SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Ha ha cute post. Whatever. Try if you want

Sure it does. I am not bitching, you just dont like the truth. The fireball allows Ryu to zone, the 2nd rekka allows us to keep pressure on most of the cast and our offense going, they are the same but different. You think the the analogy doesnt make any sense because you simply arent comprehending the point. Many of the buffs other characters received were warranted. I never once said they werent, so I have been looking at their perspective. But thanks for assuming.

And stop overexaggerating. You are acting like there was absolutely no way for those characters you speak of to escape the corner and get into their offense.That is total bull.

Obviously people will adapt in time, but the fact remains that people were complaining about things they didnt understand. Is Fei fine? Of course.

We are never going to agree on this one, ever. Moving along…

Vega got some issues lol.

What people have got to come to terms with is that the characters are designed as individuals. There is a limitation on the tools that can be dished out because of this.

Now I’m not saying Vega doesn’t need buffed. But having a unique design like Vega’s is probably 1 or 2 changes away from completely blowing the game up, the same with Zangief, the same with etc etc

I doubt they take a character and look at his 38 match ups and then tweak as desired. I’d assume it’s an overall balance, than a case by case balance.

Which is why we will never get a perfectly balanced game.

Ofcourse i won’t agree. It don’t make sense. Comparing a fireball to rekka is hilarious.

I’m not saying Vega needs anything crazy. He’s not a bad character IMO, he just needs a few tweaks to hitboxes/frame advantage and he’ll be fine.

I find it very strange that people complain about updates.

We had 5 versions of SFII, 3 versions of SFIII, 3 versions of SF Alpha, and I only talk about Capcom here… Virtua Fighter 5 (highly praised in the competitive scene) had 6 versions.

So what is exactly the problem here ?

I just hope that AE 2012 compress the tiers as much as possible. Perfect balance may not be possible, but I like at least the effort to achieve it.

Newer generation of gamers, stronger PR push from developers many people didn’t know that there were so many versions of games like SF2 because people were introduced more by word of mouth since gaming was still very “niche” back then. The rise of the internet has made complaining easier, and in turn made updating games easier.

Ultimately it comes down to a combination of older gamers who cling too tightly to the idea of “just get better or don’t play the game.” regardless of the situation. And an influx of newer players who didn’t know about how the old games were revised and are tired of seeing things like Activision’s Call of Duty / Guitar Hero / Tony Hawk franchise raping.

Its simple really,

you give him back the old Cosmic heel back, and give him the ability to force mistakes. or

you fix those damn grounded AA’s, specificlly and cr.hp. To complete his ground control spacing game, and stop forcing me to guess what type of jump in you are going to try this time.

nothing like combo into ultra, nothing like invul frames. no two simple fixes, one or the other. Is that so bad? According to capcom yes.

Theoretically, I tend to agree with what you’re saying. However, you can’t say that a cry for nerfs of twins and fei were not warranted. I’m a Dhalsim main, Fei is not a problem for me, but when I play good twins who know how to properly trap me, i have little to no chance. That, coupled with the fact that I comfortably beat those same twins that owned my Dhalsim with my secondary Blanka who’s not nearly as good as my Dhalsim, I know something’s not right. Matchups as one sided as that should not exist in the game. And believe me, Fei has many matchups were it’s just really really hard to approach him. The game is a lot about risk and reward when it comes down to it. And face it, Fei’s rekka is mostly used as a poke that punishes footsies. Not only does it have priority over most footsies in the game, it also does more damage than any single footsie in the game.

Of course, it’s not easy to use either of these 3 characters, they’re harder than a lot of people think, but the thing is, once you start playing with skilled players that know their characters very well, you start to notice the glaring weaknesses of other cast members compared to them.

Hmmm…Ok then. I don’t know where to begin with this…uhh “truth” as you call it, but ok here I go.

If you think Tier lists are magically created upon games release based on who the community feels like “whining about” you’re wrong. Tier lists are created from match up knowledge, and high level play, and generally peoples experience with the game.

Now let me tell you WHY you’re wrong about Capcom catering to the “whiners”. This also goes for the “everybody whining because of Fuudo” argument. (Which nobody with half a brain was, he totally outplayed Latif and most of his competition and he deserves it). This patch has been planned out for a while. Before evo. Before AE was even released on a console, most of the decisions were made for this patch. This patch was what was originally planned to be the AE we got on console originally. It was planned, worked on, and scrapped do to funding issues. This was confirmed in an article a few weeks ago. More proof is how fast this is coming out. You think they really started working on this after they announced it at Evo? Its only been about 3 weeks and its already nearly ready for release barring some game bugs.

The reason it was brought back was from a large backlash from the tournament community to Capcom reps. The patch itself (as in what is being changed) is not from people “whining” on the boards but from mostly Japanese arcade data. And study of HIGH level arcade tournament play (Something I’m sure you don’t even know about) in Japan and in America. To think the world of Street Fighter begins and ends with the SRK boards is crazy and ego centric. And to think everyone is pissed off? Not at all. Akuma mains, yun mains, yang mains, and fei mains…sure. But everyone? Nope. General feeling here is positive.

