SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I dunno, if you can run a complete safe offense (The crux of Fei, Yun and Yang’s game) you are an asshole. For the most part, all of them retained that safe offense. I don’t see how they can be that bad with that.

once again you guys just go off about stuff you don’t even understand safe offense? did we read the same notes? almost everything that yun had that was safe is no longer safe, yes he needed some of those taken away but all? + alot dmg taken away + changed as a character with dive kick changes+upkick nerfs, if you understood yun you would understand that they changed alot more than just making it “7 combos instead of 5”. Now im not saying hes terrible or w/e but i do not like how they “changed” so much stuff i guess its the same as the cammy stuff and that was pretty stupid but hopefully they will change her back or something.

No one should be surprised. Capcom always nerfs with a sledgehammer approach.

When you saw the tame changes to Fei, I bet you thought they weren’t going to do their thing? Heeheehee

I have a feeling Yang is going to be like the new SSFIV Ryu. Not terrible but not best by any means.

There is a clear bias though I must admit.

The twins win a few matches in that footage. I demand more nerfs.

Oil at the start of every round… freaking beast.

You can consider one a shitty character only in relation to the other characters in the game, so what the fuck are you saying? That this game isn’t Guilty Gear or XmenVsStreet Fighter?

After seeing these 2 videos, I have the feeling now that the japanese top players will be perfectly fine with Yun, Yang, Feilong changes. Those three are most likely still Top tier. Considering the ammount of changes made to the twins, that will be saying a lot about how they were before the nerf.

This will be extremely funny to do a relecture of this thread.

Cody is still very slow by the way, despite the speed buff. And Dhalsim mainers, Yun will still rape you. Sorry.

Is that really surprising? The top players aren’t stupid enough to pick very bad characters and then waste their own time and energy complaining that they aren’t good enough. They either work hard to win with them or pick high tier. The only time people should complain is when their character gets heavy nerfs or if you play sim in AE.

I understand what your trying to say here. But 5% of the community are Pro, maybe 25% attend tournie’s. The other 80% probably work 9 to 5, 5 day’s a week and have taken over a year to get good with a certain character.

I’m not justifying salt, but it’s not as simple as saying “pick someone else” or “the pro’s have the right attidude”. My attidude would be bloody marvelous if I could jump on a plane and win a thousand bucks for playing video games…:slight_smile:

Its the casual players that are the effected, and this site is chocka with casual players. Hence the bitching.

Anyone think they might be holding back on announcing all the changes because they don’t want to confirm any buff that they could see withdrawing later, and so only detail buffs that they’re happy to keep in no matter what? Imagine the scenario: Fuerte gets his invincibility back, Fuerte loses invincibility before release…

Otori is right, people like him shouldn’t comment on characters they don’t know.
Ryu Super: 300
Ken Super: 370
Honda Super: 400
Ibuki Super: 330
Dudley Super: 350
Seth Super: 320
Gouken Super: 345
Akuma Super: 330
Gen Super: 300 (Mantis) 320 (Crane)
Dan Super: 350
Sakura Super: 350
Oni Super: 350
Juri Super 370 (Note, you are rarely going to get ALL of the shots to hit in a real match.)
Chun Li Super: 340
Dhalsim Super: 300
Abel Super: 335
Viper Super: 300
M. Bison 340
Sagat: 350
Cammy: 350
Deejay: 350
Cody: 350
Guy: 380
Hakan:400(Dry) 450 (oiled)
Rose: 300
Adon: 355 Punches 350 Kick
T. Hawk: 420
Fei Long: 370
Balrog: 345
Vega: 400
Elf Fuerte: 340
Rufus: 330
Zangief: 450
Blanka: 400
Guile: 300
E. Ryu: 350

So out of 39 characters we have 20characters with 350damage or greater supers. Barely over half, certainly not “90%” Not to mention that not only is Yang’s super SAFER than most of the characters with 350+ damage supers, it also has better chip damage potential if blocked. You can’t block and punish Yang’s super like you can with Blanka, Ken, Bison, Sakura, Dan, ect. and most of the cast is building super much slower than Yang or Yun. Characters that tend to build super quickly (Guy, Cody, Adon, Juri, Fei Long) have supers that if they whiff or are blocked have insane recovery. Juri’s super has a 155frame recovery. Chun Li is AT BEST -31 on block for her super. And lets not forget Dan, his super on block is -41 and if it whiffs he still does the full animation a total of 263frames. You could literally get up, grab a soda, and come back in time to punish it.

Why were you doing cr.LK x3 rekkas as a BNB with Yang? You can link cr.LK to jabs to cr.MK rekkas and it’ll be even more advantageous to do so in 2012.

Not to mention, with that much scaling already, it’s often better to just end with rollkick, and that kind of combo would barely be touched by the damage changes.

Because that particular combo has the most damage scaling and lowest damage so it suits his argument better.

I have noticed that sometimes phantom buffs/nerfs can be added. Nothing that capcom have deliberately changed, but somehow the selected move acts slighty different. You hear of it all the time in character threads. “How does x move feel like it has better frame advantage” etc etc

ITT after August 25: Yang players who think Yang is in bottom tier after being balanced.

Face it, a lot of you people crying about twins nerfs and calling them bottom tier off the bat just haven’t really played the character or seem to understand the game as a whole product.

For the rest of us that are okay with changes, bring on Ver.2012 now!

Need more loketest videos to pick out stuff.

To be fair, most of those Yang players also claimed he was already balanced in AE. So to them it is like they nerfed a mid tier character into low tier instead of an S tier character into low A tier.

I’ve felt he was a pretty technical character myself, just a few points of over superiority in some aspects and match ups. These changes will tone him down and require smarter play IMO. A lot of their balancing makes sense. Some of the nature of their moves and conditions were not in AE.

This thread has too much whining and not enough loc-test updates, IMO. Props to Imm0rt4l and HFX for hookin us up with the ones we have.

In the meantime, instead of talking about if Twins/Fei/Akuma got nerfed too much, maybe we could discuss the possibly crazy buffs to Cody, Juri, and Hakan? Just an idea…

Well,the people talking are either:

  1. Salty that their main was nerfed (Much like me…the damage nerfs were expected but that rekka nerf was uncalled for)
  2. Trying to convince people that these balances are justified…which I personally believe some were way over the top