SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Cody was already scary, now he’ll be even more. As for Hakan, TIME TO GET SERIOUS!

2nd vid. @11:03-2 lp rekkas on block

dosent look bad at all honestly

Ok, these are interesting. It’s a shame the games weren’t more focused around testing the gameplay changes instead of just people killing eachother, but there is a chance to see at least a couple of the Yun changes in there.

Basically, if that’s 2012, then the changes to upkicks recovery and divekick height restriction either didn’t make it into that build, or the changes are so superficial that you might as well have not put them in the patch notes. See 1:30 on the 2nd video, Yun does MK upkicks, 2 steps forward, jump through and LK divekick as meaty crossup exactly the same as on live, with what seems to be identical timing. So contrary to Capcom’s notes they don’t appear to have changed that aspect of his game at all, which leaves him in much better shape. The rest of the Yun changes had actual numbers against them so presumably they are as advertised, there’s no footage of anyone trying anything interesting like lunge > ultra, although we do see Yang punishing 2 hits of Yun’s TC4 in the first vid.

Liked, for use of the term ‘Bloody Marvelous’.

The recovery for upkicks could be on whiff or block only, like Boxer’s headbutt changes in AE.

So what are Gouki’s options off his f.throw now (that’s the only reason I can think of for them including the vs CPU match)? Dash DF Palm into low meaty? Delayed palm into high meaty OS U1/sweep?

This was a really stupid change to a move used to evade fireballs that was already punishable.

Recovery on Ryu EX Tatsu and Blanka Up Balls, Rainbow Roll and Ultra, Gen Gekiro are damn near instant, less punishable than Boxer’s Headbutt ever was, but they add recovery to shit like Abel’s roll and El Fuerte’s Leg thing.

You should come to the UK, you’ll like it there, it’s bloody marvelous.

umm no. you only end it roll kick to get a advantage in position because roll kick deals even less damage. and that link you speak of is not only an one frame link thats unplinkable, but it still barely caps over **160 damage. why do you think you rarely see yang players it?
man, this is getting wack and redundant. people who don’t play the character shouldn’t comment at all.

as for juri buffs, she actually look like an decent character now. **

lol this is capcom we’re talking about. they do things like that.

At 14:00 mark, the Akuma did a forward throw, dash into a demon palm (which missed), but seems like with little tweaking it can work as a safe jump or an empty into low set up?

Btw that game is quite funny that the Akuma was obviously trying to test this, that he was mashing throw but Zangief kept teching…lol

Got to spend some time at the loketest today. Some random notes.

Chun feels more or less the same.

According to the people there, Guy is a beast now. Blanka also supposedly has good potential.

It was funny seeing Yun get thrown out of a EX Tenshin.

Fei is still going to be solid.

Juri will be very viable I think.

hahah yeah i noticed the akuma wanted to land that throw so badly lol

juri is pretty good in ae imo… with buffs, she should be more than viable…

yea, i think juri gonna be very sweet now too.

Did you happen to see any Dhalsim footage? What’s the general census there about him?

I second this! Anyone mention Sim’s changes there?

It was vs the CPU.

Dhalsim’s biggest buff was the death of the twins. He needs nothing more, in my opinion.

Oh I didn’t notice lol…

Also Cody’s walk speed… I guess it is a tiny bit faster? But he’s still quite slow…

this is actually pretty correct haha.

I think if you space it, it’s still safe.

The disparity should come in when you’re doing deeper ones, and then there’s the factor of if the opponent has long reaching enough to punish 2nd LP Rekkas. It should still be usable for chip.