SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Maybe, but good dudley’s can wreck Sagat though. Sagat get’s no TU trade, no fireballs, and is pretty much reduced to spamming MK and HK.

Why doesn’t Marn ever use Kidney Blow? Isn’t that one of Dudley’s most useful moves?

Who is Abel going to lose to after 2012? Zangief?

His buffed U2 helps him a lot with that matchup.


Are you sure? U1 could already punish random or baited lariat. Don’t see why you still think U2 will be the ascent of a new Abel.

Abel will lose to the same people he always loses to. He’s basically just being reverted to Super with some U2 tweaks.

hawk also gives abel a headache. solid 6-4

A lot of good abel players will argue with you that abel (U1) vs gief is a 5-5 match up (changes depending on who gets the first knockdown lol). Some even might say abel has a slight advantage.

A buffed U2 makes it usable again in this matchup (its kinda useless vs gief in ae, or maybe i just prefer U1)

As for who he’s going to lose to (non 5-5 matchups), I guess mostly the same chars he’s been losing to in ae, Yun(although this probably gonna get easier), Fei, Hawk, Akuma, Dan, etc… lol

dan really?

So more loc test starting today (2nd Sept) till Sunday (4th Sept) at Plaza Capcom Kichijoji, Tokyo… I dont think I can go this time since I have my mid term presentation on Monday… I’ll try to pay attention to tweets and stuff…

Dan is already good in AE (most people just dont know LOL) and will be better after the patch… and yeah, he has the advantage vs Abel.


Also, zangief aside, should we see a rise in Abel’s Matchup based on his U2 and returned CR.HP? I think it would rise a bit due to how if an Abel players get close, they would try to FA or CR.HP you when you least expect it to get their combo to Ultra. Any thoughts?

For now, I’ll say I have doubts in whether Abel U2 is gonna make any big difference in matchups (no doubt it will affect some matches, just not sure by how much) since despite picking U2 for all of my matches at the loc tests last week, I landed it more as punishes which is also possible using the current version of U2, still can be punished easily if you messed up, and never really get to test its hit invi properties lol… it has potential to be too good, but probably not as broken as in super where the startup was hella fast (8f iirc).

The return of super’s cr.hp will give him more chances for a clean aa hit or trade into ultra, which can be the turning point. But yeah, just dont jump at him unless you know your move will beat his.

Is his U2 considerably slower? Can you see it? Just wondering, because I used to play him in Vanilla and Super but dropped him because of Makoto which needed much more work to be effective and hence left out the poor amnesiac bastard in the corner for a good while now. Needless to say, his changes in AE upper might get me back but I wouldn’t hold my breath if I am gonna stick with him or not. Hopefully though I’ll be able to see more Abel players playing more cautiously since AE practically said “NO SPAMMING CR.HP!!!”.

Since Dan is getting buff in every version can they just remove his taunt. I hate getting taunted by Dan player win or lose. :frowning:

But that would be a nerf now that taunt can build meter. I can’t believe people are asking for Dan nerfs :open_mouth:

umad? Deal with it, it’s Dan… best fckn character in the game. Best Super in the game, best taunt in the game, best ass in the game --> God Tier!

You should go and get in someones ear about giving Rose some non joke buffs for us that still like to torture ourselves by maining her lol.

Chun li and dive kick characters

Chun-Li’s kicks are so powerful, that EX SBK allows her to phase into another dimension.

I figured most people know by now that Dan really isn’t bad. He’s not going to win tournaments, but at least he has an uppercut and DAN KICKS.