SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

We’re really cool!

I mean, there’s no way I would be ignoring my girlfriend to refresh the dev blog over and over on, say, a FRIDAY night…

While we’re waiting.

Pff, you can talk to your girl friend any time. Capcom only updates street fighter like once every 6 months!

I’ll see your cute dance and raise you a jump rope.

lol. im going to have to stop this every 2 minutes shit. i’ll be back @ 12

f5 f5 f5

You can refresh it automatically with a simple script, or an addon like Auto-Reload (chrome extension).

We gotta keep this a little more PG though.

SF4 is rated T for Teen in the US. Ever seen the jiggle physics on characters like Chun Li, Cammy, Juri, and the o so sexy Rufus? (If you look, even Makoto jiggles lol.)


yuri is stunning too bad she starved herself and subsequently lost her curves

of course by 12 i meant 11:18

and still nothing. dammit


And thanks for the tip, MingoDynasty, but what you overlook is that if you don’t manually refresh the page, you lose that crack/slot machine rush of hoping for that payoff.



This totally made my night, I don’t even care if I fall asleep without an update. I would still like one though… C’MON ZANGIEF DIVEKICK!

HNIC Mike likes this

What characters are next in line?

So many likes…

BBbbrrrrFffff, Can’t wait for part 2.

Also gotta go somewhere in 5 hours…Deciding between either going to bed for 5 more hours but have to wake up right away being in zombie mode. Or try to stay up 5 more hours also potentially activiting zombie mode ;/

Hopefully Rose is among them. I’m anxious to see what my previous breadwinner is given. She hasn’t been anything special since Zero, but she barely even exists now.

[stop that, lol]