SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

thank you.

Yun is basically the same but toned down a bit. Just need to not fuck up his pressure game or drop a combo for 5seconds longer.

I was saying if you feel -> st.lp is too hard for your eliteness then use cr.lp -> st.lp which is piss easy but only lose 10 damage
And Juri -> is character dependable but apparently you spent more time on this forum than actually practicing.
Seriously, keep calling people “moron” or “gtfo” boy as if you were not of a joke enough in this thread. Well, what can I expect from a YunYang tier whore in the first place?

EDIT: OK I’ll stop blasting yang as I just saw your post above. Of course I’m happy. Cry me a river.

Whoa, this Hakan on stream is really goood - Hakan lookiing really viable for 2012 AE.

Character specific? Maybe the reason for the mention was because of different characters have differnt stamina, thus different damage is inflicted on them? Nah, maybe I unknowingly tried to prove a point and simply forgot to embellish the damage to do so?
Im sure its well known, but apparently not to you when you say there is two 1 frame links within the combos to cr.MK, but its actually upto 3 frames. But now that its for sure you do know, now you can go into MK when you feel that you’re too far away for the “heavily spaced” HP, since it having the exact start up frames as HP, you would still have 3 frames for the 199 damage cited earlier.(on Ken even)

At least I didnt get called out my name tho.

Hakan. We B tier now.

^B tier is all we need. :tup:

This whole Yang discussion is getting tiring, but just would like to point out that s.lp wiffs on crouchers (Blanka and Honda always, other characters it’s spacing dependant), so your ideas of, slp, are moot, because it isn’t reliable. cr.lp to is also a one frame link, but it’s plinkable, so it doesn’t matter. Yang’s only worthwhile hitconfirmmable bnbs are x3, rekkas (for a low hitting bnb, give or take on lk) or cr.lp x2, xx Rekkas (with the s.lp variation to make it easier). People proposing other combos are completely clueless about the character.

And the link the guy posted of Nemo doing it, he doesn’t. He does cr.lp,, no there.

Anyway, I didn’t get to see his jumping mk new hitbox in effect…did anyone catch a glimpse of it on stream? Also so many Yang’s doing, xx Rekkas for the extra range, lol…old habits die hard.

Onto Cody, his walkspeed looks signficantly faster, Ken or Guy’s level. He still has a weird twitch animation…dunno, it hard to have a verdict on it. Bad Spray FADC U1 seems extremely strict, perhaps character specific? The guy who attempted it on stream didn’t get it and did as fast as I think it’s possible. I’d think it’s not hit confirmmable, but 3rd Strike:OE has taught me new things about human reaction lol.
Cody still gets destroyed by heavy pressure, and the knife improvements are nice and all, but keeping the knife is unrealistic.

Yeah, that hakan was awesome. Wish we knew who he was.

I wandered into the eventhubs comment section while this site was down…they were complaining about…

…Hakan being OP :wgrin:

Gouken lookin better than ever with DAT ULTRA.

I lol’d so hard when I saw that. People were saying they’d drop the game if Hakan turned out top tier, that he was a joke character and thus shouldn’t be good, that he is gimmicky, stupid and easy to use, unlike Yun who at least required skill.

Eventhubs comment sections never ceases to amaze me.

i hope hakan is really really good in 2012. he is fun to watch.

Has there been any actual footage of the coward copter? I know Air said it’s back, but I haven’t seen it at all. I see the attack copter is back, and I think every shoto who had the new air tatsu from AE now can do the attack copter because I saw a Evil Ryu and Akuma both do it along with Ryu. I main Evil Ryu and use to main Ryu, so I’m glad it’s back and can’t wait to utilize it again. But I was just wondering if the coward copter is really back because I haven’t seen any signs of it.

I’m not say it should return, I’d just like for it to be truly confirmed or debunked. Maybe what Air saw was the attack copter and got the wrong idea.

I have not seen it myself, but I’d imagine it will travel in a diagonal line quickly downwards, therefore most characters will still have the ability to punish it when used as an escape. I think they may have just removed the floaty aspect from it, if you know what I mean.

At least that’s what it sounds like.

First let me say the only reason Im gonna reply to this Yang stuff this one last time is because Im one of the people who said to use the st.LP. After this Im done, the only reason I even chose to respond is because certain people choose to act a certain way like calling people retards and morons or whatever, and then think they actually know shit. So since I really dont give a fuck either way, Im just gonna stop posting about it or else keep looking like Im on my rag permanently.

I did the st.LP vs a crouching Ken and it worked, I just assumed it worked on “everybody” since the LP all crouchers.The reason for the quotes “everybody” is that every character has to deal w/ stuff that doesnt work on “everybody” So if that what the guy meant by comparing it to Juri’s st.LP, uh no, Juri’s LP actually depends on them not being crouching. Yangs connects on all of them crouching except Blanka.

What I did find there were a handful of characters, that because of hitboxes, the Lp will not combo, but it still hits. These are the ones I found: Honda Ibuki chun cammy cody blanka rufus adon. Thats like the reverse of the usual character specific. Character specific usually means it works on only a select few, but In Yangs case it means it only doesnt work on a select few. Hardly fits into that description, but it does only technically.So I guess you’ll always have that right?

Anywaqys, if you connect a cr.LK combo it could mean to things. You’re opponent was standing, to which makes the Lp “whiffing” argument moot, or it hit him crouching, which a cr.LP would of hit him anyway.

Maybe the complaint should be about hit boxes so that Yang can connect st.LP on everybody. Something Im sure Yang players already felt he deserved and asked for. Or they could ask for an extra frame of hitstun on their cr.LK, which would then mean they would probably have to make the crouching LK more than 3 frames since thats the only reason it isnt a one frame link in the 1st place. Im sure that will start another round of bitching.

Whatever Im though speaking on it. Yang and Yun looked fine to me in that location test footage, not the neutered character everyone was crying about.I did chuckle @ the yang who connected his super and then wasted it by going into his ultra. Then backdashed to start whiffing palms so he could regain his meter.Yeahhh… that luxury is gone.

9:40. So happy to see it back.

This is not a coward copter.

stop assuming shit then dumbass. i told you that shit didn’t work on everyone. just take your ass back to the juri forums already.

Wow!!! still salty? Do you need a hug?