SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Glad they didn’t destroy Viper by nerfing her too much. These nerfs are just fine imo and viper will pretty much play the same and still hit hard as hell.

I am actually pretty nervous for Gen changes…I pray to god he doesn’t get nerfed because we all know what happened from vanilla to super :\

his reversals don’t work.

While not every character can get their best mixup on him, they can get something and take 0 risk outside of him doing wakeup ultra.

I’m assuming that he thought viper was fine, he’s a smart guy.

Also EX TK is a wash. I don’t think you can call that an improvement.

its a pretty bad move, if it can actually catch slower airdashes maybe it could gain some use. I hate vipers super and I get meter quickly anyhow, it’d be nice to have something else to use it on.
just using it for funsies occasionally it actually did beat a healthy amount of things and people usually forgets she has it.

When i was worse with her I’d occasionally use it and ultra I even if it was blocked because people thought it had a larger recovery window for some reason and tried to attack me.

I’m very excited about Cody… but if Bison and Boxer are getting buffs… I think Cody gets some buffs, too :slight_smile:
The same should happen with Hakan, Rose, etc.

Hmmm, I thought there was some secret to his wonky hurtbox on wake up. I’m missing something because even in training, I can’t meaty Blanka on wake up like I would any other character, although I can safe jump him obviously.

I have a feeling they’re gonna nerf fuerte anyway.

He gets up 2 frames late

He’s free on wakeup to 90% of the cast, if you don’t think so you don’t know the matchup or you play a bad character.

It’s kinda like Claw, the whole goal with Blanka is to not get knocked down.

I play Gouken. Almost every match up is bad. Whenever I get near Blanka on the ground during his wake up, if I attack him meaty, I whiff and he reversals. This is not always bad since I can usually punish but it’s wonky and frankly, seems like a bug more than a character trait. His hurtbox throughout all of his stances is weird.

patiently waits for seth changes

Naw it is going to be a troll, they are going to do Yun, Yang, and Fei twice. Once tomorrow to show off all the nerfs, and then again the next day to list all the buffs that they “accidently” forgot to mention.

AS long as Dan Hibiki is amde top tier and Ryu is made bottom tier I am happy.
Gouken should get a buff as well, reckon he is actually worse than Dan, he may have a projectile but everything else is shithouse, got to actually hit your opponent to deal his big damage.

Just to clarify, -3 for Cosmic Heel on Vega is the worst, and depending on spacing, it can go up to +1. All around, I’m very happy about it, since I was content with AE Vega already. I’m glad Cosmic Heel wasn’t changed back to the travesty of +3, to the point that “Vega players” essentially spammed the move just because they could. The fact that he got nothing but minor buffs makes me pretty damn happy. I’m glad they didn’t listen to the massive amounts of whining from the people that couldn’t handle the obvious weakness the character was given as a design.

I personally hope the S tier characters don’t get nerfed too bad. As hard as it may be, I find it to be quite a thrill to fight a good Yun player and it feels so gratifying to come out with that win. The only thing I don’t like on Yun is EX Lunge Punch being safe on block. For something so powerful, I don’t think it has the right to be so safe. Not to mention, his air approach is already strong with the use of controllable divekicks. Why does he need such a powerful ground approach as well? But we’ll see what we get~ I’m excited. The changes are subtle, but enough to make a difference. I’m happy =)

LOL. Losing 20 damage on EX Seismo + 40 damage on U1 is quite a big chunk off her basic FFF combo. MP TK followups from EX Seismo also mean less effective damage.

WTF. Who even complained about EX Seismo doing too much damage in the first place?

Yet she will still deal a massive amount of damage anyhow, I don’t get the problem. Don’t tell me you think nerfing her U1 was a bad move too? That Ultra could be landed in so many ways and did insane amount of damage. Viper still plays the same she always did (hell her ultra is supposedly even easier to land now) so I don’t get the viper whiners. If anything be glad you get to play the same you always did except you now need to hit your opponent with a more here and there to win, big whoop.

Things could’ve been a lot worse for Viper mains.

I’m so glad they are mainly improving characters. Chun Li improvements <3. Viper didn’t get hit too hard at all really, which can only be a good thing.

I’m liking it! :slight_smile:

Viper is supposed to do massive damage, and I don’t mind that U1’s damage was nerfed. In fact, they could have nerfed it even more for all I care (I don’t like the Ultra system). But there wasn’t any reason to touch her other moves. People mostly complained about her BKs being safe on block and how much stun she does, and her U1 damage, not the damage on her specials. Not saying I wanted her frame data touched, but why nerf things in ways that didn’t bother anyone? Obviously I’m not saying she’s gonna be unplayable, I’m just saying they did unnecessary things.

i hope hakan gets nerfed his sliding grab is just too annoying and powerfull right now

At the end of the day, a lot of the minor changes to the already good characters, were there just so that their incarnation would be slightly different from the AE version. They wanted all the characters to have something new to play with. Viper seems to be where capcom wants her, so they barely really changed her damage. Most of the A tier characters will probably get this treatment of either having a moves damage slightly changed, or the properties of one random attack buffed a little to give them a small extra tool.

I think some of you guys look at damage nerfs in the wrong way. A damage nerf to a move that gets used once or twice per round is not the same as a nerf to moves that forms part of a character’s basic toolset. In any case, I’m gonna be cautiously optimistic. Every time balance changes get released people get hyped/salty without understanding of how the changes fit into the game overall.

honda getting his jab headbutt back is the best news i’ve heard.

and sucks that viper gets nerfed, but u1 having a better hitbox sorta makes up for it. well, not really, since the damage is nerfed. hopefully she’ll get her vanilla burn kicks back.