But to your point of “I have a hard time punishing this it should be nerfed argument”, Yes, exactly. When a VERY VERY high consensus of people have a problem with something, then yes, it should be nerfed. You brought up “Oh I have a problem with Fuertes wakeup mixup so it should be nerfed” as a sarcastic response to that, but you don’t realize that his mixup has been nerfed, twice. (Slight damage nerf going into super and Invincibility on splash going into AE). So perhaps your “whining” caused Fuerte to be nerfed huh? I mean, being that I the cause of an effect must be the only possible string brained one I can see…I would think that.

Nobody is saying anyone has to play exactly the same, but cmon you’re really complaining about your herp derp 2 rekkas? (Which usually CANNOT be punished in AE stop saying “we’re just not trying hard enough” because…again so very very wrong). My only response to that is…get better. (Your response to us.) You have 19 frames after a connected Rekka to connect your second rekka, get to hit confirming practice. I mean by your logic we all need to get better and stop whining to beat the twins and fei, maybe you should get better and stop winning and learn how to hit confirm. :slight_smile: Learn the mixup of the 3 rekkas and learn your spacing to make it safe. Sorry your random 2 rekkas mash out flame kick probably won’t work so much anymore. :frowning:

Or perhaps you could just whine so much that Capcom makes all 3 Rekkas safe on block so you could just Rekka all day and make this game FUN AGAIN!

Anything else? Oh yeah the whole people will whine about Cody thing, perhaps. But we’ll see where it goes. As I’ve mentioned a few times so far, people didn’t “whine” this much in super. There will always be characters better than others, but it can be respected as long as they’re not braindead and have a few really bad matchups. (Which wasn’t the case in AE).

So please, now stop posting here. Thank you.

im talking about in general. rekkas are still a threat. a lot of people seem to have the idea that fei wont have the same space control. the only thing thats really different is that you wont be so uncertain IF the second rekka comes out

I find that funny considering I personally can’t find shit to punish DJ players with chars that have no reversal.

You sound like you were on the dev team, but was out sick when they came up with these changes and are now utterly disgusted having seen them.
Thanks for the breakdown; The explanation alone make me feel as if I can successfully use Yun in rank matches right now, and I’ve barely touched even him. Like I know exactly what to do, and what not to do.

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You didnt get a single thing I posted. I never stated or implied half of what you said. Read for comprehension, not selectively to try to mount some sort of argument. Learn how to read what is stated, not what you want to interpret. It may be tough, but give it a shot. Mashing rekkas out of a flame kick? 3 rekkas safe on block? Comments on my spacing? Who even mentioned that lol. Stop making things up to bolster whatever your point was in that post.

Odd that a lot of the top players are apparently even saying the nerf to the rekka hurts fei players. Jason24cf was stating over in the Fei forums that via text Wolfkrone even made a comment about how much this affects Fei. From Jason has stated and heard a lot of those guys are apparently are looking at it the same way many Fei players are, and it is in fact a big blow to the character. You do not understand the character, fine, but dont post bs.

As I have said repeatedly I will adjust because I enjoy playing the character, but make no mistake, that one hurt.

Now stop quoting me and making things up. Thanks.

noodle why is you trying to talk to people who doesn’t even understand your character? these are the same morons who think yang is still upper mid tier after these nerfs. despite his already low bnb doing low damage before the nerf. oh, and no more palm fadc ultra 2 either among other things. but people think they know. don’t pay people like citizen no mind.

You are right.

Yeah man this patch has been planned since Vanilla. Nothing looks better to a company than nerfing stuff in one installment and then undoing the change.

I never said it wasn’t a knock. Adjust, stop whining, Take time to learn the new Fei, stop trying to blame everybody here, and deal with it. I mean, adding Yun and Yang to this game was a huge knock to most people too, but your advice to them is the same.

You’re telling me you didn’t say these nerfs were a reaction to people whining and in response to Fuudo winning? Because…I can quote you saying that many times. That was what my first half of my post was about. Proving you wrong on that. My second part was about you saying “nerf fuerte because he gives me a hard time” as a sarcastic response to tall the crazy “whining” that is clearly going on here. (and all the crazy whining that led to your bad matchups being nerfed at one time. See: Arcade edition as a whole…only reason why fei is so good). And my third part was taking your constant response of “stop whining and actually put some time into the matchup” and turning it against you. As in, stop whining yourself and play the new updated Fei and figure out what works and what doesn’t.

Not once did I deny the nerf doesn’t hurt Fei. But I’m telling you the same thing you are saying to people who are happy about these nerfs. Step your shit up or shut the fuck up.

Yes my argument did have little knocks and insults towards you. Kinda not what i meant to do, but you annoy me. You whine too much, really. Also, I tried my best, but you ramble with no clear path of writing. so its kinda hard to follow you sometimes.