SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Ken and Sagat for Top 3.

Bison is shaping up to be pretty good as well. Depends on the buffs the rest of the cast get, really. I think Adon is going to wind up pretty high tier depending on what they give him. I don’t think he’ll change much and he’s already a pretty damn solid character.

Wow no LP spd nerf?

Honda’s back.

:badboy: :rock:

Bison wasn’t really buffed. They reverted the stun change on knee press back to super levels (was nerfed to 100 stun in AE), and +5 on hit after scissor kick fadc doesn’t lead to anything more than he could do at +4. It’s a usability thing, not a functional change.

Not really gonna complain about it though.

Said this shit back in Super lol

Any buffs for Cammy maybe? I really hope so, otherwise Cammy will really have a hard time against lots of characters. Even now we can’t see any in major tournament.

lol. So true. It seems like the characters from 3S are the hardest to translate into AE’s style. I would say Makoto got the best treatment, followed by Ibuki, with Dudders falling waaaay behind.

Anybody know how often the developers’ blog is going to be updated? Is it going to be once a week or every day?



When are people going to learn that just because you dont see a character at a major it doesnt mean they are absolute shit. The only reason why you saw Cammy in Super is because she was a beast with TK CS. Now she has a slightly different playstyle with way better normals. She is in no way ass right now.

Well, the ever slightest buff for Bison is better than nothing I guess.
Also Cammy is pretty good right now, I miss her TKCS but she can actually play some footsies now.

Agreed. Cammy’s style is just different. TKCS was fantastic, but I guess it doesn’t fit Capcom’s aim in this game, which is why it’s back in SFxT. but hey, easier links is a good thing right?

Seems a bit pointless since it scarcely lowers the skill barrier on the character. Can’t complain about it though.

As a Viper player, I clearly understand why they nerfed EX Seismo damage. Because it could be used as a crutch in certain situations. It’s heat-seeking, eats all sorts of ground normals and throws, and leads to a free, hit confirmable ultra for 500+ damage. Plus, it’s basicallyunpunishable. The only way to beat an EX Seismo, is to bait it out preemptively…which, for certain characters, is very risky. Or to try and hit her after the invicible frames wear out, but before the blast comes out…a very small window.

EX Seismo is a REALLY good move. So they nerfed the damage a little. It’s still a REALLY good move that will lead to random clutch ultras for like nearly 500 damage.

Please don’t destroy Makoto.

and a charged rock crusher can now combo so it is possible to combo it with a super and maybe ultra. Blanka looking very good so far.

I dont think they will nerf her she good now maybe like a buff or 2.

I see no reason to change a move that noone complained about for the last 3 years. MP TK I can understand as they’ve been tuning it every version since Vanilla. But EX Seismo? Doesn’t make sense, especially considering that they’re undoing damage nerfs to other chars.

I’ve read posts where people say that she only loses like 70 damage per match so it’s no big deal. If they really think that, then how about about they leave her specials and just nerf U1’s damage to 420 (+10 for combo scaling) and we call it a day?

Maybe I’m in the minority, but I want characters to get damage buffs to their normals and specials, and nerfs to their Ultras (stronger chars like Viper and Fei should have their specials remain unchanged though). Fighting your way back from a loss is a better comeback mechanic than the Revenge system.

Blanka was top tier in CvS2 i would say blanka once had a ton of useful buffs before. The funny thing is Capcom has the power to make any character top tier or low tier. these changes would probably put blanka up in the game.