SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

They want lvl 1 FA > Dash in to be Dudley’s in. It’s not gonna work.

Unless it works like Bison’s U1 does on airborne (where it grounds them and completes), it’s going to be worse than it is now.

They described it like Ibuki’s U2 (all hits but the cinematic hit will connect) so I’ve got a good idea.

dudley will never be good in sf4 series. but hey, at least ya’ll got 3rd strike. i heard he’s pretty amazing there.

You know who else is pretty amazing in 3S?
Chun-Li, Yun, and Ken.
There is no escape.



2012 is the year of the Emporer

Long live the king


Wait you were serious?


Excuse me while I go find an orphanage to burn down.


Why is that joke funny? I never understood it.

I mean…that cartoon is straight trash so…yeah. idk.

That is why it is funny. The pure cheesy factor. It is SO bad it is good. I guess you were never a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000

RF said Dudley was a bad match for Sagat. I’ll believe him.

Can we please stop saying Yang has bad damage? He might have below average damage on his BnB but he lands it more than any other character in the game. He’s also (IMO) the scariest character in the game when he’s in your face at frame advantage. People need to weigh the damage vs. how often/how easy it is to land. I’d much rather have Yang’s damage output than, say, Gouken’s… Yang’s punish combo without ultra will do about half of Gouken’s punish damage, but he’s sure as hell going to be landing that combo way more than twice as much.

Basically, once Yang gets in, you’re losing a real solid chunk of life, most of the time. It doesn’t really matter to me that he has to do it over the course of a few combos.

I think Abel’s Breathless in Super was a little stupid. Not because it was overly good against most people, but it kinda ruined the matchup for one or two characters (Hakan, eg). Plus, pretty much every character had a guaranteed out in Super… if the move is hit invincible after you release it, maybe a lot of people won’t have outs anymore? I don’t really know how it’s supposed to work now.

Abel will still lose to footsies characters (Chun, Fei), dive kickers (Yun, Yang, Rufus, Cammy), and grapplers (Gief, Hawk) at the very least. People who think Yun/Yang/Fei won’t be very good and frequent tournament characters in 2012 are in for a bit of a surprise, I think. We’ll still be seeing them a lot.

RF is one man though. A strong player to be sure and probably the best Sagat, but one man just the same. I’m not saying which way the match swings. I’m saying one human’s opinion is not the end all be all for any discussion.

If someone could argue to the contrary, I’d listen to it. But in the meantime, I’m going to default to the opinion of one of the best Sagat players who knows more about the character than me. Based on the theory fighting in my head, the opinion doesn’t seem unreasonable at all.

I could hella debate it…but honestly wtf is the point? The match is prolly no more then 4-6 Duds and honestly…Duds is average as fuck. Why the fuck am I gonna waste time debating about a char that can’t win a major? Kinda mean but true.

Nobody’s going to say Yang’s damage is weak. But he doesn’t have the “what the hell that bnb just did 200 damage” factor that Yun does, so you think “This guy is really good at Yang” instead of “Why is this twat so goddamn strong?” At least that’s what I think when I see players like Nemo.

I don’t think I’ve seen a Dudley vs. Sagat with players like RF. Don’t know how the matchup would even look.

Not played any good Dudley’s…

So much crying about Dudley… How about some love for Gen the old man? You think Gen is higher tier than Dudley? How come there is not as much whining from Gen players? Buff Gen b4 Dudley please! Kktnxbye!

Gen is better than Dudley I’m sure.

Playing a good Dudley aint got shit to do with knowing Gat has several good buttons in the match. Matter of fact HK is the button you prolly should hit the least unless you are whiff punishing something.