SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Although I agree that probably not that many people will use him even if he becomes really good, it’s because he is an unappealing/annoying character that was known for being bad. Nothing to do with him being particularly hard to master or difficult to learn compared to anyone else in the game.

…You clearly have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to Hakan.

Also people will very normally just jump on what is better and jump off of what is worse. No matter if he was low tier in the last game.

itabashi makes zangief look really good. also, he didn’t get crushed by yun, so people just started throwing him in the top 10. i dont know gief, so i don’t have much to say about where he belongs in the overall game.

So with Loketest starting today (right?) any chance we’d be seeing any footage or getting impressions/notes from people that have played?

Probably get impressions, on the 28th a setup of the loketest @ Big Box will be streamed after the big 256 man tournament for that SBO spot is finished.

To be honest, I don’t play Yun and don’t really care, but teoH’s post interpreting the Yun changes was pretty well thought out and made a lot of sense.

I think one of the greatest feelings in the game is overcoming the odds. I had no problem with characters being S tier. 80% of Yun players took you 5 or less matches to figure them out.

At least we can all hold hands and sing the Guile theme tune together now that we are all perfectly balanced. How much fun will that be! No bitching, no more fist pumps when you beat Yun with Dan, actually there’s nothing to discuss anymore… :smiley:

You’re a good poster child for why balance discussions never go anywhere useful. You have zero technical knowledge of the game or the changes you’re trying to comment on, you quote my entire excessively long post and then don’t even address anything specific in it, because you didn’t understand what you were reading. Responding directly to anything in your turd of a contribution would be a waste of mine and everyone else’s time, so i’m just going to tell you to crawl back into your hole.

Unfortunately i can’t give you any similar insights on Yang because he’s a new character that i haven’t played with much at all, and i’m not going to pretend that my uninformed opinion on a character that i can’t play properly is worth anything on the Internets. I can’t say entirely how badly some of those changes will impact him, what stood out to me is that a lot of stuff Yang currently does off dives to get in is not going to work, or is going to be horribly unsafe when he gets Yun’s landing recovery, i don’t think divekick to launcher would be an option anymore, and that’s a biggy. Longer startup on also hurts his ground game a lot, but i’m sure there’s some Yang players who can give you a better assessment of what the non-damage changes really mean.

Not a great counter argument there, TeoH.

im not worried. ive been playing gen since vanilla. IMO he’s the most technical character in this game

if hakans actually really good, im in there

Lol I addressed every single one of your points. Among your claims of “EVERYTHING IS BROKEN NOW”

I addressed your claim that Yun now has 0 mix ups of of divekick, how focus is not even remotely a good option for shoulder, your absurd claim that command grab has MASSIVE recovery and ex lunges extremely slow, how you have to use diferent move to retain your pressure, how crying about damage was ridiculous not to mention, the ridiculousness of crying about palm nerfs, and the claim that you now can no longer use a target combo because not only is it no longer free, but it doesnt automatically beat focus attacks as a bonus. Did I miss anything?

Pretty much, you were a waste of time lol. I would dare you to refute anything I have said, but its pointless now. You’ve already shown why “balance discussions go nowhere”. I aint gonna waste my time no more.

lol “Sonic Candicane”

Pretty happy with the changes so far; though Bison didn’t get anything to rave about. Will probably hop on the cody train if all these changes stick, though I’ll miss not having a million reversals :P.

Now regarding all the outcries regarding some specific nerfs, and those claiming that the mediocre characters simply did not do their jobs well know compared to the more complete characters; would a game with super guile, vanilla sagat, super honda, ae fei, super cammy and ae twins truly be a much better game? I don’t see how by any stretch of the imagination such a game could result in a more even cast MU-wise. Better polar characters = More polar MUs.

