SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

I don’t intend any insult by this, but i think that argument is a little empty, unless you’re at the top of the competitive scene and currently smacking down everybody. If playing Street Fighter is ever not challenging, it’s because you’re playing against people who aren’t good enough, and you need to find some better opposition. You’re subtly implying that if you were playing a top tier character instead of Hakan then you would be destroying everyone and the game wouldn’t be challenging, but if you’re not beating the best in the world then you’re not in a position to imply such a thing.

Of course perhaps you’re stuck in a godless hell hole where the local competition is non-existant and without travelling an unreasonable distance you really can’t find anyone who can challenge you, making a low tier character necessary just to make the games interesting. I can relate to the godless hellhole part, i mean i live in England.

Listen troll, i do not think you fully appreciate the true depth of conviction with which i do not give 2 shits about you. Sit down.

why work hard? working is over hyped and glorified so much on this website

from someone who has mained the worst character in SF4, i can tell you it isn’t fun seeing a good character get nerfed for the sake of my character, when Capcom could have given my character some really cool shit to do…

I thought so

Dont worry im sure not all the changes are final, hopefully they can get a few more nerfs in on the big 3 they still seem a little OP (especially fei who seems to gotten off the lightest). The tears are delicious lol

Seriously but, you picked those blatantly dominating characters you were gambling on learning a character who had a very good chance of getting their strength reduced in the future, thats the gamble you took and you all know it. Anyways goes back to playing the characters you really like vs playing to win, you play to win these days good chance your god tier char gonna get toned down with patches/updates just the way it is

That was never my intention at all. I liked the challenge a new character with unseen potential brought on. Its like newfound land that Fellow hakan players and I were discovering piece by piece. Challenging and exciting in its own way. And feeling like the underdog never hurts my drive. Hakan is also a technically challenging and risky character that requires good mind games, but can’t always get to that fast start. That is what I meant by challenge and uphill battle. If by saying I play hakan because he sucks I wouldn’t be so excited for all these new buffs would I?

And no, I have an abundance of local competition where I am, and go to tournaments and fight nights as much as I can. Hakan doesn’t make the game interesting, just slightly more interesting.

I don’t know who you play, but Capcom gave my character awesome new shit to do, but also buffed some of my worst matchups. You can’t pin the nerfs of Fei, Yun and Yang on any single character either, so don’t try to. And to say I enjoy hakan because 'working hard is over-hyped and glorified on here"? Man I mained Hakan before I even went on this website once. :confused:

I can understand that many will never get why some people main Hakan or other ‘low tier’ characters, but then again maybe you’ll realize it next time a Hakan blows you up. :slight_smile:

I share this sentiment.

You pick new or low tier characters so you can explore their options and/or to prove they are better than people think and/or you just like the character and/or you’re just that good at the game it doesn’t matter who you pick.

You said Fei got off the lightest? Seriously? They all got some pretty good nerfs as far as I’m concerned. Especially Yang, but I don’t see how they are still OP if this was permanent. Fei got nerfs on ALL his special moves. Damage nerfs for normals…for what reason? That fucking rekka nerf is still making me salty. The thing is already punishable jeez…and on top of that they give us a +10 dmg to overhead…that buff was like a slap to the face to me. I swear this better not be permanent. Asking for nerfs instead of asking for your own character buffs OR learning the matchup…jeez

I went through the change list again and still failed to understand some of the Yun/Yang crying here.
For the twins, other than the double palm combo in corner, what kind of combo ability do you actually lose in 2012 ver? The twins still have massive ways to do damage but now they just have to be more careful. And the damage nerf / stun nerf / palm nerf, aren’t they pretty much expected?

Also I’m quite confused about whining about Cody, outside walkspeed buff what exactly makes him different? Bad spray FADC ultra … but how many times can a Cody actually land that thing?

version 2012 footage


you fail to understand our nerfs because gasp you don’t play our character. aw fuck, i’m just gonna take an post for otori to educate the ignorant of those who felt we have nothing to bitch over.

otori’s post as follows

"Fine, I’ll bite. Let’s start with damage, which you seem to focus on. x3 xx HP Rekkas will do 147 damage (does 185 now). 139 if you end with LP Rekkas for better positioning (changes list only 60 damage for FP, I’m assuming the 5 damage increments remain the same). This gives Yang the least damage of the entire cast on his BnB. I won’t go as far as to do the calculations for FADCs into his ultras, because I’m not sure how the hits would count, but between those nerfs already in effect on the BnB and the reductions to the Ultra themselves, I’d be surprised to see it break the 300 mark or even the 250 mark (currently does U1 does 347, U2 does 321).

A 25% decrease on his bnb damage. I hardly call that damage inconsequential.

New extra frames of U2 won’t allow you to combo after a MP Palm FADC, which, if my 300~damage deduction for his combo into Ultra is correct, he’s not only the lowest damaging character in the game, but has also the least damaging combo into ultra, behind even Ryu.

