SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I liked SF4 because it was new system and I was playing an underused character and trying to figure shit out for him.

Then I saw Capcom nerf characters and make so many have to play in this predetermined mold. No coloring outside the lines and now I’m like eh

They are balancing mostly by making good characters bad instead of bad characters good and the playerbase is like “that’s the only way you can balance da game! You can’t make characters gooder, they would be too strong so it’s smartest to balance by making da good ones bad and buff my character plz but don’t make him too gooder cause I want to be a unique snowflake!”

I enjoyed SF4 and the quirkiness. I think they could’ve made it better if they messed with the system like correcting reelback or shortening stages but they refuse to and just tweak characters around. Lol @ the way SF team balances characters.

The whole playerbase is like that, interesting…

The generalization is intentional and I myself is included in my own smartass remark. I’m seriously thinking “whatever, that’s the only way they can balance because the battle director and whoever else is suppose to be doing that is unimaginative and lazy and I hope they throw something good for Dudley”.

I don’t think it’s a matter of being unimaginative…how will Dudley be good in SF4? Like the way he is is just not cohesive to the game. What are you gonna do, give him a divekick and a command grab? With that damage?

Improving his SSB or Thunderbolt doesn’t make them less useless lol.

Just give Dudley a decent mid-range game he can work with by improving a few key normals. I don’t think that’d make him “too good” or whatever. With Vega, just give cr.fierce and st.roundhouse solid AA hitboxes. But no, Capcom would rather give characters like those two completely useless, out-of-left-field “buffs”. Like improving Vegas’ Sky High Claw, or Dudleys’ jumping normals. It’s laughable. It’s like they don’t realize ***at all ***what it is that makes those characters bad.

I think the point is that Vega is supposed to have a weakness, that being AA. Dudley, same deal, weak in the midrange, although he’s off a little worse in that regard by having very few good long range normals that you can make good anyways (s.hp and

I like SFIV. It has problems, like every game out there. Big one being that they tried too hard to include a lot of characters. Dudley is a good example. He just won’t work with the SFIV engine. You can make him better by adjusting the push back on his attacks but without becoming broken he just can’t be truly solid. Not like Capcom wants to help him out anyway though, seems they think he’s fine…**

The problem with this logic is, neither of these characters possess anything objectively good enough to justify these weaknesses. There *are *characters in this game for whom that logic does correctly apply, but Vega and Dudley are not in that group.
EDIT: And giving Vega a truly solid AA game would not remove all of his weaknesses. He’d still be one of the most free characters on wakeup. Which (if he had a good way to keep people off of him in the first place) would be a completely fair weakness in my opinion.

The problem is they’re not strong at their alleged strengths. Dudley inside isn’t strong enough to justify his weak midrange game. He’s pretty terrible at the whole pixie hard to get off once in there thing.

I don’t play Vega and even I know his weakness isn’t just weak AA game.

So SFIV with its nerfed characters, shitty boring gameplay, annoying low damage where rounds last for days on end, the turtling defensive characters who shut down everyones offense, the overpowered rushdown characters who leave us with no options, the broken characters who have been handed the short end of the stick and will never be able to win a major, the stupid focus attack system, the terrible Ultras that reward you for getting your ass kicked, the mindless throw game, the unblockable bullshit, the **ambiguous **bullshit, the fact it isnt Super Turbo, the fact it isnt 3rd strike.

All of this… yet I’ve bought 3 copys of the same game with minor tweaks, spent money on costumes that add nothing but a bit of eye candy. Plus I’m looking forward to yet another update, another update that I will no doubt play to death again.

If you ask me they are doing something right.

I like Street Fighter 4, actually I’ll go ahead and say that I’m honestly starting to think that 4 is my favourite in the series.

Anyway, I’ve been drinking, its 5am. slater

I like the SFIV series myself, but regardless, it’s pretty evident at this point that Capcom doesn’t know what it’s doing with these updates. I think people should be as vocal as possible about it, so that maybe Capcom will actually change their tune.

