I like the variety of characters and different levels of players, tiers, etc… its what makes SF fun and unique.

Play who you want, how you want, for any reason you want and dont try to tell others how to play or who to pick.

Lots of characters have only seen buffs since they were introduced… Sakura, Cody, Guy, Ken, Fei Long, Adon, Makoto, Hakan, Dan, T. Hawk, Juri… probably others.

Because a few of the top tiers lost some damage/frames on their tools (I should remind you that nobody has completely lost a tool), people seem to forget that 2012 is mostly about substantial buffs to almost every character in the game.

I think it’s more of:
“I’m gonna pick a character that looks cool. Also I’m not too good at fighting games in general, so when I lose i’m gonna go on forums and whine. If my character does some how get buffed, i will still not be very good, so now this game is ass”

I was trying to go off of vanilla. I know Fei/Ken have technically got some nerfs since then, but they don’t offset the buffs they’ve gotten which is why both are so strong. Adon’s wakeup change was a nerf, but he’s still very strong.

Can my super tools be given back, thats kind of all I wanted.

It’s like you can’t say anything about a character needing improvements or you are automatically labeled a whiner or excuse maker. I wish the world were this simple.

Why does it HAVE to be that X character is heads above the rest and it just has to stay that way? By automatically dismissing people when they bring up valid points that is basically what it boils down to.

These discussions/arguments/whatevers always boil down to people calling each other whiners or tier whores.

It’s fucking dumb.

Some people in here whining about their characters being nerfed and telling people to learn to play and deal with pressure… I’m sorry but I played one guy in here who was complaining about his top tier being nerfed, he was telling everyone they need to learn to deal and they should be this and that and calling people whiners and all this stuff.

Let me tell you, he sucked. Ass. Sure was talking like he was fucking awesome though. Only reason I joined his lobby was cause I remember his name from this very thread. I got kicked after one win. Ridiculous.

So to recap, the guy is in here telling people they are whiners and crybabies, and then he kicks me after I rape his top tier with Gouken in one game. Of course he made excuses and everything else, showed no desire to even learn or try again, but hey…

I’m a low tier whiner, right?

Bottom line is, I play low tier, I lose to certain things that force me to either get looped or take a REALLY REALLY risky chance to get out of while the other character isn’t taking much of a chance, and there are a number of small things that could be changed with my character to make him more efficient and help him to deal with certain things to even out the risk reward. Am I whining? I don’t think so. I’m just telling it like it is. I don’t send hatemail. I don’t really whine about it, but I know why my character has a hard time and it isn’t cause I’m slow to react to things (If I am I admit it and I know it is on me).

Anyway, whatever. I try not to take anything most people on here say even remotely seriously unless I have played them. The above example taught me that. people can sound really knowledgeable just by regurgitating stuff.

Also, I quoted you because I play low tier and I don’t think I fall into any of those categories. I defend him when people give out false info, and I say where I think his weaknesses are. /shrug.

youre most likely #3. i left out a sentece about just wanting to be competitive in its description

^ you on PSN or 360?

Edit: directed at Pillage