Let’s take a peek at punishes too! Currently, his go to option of s.hp xx HP Rekkas does laughable 210 damage., xx HP Rekkas does 268. The former will do 196 damage in 2k12 and the latter 241. 196 if you don’t want to risk the 1 frame link! That means that Ken’s and Fei Long’s mashing that DP during your non chainnable cr.lks and now more frame disadvantageous dive kicks are only gambling on 6 damage! Oh wait, they have 1k health to Yang’s 900, now that’s some good risk reward. Find me a character that does less damage on a completely free punish combo.

And there’s more. Let’s not forget that Yang is blessed by having his bnb ender scaling his combo 3 times further. We all know that as the health bar depletes the opponent gets natural damage reduction, starting at 75% in the worst case scenario. This means that his combos will end up doing 110 damage at the end of the round!

Oh and Senei enbu…Currently, a full, loop starting of cl.hp xx MP Palm does 381 damage. I’d say 90% of the supers in this game alone do 350. There might be a few that do 300. This means now you either have to risk going for a reset to get as much damage as every other super in the game or simply nail the loop down for 75% of the damage other characters get.

I’m sure all these damage nerfs mean nothing to you, because you’ll just find your way in another 2-3 times. After all, you have been freely divekicking and rollkicking FADC your way in with no problem, right? Week 1 twins when people are dumb enough to not simply jab your rollkick is really fun!

I was gonna delve deeper than mere damage numbers, but whatever. I wish luck to whoever sticks to Yang."

and this isn’t even the tip of the iceburg. real talk, people should stfu if they never delve deep into the characters they comment on.

yun yang and fei nerfed and thats the way I like it
more buffs to hakan, dan, gouken, rose
some more nerfs to Ryu & Ken there heavy kicks just aint fair game, not by a long shot, it’s hitbox extends further than dhalism’s arms

Read my post again. What kind of combo you CAN NOT do with this patch? I never deny the damage nerf but I also think it’s pretty much expected. Don’t tell me because a 350 damage bnb now does 50 less damage so your character is massive gimped as if it were to be deleted from the game.

You are kidding right? Yang 300 bnb? Did you read the post he posted above?

umm fadc palm ultra 2 for starters? like get real. the shitty damage nerfs plus nerfs to other things that weren’t even overpowered like his ( seriously? cross ups are too good now? ) will indeed make yang very mediocre. and don’t even get me started on our nerfed ultra 2 start up thus making it less effective as an fireball punishers. yang lost alot of stuff and got nothing in return. and damage nerfs were expected? wtf yang barely fucking does damage as it is. if you thought yang did damage, then you need to block more or something because he was barely capping over 150 as is. like seriously just go back to the juri forums because your knowledge on yang is clearly lacking. all you see is that we can still some bnbs when its more than that.

just in case people didnt see these links in the middle of d_dollars tearly posts lol (the vids are unlisted so you need to know the link to see it)

we got it already, youre mad at the nerfs your character gets, right now things are really just moving in circles


so i was just randomly checkin some of the top/strong yang players tweets to see what they think (nemo, aqua, haneyama etc)… i dont see much complaining really lol

i think its nemo who said that yang might still be strong, just not as “easy” anymore lol… he also said something like, theres no point complaining much about it right now since it wont change anything anyway, looking forward to play at the location test… and if yang really got that bad to a point of being unplayable, he can always pick a new character if he wanted to.

i dont know about you, but i see a big difference between these top players mentality/attitude and the not so top players attitude…

Times like these I wish I could “like” the productive and non idiot posts like these twice. :smiley:

Man I just love to see these bitter posts from those self-claimed “i play harder than you” dudes. The twins still have the almost same combo ability and open-up options but suddenly they just become unplayable because Capcom removed the cheapness (from Capcom’s blog: 手軽). Seriously if you can’t finish your opponent with say 7 combos instead of 5 before the patch then maybe you are not so “hard working” as you claim to be. You can always just change your character or stop playing the game. I’ve never seen this kind of bitterness from Japanese Yun Yang players on twitter or forums and I wonder why.

I’m no Yang main, I’m sure my pic says that enough,but this “bitterness” is what caused ALL these nerfs. I understand what D Dollars is saying. Yang was already low damage, they just shitted on him worst AND took away a good combo into ultra. I hope this is not permanent, they’ve been shitting on these characters like Guile got shitted on by Kuma in that SFxT trailer

Damage nerf / buff and minor HP/stun nerf / buff have the least impact on a character compared to frame data / hit box changes. The character can still be played as the same way as before but the player just gotta be more careful. Sure guile is nerfed in AE but the gameplan is still there, and Dieminion sill won the SBO ticket. Sure dhalsim is nerfed in AE but FChamp still bodies RF and Mago’s sagat and evens Daigo’s ryu. Think about how zengief player feels in AE and how Gen player feels in super, the gameplan they had been trainning for the past year just totally changed and that’s serious business compared to losing some herpderp moves. I didn’t say Capcom didn’t shit on Yang but seriously how much does the patch really affect Yang players?