SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Well I was talking about in the SF4 series.

That HP ball knocks down might not even be that big of a buff. It depends on what his options are afterward and whether or not they improved the HP ball hitboxes so that it can be FADCd from further away. Knockdown also means also loses a bit of damage by not being able to combo into FADC (unless the opponent gets put into a juggle state), which is not that big of a deal, but he loses one of his mind games where he can hold the FA and then release slightly later for a counter-hit crumple if the opponent pressed buttons. The deceptive thing about this buff is that it only knocks down if it hits within FADC range (which was subtly nerfed in AE…). Now consider that whenever Blanka can do a combo into ball x FADC, he can also combo into electricity for more damage and a knockdown. And from the distance he can’t do electricity combos, he can’t FADC his balls either, which means in many matches they’re still an unsafe combo finisher.

So we’ll just have to wait and see.

I’m not saying that she’s an ass, I love to play as her and I’m not doing bad without the TKCS (which was still awesome btw ^^). My point is, if lots of charaters are getting some buffs I think she would deserve some aswell to stay a good character, nothing more, nothing less. Not the return of the TKCS because it’s supposed to be overpowered, but I don’t get that, why is Yun or Rufus divekicks different? (except the build meter part, but that’s another topic, I may ask that somewhere else)

Anyway, I’ll still play Cammy whatever happens and it’s a good thing that lots of character are getting buffs, I’m mostly waiting for Yun and Fei Long update now. I would change Yun divekick a little or his lunge and nerf Fei Long dp damage, I think it would be fair and they would stay good characters. Wait and see.

I’m right there with you and that’s all I would’ve done with Viper. But with a character like Fei, his ultra is nowhere nearly as good as Viper’s, and if they nerf anything(very likely) I’m predicting it’s going to be his EX flame kick doing 20 less damage and chicken wing no longer crossing up crouchers.

Waiting for Cody changes, and maybe Abel changes because I’ve been training with him on the side.

wasnt that by accident tho? like after people found out about roll cancel?

I’m curious to see what kind of stuff they make to Evil Ryu, Oni, Gouken, and T. Hawk

I think if they significantly buffed Evil Ryu’s teleport - to Akuma’s level or better - and made Oni’s SRK FADCable, they’d both be way better immediately.

Re: Viper, EX Seismo is straight up one of the best special moves in the game. Sure they could have chosen to make her flame kicks much less useful or ruined her thunder knuckle pressure or her overhead or something, but they chose to nerf slightly the damage of one of the best specials in the game and one of the best Ultras in the game… makes perfect sense to me.

According to the frame data here: , Kikosho’s startup was 1+9f in SSF4.
Is that one frame really going to make a notable difference when using it in combos? I never really liked the timing for hitting Kikisho after ex legs some times.

Capcom is being sensible about these changes so far… But I can’t shake the feeling that there’s something hidden under all this “generosity” like there prepaing for something totally unexpected that it will take EVERYONE by surprise.

OT: Guess the thing about Ryu’s U2 buffs is that they want to give it utility without resorting to joudan, a smart move really. Wouldn’t wanna change the playstyle of everyone’s least favourite shoto or maybe they really want the joudan thingy to be exclusive to the hole-ridden bastard version of Ryu. Other than that no complaints, I approve of the changes AE 2012 version is giving us so far.

Very good changes so far…Would’ve liked Chun getting a little bit more buffs and want to confirm Blanka’s KD buff is real or not…in the blanka forum ppl cannot confirm if this actually knocks down all the time during a combo(which I assume that’s what Capcom intended to do) because it depends on the distance…character’s hotbox …etc…

I like how Capcom is addressing the balance of U1 and U2… The usefulness of some characters’ ultras are so unbalanced that only 1 of them should ever be used. Hopefully we see more diversity of ultras after this patch.

Viper is the only top-tier in this list and I like how they are balancing her … she gets to keep her ridiculous mix-up games and nerfing her damage.

Making Ultra a less impacting comeback tool might change the dynamic of SFIV a bit, but would that really change the way people would utilise Ultras? I mean I know that I would use it if I have like 50 percent in a very adventagous situation but how about if I am in the other end of the stick? Fighting for a comeback does take patience and knowledge but in the end that would just break the flow of the match. Ultras are just tools to play with either way, you either use when you have the chance, or not, to pressure the other player by extending your lead or comeback after a mistake you did cost you hp and you want to even the level of hp between the two of you.

But I do get where you’re coming from, Reversal Wake-up Ultras are really not helpful for either sides since it shows the desperation of said player activating said Ultra. Mashing the ultra hopiing YOU made a mistake ie. Missed links, dropping combos or a whiffed special. Half the time, you wish ultras never existed and proceed to hand them their ass in a sandwich made by you with special main ingredient “Humiliation”, or it hits and you realise that you should have never got hit by an ultra if you weren’t thinking up your overly complex combo to do just because the situation SEEMED right.

Besides while I’m not against Ultras as a comeback tools because if you fight back and win the round with a pixle of life left and you just did a miracle, it feels like you are a king for a while. Hell, why not name yourself the “Comeback King” if you are able to pull it off consistently? While it does seem rewarding it does take quite a while for a player to understand the mechanic in order to have Ultras as a back up rather than their main weapon when they first began don’t it? I mean that’s what I did at first when I got Vanilla.

Amen to that. Amen to that…

Blanka was one of the best character in the game even before roll cancel, he just got MUCH better with roll cancel. His speed (startup, recovery, jump speed, etc) was ungodly compare to how slow most of the CVS2 characters were and his lightning ball super was on par with AHVB.

I’m hoping for something more for Chun as well, because I could have lived without the 50 stun un-nerf on her sweep. The fix to her Ultra 1 glitch is an expected fix. Nothing to be grateful about as it should have never happened in the first place. And being able to use headstomp by pressing DF is nice I guess, but I don’t see how that will change anything for her game, other than more comfortable inputs for it.
So the only thing that remains is the 9 frame startup for Kikosho, which according to the frame data I checked used to be a 10 frame startup. I’m confused about how much this 1 frame buff will help it in combos until I try it…
And I doubt it will help it much as an anti air: For me it was never really the start up time, but rather that the step forward she takes during the animation makes most jump in attacks land behind her.

I want to see something else for Chun. Perhaps a better hitbox for stranding mk to help deal with dive kicks.

K blanka

This, OH HELL YES, this!!! It should have been that as a main focus for AE rather than nerfing everyone they possibly can from Super. The problem with Super, I felt, was while they had diversity of options in the choosing of the Ultra combos, some of them were useless. I felt that by tweaking some of these ultra combos, that we would see more diverse gameplay from the usual B&B that many characters are becoming a slave to rather than expressing a more “what’s he gonna do?” game. Keeping players on the edge of the seat trying to guess what his opponent might do is one way Capcom can do to get back their audience again.

I am kinda glad that they are looking at this now, and hopefully at other characters too WITHOUT messing up the already finely balanced characters (you know who they are).

Startup is still way too slow. They keep making changes to it but not to the startup which is the reason no one uses it.

its a good mixup move after you knock someone down u can use this for a mix up.

moar changes ;_;