SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

He’s just stuck trying to fit in a game that’s not 3S :stuck_out_tongue:

Makoto and Ibuki transitioned so much better sorry to say. The twins are pretty much the polar opposite situation from diddles imo, the fact that its not 3S makes them so much better.

Jeez. Is SRK done farting yet?

SSF4 Makoto F tier would like to speak to you.

Overall ALL of the 3S characters have had major problems upon transfer. This is because 3S’s parry system was a double edged sword. On one hand it allowed for a larger variety of characters since doing well wasn’t as much down to how good your tool set was. On the other hand it allowed the designers to be lazy when creating characters by allowing some characters to have nearly every possible tool in the tool box at their disposal (Yun for example) and allow for the parry system to attempt to balance the problem.

Look at Makoto as another extreme example, her offense oriented gameplay worked perfect in 3S because she could make up for her nearly complete lack of defensive options because of the parry system. The parry system allowed her to have better options against rushdown, and practically negate her weakness against zoners. By DESIGN she worked amazingly well in 3S and is a delicately balanced character in SF4 (See how she shot up from her own tier up to mid A tier by tweaking a few options and nerfing a lot of characters she had trouble with. Watch how she drops down from A to mid-high B thanks to those same characters getting the nerfs reverted while gaining nothing of importance on her own.)

3S and SF4 don’t really mesh well without major overhauls to every character, it doesn’t mean it CAN’T be done, but it takes careful planning and changes to keep the character from being completely useless or completely dominate.

Not to mention Yun is much better in 3S and Yang’s moves/properties have changed a ton in comparison.
The characters can work, it’s a matter of doing GOOD changes to fit with the game mechanics.

A lot of the SFIII characters might need more changes to their arsenal before getting to SFIV, that’s why we don’t see Alex, or Urien or Q or the like in this iteration, because they would have to change dramatically to the point that they are no longer the same. Probably the reason why Ibuki, Makoto, Dudley and The twins are in the game is by their playstyle, rushdown. I haven’t play SFIII enough to know if others would have make it if they were the same playstyle, but look at all the changes they had to undertake before getting into the game. If SFIII taught me anything is that most of the strategies employed in SFIV are not viable in SFIII, which probably made it more fun but the investment of time and effort to be better in that game was almost too much for me and that is what almost killed the franchise.

SFIV is a great game in its own right, but it keeps updating, seeing constant changes from the developers just to get it right, Vanilla was a bomb, Super was just a chemical reaction, AE was just an experiment which could blow or fart in your face and AE Upper is a tweak BASED on that experiment to get another bomb or a small “POOT” from the flask. It was confusing and I have heard a lot of people telling me that it changes too much. Everytime they do say it, I get to put 3 pounds into the “I wish I never have ears again.” Fund for me… Ughh…

Dudley is terrible in this game and will be unless he gets a total rework or some ways to combo into untechable kds, imo he is not far of being the worst in the game. Every single character can keep him out, he needs to work too much or be random as hell to get in. Then guess again with what crap the rival is going to get up. And free on wakeup also.

It´s depressing that all the “sucessful” dudleys out there need to play random to win, because the character is so lacking in many aspects.

…because focus attack is a terrible game mechanic.

I originally hated focus attacks, but I have to say I really do think they have become a great tool.
I think if they changed Reversals so they didnt break focus it would be interesting.

But yeah, I like focus attacks, even if they are a bastard to deal with some characters.

The risk/reward ratio associated with focus attacks decreases as you use it more. I think Dudley exposes this more than any other character. I view him as the most focus dependent character in the game. He would be a much better character if the offensive application of focus attacks provided a more consistent benefit. Focus attack is relatively random therefore Dudley is relatively random? Maybe Dudley mains would completely disagree with me.

Maybe a clearer way to say this is that I think focus attacks lose there usefulness if I know that my opponent wants to use it. It only works as a surprise attack and even then the risk isn’t particularly good. The person performing the focus attack is almost in a position where, “I am going to try this and hope I get away with it”. My view of this could be due to my own lack of skill.

FA’s are a pretty legit way to get in…you have quite a bit of frame advantage after a blocked lv 2 FA… I think the reason why more characters don’t use it is because their focus attack is bad (poor range or longer “charge” time)…so mostly Duds and Fei Long abuse it. So, focus attacks are not only about getting a focus crumple, working as a “surprise” attack, but also intelligently get past a poke and close in, for instance.

I am questioning whether or not good players will allow you to perform a level 2 focus if they have a reasonable expectation that you will attempt it.

Solid play with Dudley seems difficult to obtain. The character will always be high risk / high reward. I am not saying that this is a bad thing, to me it’s just the reality of the character.

It’s not that simple though. You can either try to evade which allows him to gain ground, or you can try to stuff it and risk a CH crumple. Focus Attacks are a good tool. The problem with Dudley is that his other tools aren’t strong enough to complement his Focus Attack. But I am also of the opinion that he is one of those characters whose potential hasn’t been fully untapped.

What are his bad matchups in AE?

Yeah you’re right. I remember Daigo vs Marn (Seasons beatings?) where Marn was clearly overusing FAs so Daigo started throwing random sps.

He has a nice amount of 4-6 matches and the others are arguably 4.5-5.5 if not even. I don’t think he has any good matches besides Dan and Hakan. Even Dan is arguably even for Dudley. Off the top of my head he loses 4-6 to


That’s not really that bad though, since most of the cast have bad matches vs the twins and Fei. He beats Blanka IMO. 5.5:4.5. There’s nothing Blanka can do once he gets in cos his reversal is punishable on hit for like 500 damage or something.

The second round of the first match in this set is great example of why focus attack fails as a consistently useful offensive tool:


Marn didn’t land a crumple focus in the entire set.

yeah, i agree that you cant just try to bully someone with focus. theres too much that the opponent can do to avoid it. armor breakers, multi hit attacks, backdashes, neutral jumps, fast 2 in 1 special cancels, characters with fast walk speeds can just walk up throw

then to add to all the escapes, they are absolutely terrible on whiff allowing full ultra punishes from most characters

theres only a few characters who can be bullied easily by someone constantly flashing focus. its terrible risk reward. IMO its no more a reliable strategy than jumping in a lot

Forgot about Blanka. The top 3 I’ll give you as well cause everybody loses to them. Right about that.

But his even matches aren’t really generally accepted as even across the board… It’s arguably even. It can go from 5 to 4.5 then back to 5.

FADC’ing through projectiles can be really useful offensive tool though. Any character can do it but I rarely see people trying it.

which is wierd because its much better for that than people trying to use it as a way to muscle in