SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Do you main Abel?

“We thought that Claw players would only want a few more improvements, so we change a couple of small things.” -Devs

yeah, your fucking tin foil hat has been breached by the powers in be.

Capcom listens to people because its easier to nerf than to fix. its the perfect cop out excuse

really, ambiguous cross ups are an issue. Have you not payed attention to how Akuma wins matches, or Yun? Its part of the mix up. If you complain about Blanka’s ambiguity, then cry more about Viper, Yun, etc.

Why would I complain about C. Viper? We all know about burn kick. It’s a big part of Viper, but so are insanely fast hand movements and cancels. All of the Yun complaining is taken care of already. Looking at Blanka, it’s like the guy was made to troll. That fucking costume. Everyone everywhere has been over this. It’s not a worthwhile balance debate, especially because I hate Blanka far too much to bother giving any sort of fair analysis to him. I don’t like Blanka and I don’t know much about Vega, so don’t try to get me to say anything actually serious about them.

I played Abel in vanilla, and I sure as hell didn’t see Shiro winning games because c.hp can anti-air. I don’t see how Abel’s AE nerfs fit in anywhere at all, and c.hp is one of the changes being flat-out reverted.

you are complaining about ambiguous stuff. **ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, ****ambiguous, **

Especially Blanka, who has to work for those situations more, than Viper does or Akuma.Hence why I said, might as well complain about Viper because that is all she is, ambiguity.

BTW, the same can be said about

Rufus, hakan, El Fuerte, Dhalsim,

shit it can be said about everybody in this game

By that logic, it would seem all C. Vipers are the same, which may seem to be true online, but I don’t think so for tournaments.

  1. You’re taking an offhand comment I made about ambiguous crossups being a load of shit, and turning this into a legitimate balance debate I tried to start. It’s not. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for someone to think an attack that hits in front but lands in back is nuts, just on a basic logical principle.

  2. Stop spamming that red text. Your signature is annoying enough. If you can’t be civil, why even post? I’m not boldunderlineitalicizing my posts, am I?

@pedoviejo does your sig need to be bright red & 10 ft f**king tall, we get it you don’t like SF4…jeez

Even constant ambiguity can be predictable/counter-able, you just need a little matchup experience and then the hate will melt away like ice cream in the microwave.

ambiguous cross ups are not illogical, even in principal. Its a mix up, its what it does. Its supposed to make you guess wrong. Its a risk, a gamble. It makes perfect sense based on the principles of what mix ups are. This exchange of words would have never occured if you hadn’t said some nonsense about Vega being Gimmicky, or saying that a well thought out and earned mix up is a cringe to watch.

the boldness wouldn’t have happened had you not flown over what I had said.

Civil? so bolding words isn’t civil now? Wow, be right back going to charm school for internet broski’s like myself.

@refuse to lose

IDK, does it? Does SF4 have to be such a bad game?

Keep in mind this smart ass response is a response to your smart ass comment.

The hate never goes away. You haven’t seen what he’s capable of, what he’s done. I can never forget. For my children’s sake.

I saw what you said, I’m just not particularly interested in the same eye-searing bold red word repeated 50 times. That sure as hell isn’t civil or going to get anybody on your side. No, the mixup I’m referring to is NOT well-thought out, I was referring to Blanka’s EX Up Roll, whichever is the one that can be controlled on the way down and hit people it totally missed, by hitting them in the front which then hits them in the back. That’s all it is. And you keep flying off the fucking handle at everything I say. I ruined Arcade Edition, I ruined Honda, this and that, red text. It’s not even worth reading this thread if this is how you’re gonna go about everything. I’m just here to see what’s going on with balancing, not to argue about something I don’t care for with some guy who MUST LET THE WORLD KNOW THAT HE HAAATES SFIV, yet continues to post here.

no one does EX Rainbow??, at random. Either, its used to get away, or mix you up on your wake up, because a simple FA stops that in a neutral position. Are we playing the same game here? Its that sort of mentality, “EX up ball is dumb because its so ambiguous”, that makes somewhat OK moves, which aren’t’ even that great of moves to begin with, really bad moves.

Only reason, im still looking in this area BTW, is because Sagat got some of his chopped off testicles back in AE.

I like pie, do you like pi mister?

It’s true, EX Up ball is way overpowered. They should really nerf his overhead too.

The most OP thing about Blanka is…hmmm…well…maybe his flashy alt costume.

That and his command grab, dive kick, un-punishable specials, non ex invincible moves, and crazy high damage combos and resets.

You forgot his Ultra setups.

True, I land cr lk, cr lk, cr lk, ultra 1 at least once a round.

quoted for emphasis

…all the current top tier characters and tournament winning characters have great footsies or great tools to neutralize footsies, but they won’t get you anywhere…
…a set up which is literally termed after a coin toss can be “predictable”…
…a character that is basically designed to be the best poke character should have a 50/50 tool that should be the basis of half of his game plan…
…Blanka actually has tons of unpredictable shit…
…Dhalsim and Elf actually have the same oki…
…and SFIV is a bad game because when you’re on Shoryuken, your word is law.

Claw was one of the most pop- oh, never mind. Maybe Capcom can just nerf someone that doesn’t need it so we can have mindless complaining instead of trolls trolling trolls.

  1. Yes because Fei is nothing but footsies, and just stays outside of hover range poking. And when he gets a knockdown, there is no incentive to do anything right, because his options are limited to safe jumps that don’t lead anywhere, and chip damage that is laughable. Doesn’t have amazing frame traps or a command grab. Being able to occasionally win a footsie battle aint shit if there is no real way to capitalize off it, there is no real way to do it consistently because his moves don’t work, or because he doesn’t have a way to force mistakes continuously.

  2. non issue

  3. You keep thinking that, that one move was half of his game. You also keep thinking that it was an 50/50 with no consequence or no thought behind it. BTW, its cute when this “best poke character”, has to continuously get in ranges that he shouldn’t be because his moves don’t reach all the way out.

  4. non issue

  5. no they both are troll characters by design

  6. SF is bad because, characters keep getting nerfed for no reason.

I like it when people just post stuff, like me!!!

i agree with pedovejo. this constant nerf bullshit is making this game hella boring. nobody have any fun bullshit or anything like other fighters ( or other street fighters ). like in 3rd strike even mid tier characters like urien have fun bullshit like his aegis reflector unblockables. but in sf4, everyone just castrated ( soon to be for top 3 in ae ) and boring as fuck.

I like it when people manage to miss the point of a post*, *are wrong about a few things, and back their opinion up as a fact. Consider me impressed.

And why the hell is anyone playing SFIV to begin with if they want this so called “bullshit”…play another game and shut the fuck up already. Capcom has quite clearly stated they don’t want SFIV to be one mistake, you lose.

Remember kids, if you want to look cool, talk about how shitty SFIV is while you continue to play it. If someone calls you out on it, make up an excuse about how it’s the most popular so you have to play it!

you’ll be surprise how many people play for this reason too. as for me, i find AE fun at the moment ( but i use yang so i guess it’s expected ). will i enjoy ver 2012? maybe, maybe not. but i do think constant nerfing and very low damage makes the game kinda stale and boring at times. also nobody said they want this game to be one hit and lose, we just want some respectable damage ( i’m talking for 90% of the cast ) especially for punish’s. i kinda miss vanilla damage right about now.