SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

  • crosses fingers for Fei Long buffs*

lol, that’s like hoping someone recovers from AIDS. It would take a miracle.

hey, dont try to dash my dreams man. it happened coming into AE, it could happen again

prays for rekkas +frames on block, faster walk speed and no whiff annimation on U2

I don’t want to see Fei Long nerfed either. I don’t play him, but I just like him being S tier. I’ll be sad if he gets hit with the nerf mallet too hard.

That’s like praying someone with AIDS lives to be 100+ y/o. Delusional much? :stuck_out_tongue:

hell yeah


Personally they can leave Fei alone, they can leave Yang alone, and tweak Yun so he can be somewhat sane. I don’t want to see anyone ruined but yeah Yun can can eat a few nerfs and still be fine.

lol, I ain’t no hater, I want Fei Long to be kept EXACTLY the same, +frames on Rekka and those buffs would make him too good; if you ask foranything else, you’re being delusional.

He’s fine the way he is, I don’t think he should be nerfed, but he shouldn’t be buffed either.

But he’s getting nerfed nonetheless lol.

Yeah…this is kind of a pointless buff. 9F doesn’t let her use it in any non-juggle combos, and AA? Who is going to jump in a situation where a 9F ultra would work? For the characters who fall quickly out of EX Legs I don’t think the extra frame will help any.

I’m actually fine with these changes, I would have liked to have seen her damage on restored but overall I think she’s solid. The headstomps buff is great, she has a lot of great options off point-blank jump forward stomp. It’s an instant overhead that leads into high crossup. I like stomps and the main reason I didn’t use them more was because if I missed the input it usually lead to pain for Chun.

yeah, i know. im just doing some trolling to pass the time

Passing time until you hear the news that was inevitable anyway? >.>

yeah. i’ll be shocked if his damage isnt down across the board

im just hopeful that they dont touch my damned rekkas

I’ve used her ultra 2 as an antiair before. It requires good reactions, but it’s not impossible.

That being said, plenty of people jump at Chun. Like the dive kickers.

Capcom better not mess up with the bottom half characters, especially characters from 25 to 39 on the tier list. For example, giving some of the average to good characters all of these buffs, and then doing the exact same for the bottom tier, will only mean that they stay bottom. You gotta give twice as many buff to some of the really bottom guys to not just make them better, but allow them to get a lot better so that they are in the mix of the rest of the top half characters.

Let’s go Fuerte buffs… Please ;_;

Isn’t the next update coming tonight???, I’m like itching to find out now.

yeah. should be up in a few minutes.

supposed to be more info every day this week

I’ve been refreshing the blog every few minutes all night.

Shout-outs to dem Tip creditz on EventHubz

yeah, me too.

wtf dev blog!