SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

  1. troll answer, character loyalty is very rational.
  2. troll answer, preferable fighting style or a few good points doesnt make a character good overall.
  3. not so smart troll answer.

Thanks for playing the game.

I think that was overall a quality post. It’s hard for me to describe this because my English is bad but there is something about your argument that is disconnected from the people who are actually playing the games. You are discussing something that applies to game developers; I don’t feel that it applies to me.

I am going to pick a character that I think is strong, try to achieve the maximum that I can with what that character has, and try to get better. That to me is a player’s argument. I couldn’t care less if every character in the game has a chance of winning; I want to destroy them all. :badboy:

Care to explain that? Hitboxes are more important to me than the character art that exists to hide them.

Sure, everyone is not you. Some people are loyal to characters because they are a fan of that character for whatever personal reason(s).

I think it’s, as you mentioned Reppin, that Gouken isn’t the greatest designed character, and I think that’s where the whole weakness of him is. If he had one little thing to steer him in A direction, he’d probably be pretty good. There’s a few characters who are like that. (Rose being one of them)

i’m glad you seen the light. everyone should use good characters imo. unless, you just like a challenge. i can never understand the appeal of using an lacking character. especially if they know that character lacks tools. like don’t you people feel cheated when ya’ll lose? i rather lose knowing that it was myself who is lacking rather than my character.

I would think the majority of people think the character they use is a good character, Hakan, Gouken and Dan and Rose mains nonwithstanding.

There is yet another rational argument. Some people like more of a challenge - that doesn’t mean they don’t have a desire to win.

Handicapping yourself after winning EVO sounds rational to me. Doing it before that sounds like nonsense.

took me long enough, i guess MvC3, and SF4 get dicked again edition was the last straw.

lol, sound familiar

Once again, everyone is not you and dont see things your way.

Honestly, I had no idea you don’t speak English as your primary.

I’m not arguing why someone should or should not play a a character. People do need to express what is lacking in a character in order for the developers to know though.

As far as I am concerned, the first version of any fighting game is just one big beta test. These forums are here to discuss characters, give feedback, and whatever else.

I already covered your mindset. You are fine with just running over characters that can’t compete due to certain limitations. More power to you. I’d assume Akuma would be your character of choice online in HD remix. Strongest character, destroys zangief without any effort at all… etc.

I used to play Seth in Vanilla. Worst fight in the world was vs Zangief. So fucking boring. You would have loved it I suppose. It was stale and boring to me.

That’s literally what he just said.

Gouken isn’t TERRIBLE. He just needs a slight tuning to certain things. His overall design is fine. They just need to make shit work (like his hit confirm which doesn’t). They literally gave this guy a hit confirm into EX palm that doesn’t work unless you do a noob diagonal jump in. If you cross up or neutral jump (you know, the times you need a hit confirm) the EX palm gets blocked and you are -6 at point blank range. It’s just mind boggling. It’s just one thing that could go a long way if it worked…

In theory all his pieces are in place, they just don’t all work at the moment =\

Kuroda is an anomaly. He is a God of 3rd Strike and can use many of the characters in that game very well, low tier and high tier. He’s OCV’d many teams in SBO and placed well on a 2 man team. His reads and reactions are insane.

Well obviously the secret to playing low tier is be the best player in the world. OF COURSE.

I think that story represents maximizing what you have. It’s the complete opposite of the “I need buffs” mentality. I realize that in reality we all can’t do that; I just like the spirit of it. Give me Ryu’s normals, a fireball, a shoryu, and some understanding of what Street Fighter is and let me see what I can do with just that.

I think the real secret to playing low tier is to think that you aren’t actually playing low tier :rofl:.

If people don’t know who Kuroda is yes, it’s a very nice story.

He’s that proverbial 1 guy in the “if 1 guy can beat great characters played by great players with a bad character doesn’t make that character great” argument.

He is not the only guy who does well in 3d strike with less powerful characters.
There is more than SBO and Evo.
Heck, just the HUGO players who after ten years raised him in tiers essentially are a great example.
K.O can beast against otehr grandmasters with Sean.
He is not an anomaly.


I see what you are saying. I agree with that. There is something about that Kuroda story that I associate with maximizing what you already have. I realize that I am making the same point over and over again here :woot:.

Look at Tokido’s use of standing short in this match:

…less talk about nerfing Yun / buffing whoever and more of a focus on that kind of thing is what we all need.

  1. it’s your choice if you want to be loyal to your SF2 character! I’m really happy to see there are still loyal people in this world. But please, stop complaining if the character YOU CHOSE to be loyal to sucks.

  2. cool, you like some things about a character and decide to play him even if he sucks. I’m really happy to see that people don’t want to win at any cost! But please, stop complaining if the character YOU CHOSE to play sucks.

  3. wow, you must have some real personality disorders if you think that a green monkey like creature or a sexually ambiguous spaniard wearing a mask and a claw 24/7 ( or a demon with giant feet and super sayan hairs for that matter) reflect your personality. I’m totally cool with your mental disorders and your character choice. But please, stop complaining if the character YOU CHOSE to play sucks.