SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

All jokes aside you must know a damage buff on that isn’t going to happen unless it becomes properly punishable on block. I guess if you wanted to go down that path you could argue that Capcom should give it some recovery in addition to real ultra damage, but you might find Capcom are somewhat attached to the uniqueness of it.

‘Real American Damage’

I don’t need to produce a counter argument for what amounts to just “lololol scrub Yun, now you will need to L2P lolol EX lunge spammer”. It’s funny though, for all the hate directed at people who have made a decision to play a character that is actually good, anyone would think that the goal of Streetfighter was to appease people on the SRK forums, instead of, you know, winning. I wonder if some people in here go around stalking Boxer’s who use Ultra 1 and telling them how they’re ultra-tier whoring scrubs for choosing the stronger ultra and if they had any skill they’d using Ultra 2, because the mark of true player is apparently to make really bad decisions and then stick with them.

I enjoy Yun’s design, as a character with a lot of options, some really bizzare and funky looking combo possibilities (Palm / EX Palm / launcher / shoulder juggle stuff) and a quick aggressive style i find him fun to play. But i have no problem switching to another strong character if Yun is removed from the game, to not do so wouldn’t be admirable, it would be idiotic.

Maybe i’ll pick Fei back up

teoh, where have you been most of my life? your posts are by far some of the best i’ve read out of this thread.

Hmm, seems to me you blatantly ignored what I said. They planned to patch this game as it was being released to consoles. After months of being in the arcades as a playtest of sorts. Gathering data from arcade play and arcade tournaments and community feedback. This has been confirmed by Ono saying that this patch the AE 2012 was initially planned to be the console release of AE, (sure to be updated in the arcades as well) but due to funding were stopped and left half way done.

It wasn’t like they planned to release AE with all these nerfs then a month later change them for the lols. And it is something I never said. Its something they decided they were going to do after they saw how unbalanced the Arcade release was, it was scrapped, and then brought back after all the community backlash towards this game.

Bah. Pick Gouken and stick with him no matter what buffs everyone else gets.

Are we talking about the same Ono who said he had made AE purposedly imbalanced because it was more fun and would bring the community together? I’m way more inclined to believe he was threatned to death during EVO.

And you believe they thought up this entire patch, coded it, tested it, and are now bringing it to arcades in 4 weeks? Not likely. Ono has stated even before the release of the Console version and throughout the games lifespan that he wants the chance to balance this game one last time, And He’s recently stated his team started working on this patch for the initial console release but were stopped due to Capcom saying no.

You can be inclined to believe whatever. I just kinda believe the truth.

Also…I’m done here. Its way too much working keeping up with you people. :confused: I need a new forum, I think.

You know what? Fuck it. I DARE you to refute anything that i responded with. From you crying to how you cant just throw out a target combo, to falsey proclaiming massive recovery and how focus attack beats shoulder show me please this technical knowledge of the game you say I lack. I GAURANTEE you wont. So either do it or STFU and take a repeat copout so you wont have to discuss none of the garbage that you posted. Go ahead.

all i know is, that this game is gonna be boring as fuck after the patch. everyone gonna have mediocre damage and shit tools just like ssf4. basically, it’s an contest to see who is the less shittier character out of an roster of shitty characters.

Lucky you, because based on what i’ve been reading you’re through w/ this game. I understand you’re mad and all, so good thing this patch wont take too long so you can move on to those games you said you were going to.

Cody still does 322 dmg without meter, so I’m pretty happy.

white text fail.

but hell yea man, i’m just waiting for umvc3 to hit that store shelf. i was gonna put up with this if yang was nerfed but still left as an decent character. but after that dumb shit i saw, i’m like lol. so i’m just gonna hold out to see if these nerfs even go through ( it will ). and if it does, well yang is still fun in 3rd strike.

Hmmm, a yang player claiming AE 2012 will be “boring”. Pretty funny.

You right. Rekkas are a threat. Now both parties will think more than just throw out shit.

i didn’t know you was an cody player. well, you got lucky. i only used yang so i’m pretty fucked in this regard.


well, you wouldn’t understand what i mean since you play an shitty character ( no jab at you personally, just the truth ). so obviously our view of “fun” is subjective.

Rose’s buffs aren’t anything special, but compared to what everyone else (minus the top tier obviously) is getting she really is left with nothing.

What reason could they possibly have to not give her a better reversal or improve her U1, other than making sure she stays at the bottom of the tier list. Now I don’t mind that she’s low, I do mind that it seems that she’s low on purpose.

I’m surprised people haven’t mentioned Sakura. She was already very good in AE, will probably be still just as solid. Oh wait, Sakura+tier threads=endless debate. nvm

I won’t say Yun changes were fair/unfair, but I think people had a while before they figured out how Yun should be played in each matchup. Latif’s quote of all Yun players being the same, aside from Daigo, holds pretty true.

I’m sure it is fun to freely have your way with most of the cast in AE, but thats not how this game is meant to be played. Personally a challenge is fun to me. An uphill battle. So maybe that is partly the reason I play hakan. I wouldn’t call him a shitty character, though. I would say a lot of people play their character because they find their character most fun for whatever reasons. Having their character dominated by top tiers is never fun. So I hope from this fun perspective you can see where these nerfs come from.

Fundamentally your character still has all the tools he had before, barring a cross up or two. Sure some have them have been worsened, but thats not something some good spirits and hard work can’t fix, right ol chap?!

well, i don’t play him per se to dominate other characters. i played yang because he felt strong and complete. like i used to main juri in ssf4 and she was one of most lacking characters i’ve ever played.

and as for yang, all his tools are pretty much weak as hell now. he have virtually no damage ( because he was hitting 250 bnbs daily lol ), st.short being 5 frames is lol, ultra 2 start up is increased so good shit like mp palm fadc ultra will not work, oh, and his ultras have received damage nerfs even though when combo’d together ( outside command grab ) does the same amount of ryu fadc ultra. which is pretty weak and this is before damage nerf. so please tell me how yang is fine?