So many characters (i.e. the majority) do not fit in the more traditional archetypes, and seeing as only the true polar characters (archetype-wise) actually succeeded in the past iterations, imo (Pure zoning: guile, gat, sim; in their respective better iterations. Pure rushdown/mixup: cammy, viper, rufus, abel, makoto if she was given more time, twins; in their respective games aswell)… *because they were designed to be good at what they were meant to do *(which is an aspect you all fault when talking about the worse characters in AE). The rest of the cast generally fitting in the ''footsies/active zoning (in that they generally spend most of their time in mid-range and aren’t as clear-cut in their approach) historically never did that great (unless wielded by geniuses), but the balrogs, hondas, bisons, chuns, roses, ryus, vegas still felt more relevant in the past… Yet, at the same time, this community complained that charge characters supposedly dominated super, though we all remember how the high-mids were getting away with the Ws when it mattered, and that right before AE came out, we still couldn’t make out a clear top-tier. That haziness was great to me.

I feel like we’ll be going back to super-levels of balance with v2012(i.e. more relevant characters but this time, the aforementioned polar characters won’t be as retarded, thus evening out the terrain even more), and I must say I am thrilled.

i lol’d at that too!

do you play yun?

I am hardly spewing wrongness, I am stating truth - people just dont want to face the facts that the reason all of these cries for help occured is because people dont want to have put in the time to learn matchups utilizing what tools they have. People focus so much on these fucking tier lists, that it is ridiculous.

However insinuating that Fei Yun and Yang were above peoples levels to excel against no matter how much they play, is wrong. You are practically implying that winning with Fei or Yun or Yang is easy, and no matter how good someone else is they are going to win the match all by their little lonesome. That is what I believe is false.

Fei’s rekka nerf was a byproduct of complaining. People over reacted to Fuudo winning. If Dan won people on this forum would be crying to have him nerfed.

It goes back to what I said, people say "I have a hard time with individual/move X, so please nerf it.: It could be punished already, not by everyone but that is the point of different characters having different skill sets. Find what works. Otherwise just swap the damn color palette and make everyone have identical attributes. It is what it is, I was not saying YOU whined, but anyone can see that bitching and moaning caused all of this, and now everyone is pissed off even more it appears.

You are never going to get perfect balance. By changing one group of individuals another merely rises into their place. In a few months people will be in here bitching up a storm to nerf Cody.

You continue to rest my case. You cry, cry and whine in every thread. Fei is still top tier. You just can’t abuse a tactic that a large portion of the cast couldn’t punish. A good portion of the cast had to wait, get pushed back and was so afraid to push a button.

I am not whining Fei remains in the A tier I believe, however I am merely pointing out that rekka nerf was absolutely unnecessary. And was brought on by over reaction.

So what not all of the cast could punish it, not all of the cast can punish everyone elses moves. That is absolutely the most ridiculous excuse I have ever read. It COULD be punished by specific characters, other characters had different approaches to handling that. However why take the time to figure it out? Just make everyone the same.

Thats like saying "not everyone on the cast has a projectile, since a large portion of the cast does not, the hadoken should be nerfed in some way to adjust for this. A lot of the cast has to be patient and wait and work their way through the fireball tactic just like you have to be patient off the push back of a 2nd rekka if your character lacks the tools to punished. The fireball is abused no less than the 2nd rekka. So why shouldnt that be nerfed too?

If your character couldnt launch a projectile of their own then you had to be patient and figure something else out. Not now. People simply want things to be as easy as possible.

The damage nerfs dont bother me.

It is what it is.

i’m still gonna abuse it. youre still not going to want to walk foward or press buttons against fei

No, you have been crying and bitching the last 48hrs. Can you once look at the other 38 characters perspective?

Fireball/Rekka anology? Please get real. That doesn’t make sense. And you are right, some characters had to wait and figure something out. While they are patiently waiting, they are also getting pushed into the corner.

I’m really hoping that some of the nerfs to Yun and Yang (ESPECIALLY Yang) are reverted before this patch is released, and that some characters who still haven’t really gotten the attention they need, like Vega (yes, I’m salty that my main continuously gets the short end of the stick) are altered accordingly. And then I hope they STOP RELEASING UPDATES. Seriously. AE 2012 is looking great so far, just stop revising everything and let the game develop. I don’t want to keep playing a game that is constantly in flux.