Isnt that exactly what AE12 is for? If AE12 turns out rubbish, then Ill be on the Game is terrible wagon, but Super was great, really great and AE kind of ruined all the hard work Capcom did from Vanilla to Super. I remember reading before the dev logs for AE that they planned on making it unbalanced so there was an underdog factor… This pissed me off, there is an underdog factor to almost every fight, we dont need to have severe imbalance to make it for us.

All just my veiw on things of course.

you know it’s not just us being vocal you do have Japan/Australia/Europe.

Japan is the most vocal and have the best chances of being heard since they do speak onos language and they are pretty much close to him

I would rather the community not be listened to too much, actually. Some of ya’ll have horrid, horrid ideas.

I probably should have said “weaknesses” in Dudley and Vega’s case (Well aware it lies beyond just AA). In Dudley’s case, I still think it’s more rooted in the way the system is, IE backdashes, focus attacks on his long range pokes, etc.

he does,

completly free to abuse on wake up, with no answer to wake up pressure of any kind
OS completely destroys backdashes and puts him in the same situation again
Once they are in, you are forced to guess, where the reward is not being put in block stun for the next 5 s.
Can completely avoid the whole poking game with neutral jumps forcing me to guess if I should jump just to AA, or block the jump in.

Characters are supposed to have weaknesses, but when one of those weaknesses interferes with what that character is supposed to be good at. There is a definite issue that needs to be addressed regardless of what others may say. Its like if Gief was complete ass once he got in.

Super was amazing, AE could have been amazing if the characters that got nerfed stayed like they where in Super, AE 2012 would be god if characters kept thier AE buffs, and got thier good properties back from Super.

instead, they nerf characters, troll us in AE, and are doing much to address issues in AE 2012.

…Neural jump guessing?

here we go again.

At certain ranges, you can nuetral jump a lot, and its completely safe. YOu can then start jumping forward within that space and force me to use multiple AA. At certain ranges I have to jump up and do HK, at others nj.hp. Sometimes I have to do cr.hp or And even then those grounded ones whiff a lot, or don’t even connect becasue of wonky hit boxes and I get hit by a fat combo for doing the right thing. Once you do that, its very easy to neutral jump at certain spaces and I will neutral jump to meet you in the air because my ground AA are complete shit. Guess what, you can walk forward for free because I don’t have a single reliable AA that doesn’t make me jump.

See the issue? You eliminate a lot of Vega’s ground game by neutral jumping and exploiting a space where he should be dominant. If I refuse to jump to meet you in the air, I am forced to block the jump in. If I continue to jump up in the air to AA, you can walk forward while I whiff an air grab.

This was a non issue in super because he had stuff that allowed him more versatility. Now I am forced to be in a position where im exploitable becasue of an incomplete tool set.

and yes blah, blah, blah, black and white, its not that simple. You can neutral jump to, or call bluff. mind games whatever. Im still on the losing end, because i have to guess in a position where i shouldn’t be guessing to begin with.

But the fact is that there is that glaring exploitable hole an area he is supposed to be dominant in. That aint right.

What did Vega lose from Super to AE that made this a problem? If I’m not mistaken all his moves work the same.

Not entirely sure myself but I am gonna laugh hard if someone mentions Cosmic Heel

The thing he lost was Cosmic Heel. that move had nothing to do with this, but to use it you had to be spaced out differently and approach the opponent diffrently, and you didn’t have to aggressively stay in a set position and guard it to keep the opponent out. So the loss of Cosmic Heel forced players to play more defensively, and this hole became an apparent issue really fast. It was an issue in Super, but having that +2 frame advantage on Cosmic Heel, and being able to force opponents to do something other than walk forward, and giving players a chance to go on an offensive offset the whole issue i described.

in Super CH was +3 when spaced correctly, but it whiffed on crouchers, so optimum range was +1and +2 in a footsie situation
In AE, its 0 when spaced correctly. But it still whiffs a lot on crouchers so optimum range varies between -2 and -1.

That one changed, changed a lot.

GASP, OMG, did I make you laugh??? So sorry about that.