SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I still think hes going to be a seriously vuiable character. You cant really compare he changes to what he is in AE because hes simply op in AE. But if you take him as a character with the changes in AE12 he is still looking very strong. His Command grab is still going to be fine for that matchup isnt it? I mean it still will have throw inv frames just not past the 8th frame. I dont play Gief or Yang, but isnt using a 7 frame startup command grab against Zangief with his 2 frame spds a terrible idea? I know you will have throw inv after the 7th frame, Im guessing its a setup of a blockstring or something?

Anyway, I guess what Im trying to say is: You shouldnt be thinking about using Yang as a third, you should be thinking about how you will prove yourself wrong and make Yang look not over powered but flat out broken in AE12. but your free to do and think what you want :smiley:

Then again I could be full of shit :sunglasses:

I have dropped AE for awhile now that there is a patch coming that pretty much changes many things for me, especially the nerf of the twins and the essential changes they made to my character that revolves around my playstyle. So i’m basically treating this new AE like a whole new game to me once this patch comes out. Not sure about you guys, but I never cared about nerfs or buffs and never thought it was such a big deal. I just deal with it and make the best of the changes. SRK among other fighting game forums have shown to me how nerfs and buffs are such a big deal.

I never played a game where my character gets updated and changed so at first it was pretty cool to me at first. Trying out Claw in AE, it was not as bad as people said he was. I still tried and actually did much better. But with this pushback on sky high claw, it changes so much for me since I use that move against aggressive players. So i’m dropping this game until the new patch.

Also, this thread is getting so dramatic, it’s hilarious. Sorry.

Cody players didn’t get what they think the character needed so they’re generally indifferent to the buffs and they believe he’ll stay roughly where he is in AE. We won’t know for sure until the game drops but can either of you explain why you think Cody will improve at all or give any concrete reasons as to why you think his buffs are being downplayed ?

Cody players think Cody will be top tier?

Only the people who don’t play him think that…

Still don’t see what’s going on. I always figured Vega moved around tiers because, frankly he’s a fragile, and rather gimmicky character. I don’t believe he or Blanka have any place in competitive games, nor are they the slightest bit fun to fight against in casual games. Seeing a tournament won with Blanka’s EX Up Roll followed by mashing back and forth would be particularly painful.
I thought Sagat went down because he no longer had the highest stamina AND damage output as he did in vanilla, which was just very poorly conceived. I don’t recall s.lp or even his links being the reason he was on top for all of vanilla.

Why should Yun and Yang disappear from competitive play? If you are a Vega player, you sure as hell know that he has way more weaknesses and way less strengths than any of the Super Hong Kong Fighters, and obviously they need more than one nerf to come anywhere near balanced. Still not sure what the point is here.

Are you basing that on online play? I don’t have a problem with either of those characters offline.

Blanka online or offline is just a fucking troll

I don’t care much for them anywhere, playing in any way or watching much better players. So I won’t bother to make any balance suggestions about them.
But, seeing a game won by that stupid EX Up Roll is painful at any level. Such nonsense.

So what? They didn’t really get better at all, if I give a long list that you wont even bother reading. non of the match ups where buffed, because the most important tool for setting up a scary throw game got fucked. So now Vega has to feed of mistakes that he can’t force any more. Wow, what a fucking buff.They took a viable tool that forced mistakes and instead substituted it with a halved ass replacement.

It doesn’t matter if character Z is weaker. If you can’t force mistakes it won’t matter. That is what makes characters good. How can i force mistakes? Look at Wolverine in MvC3. He forces you to guess, he forces you to guess and guess wrong. Look at Akuma in SF4, he forces you to guess and forces you to mess up. Vega can’t do that any more, and still can’t. They aren’t fixing his obvious problems. They aren’t going to fix wonky hit boxes that don’t reach all the way, or hit boxes that don’t work the way the should.

BTW, Fei is a non issue for Fei, its a 5-5, and even in Super where Vega was clearly a superior character, it was still a 5-5.

because given Capcom’s record in the SF4 series, any list of small changes makes a character that much better. just like any small change makes a character go from somewhat good, to very sub par.

No, Vega moved up in tiers, significantly from SF4 to Super was because,

  1. they fixed several key issues like cst.hp - not hitting everybody, and - working on everybody as well.
  2. Fixed FBA to hit where it should
  3. Cosmic heel game was developed enough where it presented a problem.(biggest significant change)
  4. To a degree, Splendid Claw helped

Vega was never gimmicky, and was one of the sounder characters in Super, had a lot of 5-5, where both characters could force mistakes and capitalize

BTW, you are the reason why characters like Honda, Vega, Blanka are so shit. NO fun to play? The fuck, for you.

and random dive kicks, or random rekka, or random DP isn’t?

Why would people that dont like a game/characters spend their time playing it?

I like getting my ass beat down by people no matter what character they use.

You can’t create your own game where you win most of the time and fight people you want to all the time.

All you can do is accept/enjoy what it is.

Vega was so fun in vanilla, but not in Super or AE. I don’t know what happened.

Well, as annoying as dive kicks, random invinci-dp and rekka are, the latter two can’t ambiguous crossup, so I don’t think they’re related to Blanka.

I’m the reason? I’ve heard something like that before, so surely I must be. Just like I got Breathless nerfed. Capcom listens to me, the guy who didn’t even play Super. The all-powerful standard player. I must have unconsciously influenced Capcom. Next I intend to make Dudley god tier, Abel can link into Soulless from three’s, Ryu’s Shoryuken will do 1 damage and cannot be FADC’d, Blanka cannot dash and is -16 on Blanka Ball hit, replace Zangief with Haggar, and Guy can turn invisible.
Get ready for AE 2013.

Is your avatar Honda or Akuma after his river of demon tears have burned streaks into his face?

Either or.

With all the weight he has gained I can see why it takes him two extra frames to recover from forward throw.

com on, you are being obtuse again. People like you, who push for shit constatnly. The collective hive mind, that has been getting characters nerfed for no apperant reason. The people, who where pushing for “a funner game, more spectator friendly game”. Because Blanka, Vega, guile, are boring, or whatever you may think.

The mere fact that you said, Blanka wining with an ambiguous cross up as if its a bad way to win, because its a guess. puts you in the spectator friendly crowd who wants a funner game.

BTW, on the earlier post, i meant for Sagat. No move says fuck you like that move did.

which is why stopped trying to develop Vega as a character for further use. Footsie only character can only take you so far in a game like SF4.

Lol random rekka

Woah… wheres my tinfoil hat. :rolleyes:
Regardless of what You, Him, We or I think at the end of the day we are not the people making the game. We can voice out opinions and give the developers our wishlists and wants but its not up to us what happens. IF it was up to the ‘collective hive mind’ as you call it, the game would be a complete and utter unplayable mess.
Noone has nerfed characters for no reason, and if they have, they are being paid by Capcom to do it.

Ambiguous crossups are generally a load of shit that defy common sense, but Blanka’s is nuts. There’s no way to predict where Blanka will land or counter it from experience because it’s totally random every time.

I only have a PC. When Capcom made up the totally shitty excuse “oh noes piracy!” for not releasing Super on PC, I just ignored SFIV up until AE was finally announced for PC. So I have nothing to do with Honda’s lp headbutt being nerfed, whatever happened to Guile, and I especially wouldn’t have nerfed Abel’s c.hp. Who the hell even ASKED for Capcom to nerf Abel’s c.hp? The AE changes seem to have just been made completely at random, and it’s not even surprising how many are being reverted or further modified.

Many more are kept/modified than just reverted to Super status