SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

yang was good because its really easy for him to get in due to him having really good fadcs.

blocked slashes/roll kick fadc goes into:
-dive kick
-option select c.lks (into slashes)
-command grab
-ex command grab
-lk up kick

lets not forget that:
-roll kick starts up fast and travels far
-you can fadc any hit of the slashes
-he builds meter easily and safely (whiffed palm, poke with lp/mp slashes)

in addition, he had a working anti air, 2 gtfo of me move, good normals and hes a small target.

if you ask me, they should just make the last slash non fadcable, nerf the meter building on the palms and slightly shorten the range on his ex command grab.

he’ll still be good in the next revision, probably not top tier though.

I feel like AE 2012 will be a lot more like Super and a lot less like the stupidness that was AE. Super was a game that rewarded many playstyles. Sure downbacking in that game may have been a tad too strong, but that was it, it wasn’t broken by any means. If you wanted to rush down, and were good enough you won, if you wanted to sit back and were good enough, you won, if you wanted to zone and you were good enough, you won. There were good and bad matches in that for sure, and thats to be expected and its always going to be like that, but AE really only rewarded one playstyle and that why I have a problem with AE.

Instead of being an idiot and assuming I am only happy with the buffs and nerfs because of Hakan buffs and twin nerfs, check back a few pages and see how happy I was during the first blog post. When almost nobody was nerfed and it was all buffed, some of my personal hardest matchups were buffed, and I was happy. Why? Because Honda would be viable again, and Guile, and Bison, viable again. Some of my absolute WORST matchups, and I was already excited that AE 2012 would be a better game. Also by telling you I think Super was a better game, a game where Hakan was vastly inferior to his AE version, also should give you a hint on that.

So yes, you are right “the perfect balance” is never possible, but it sure gets a WHOLE lot better than the balance AE had to offer. I mean if your reason for never wanting to improve is because “It’ll never be perfect” Then you’re being a tad pessimistic don’t you think?

Also, Yang won’t be ass. Neither will Yun. The tools they’re built with fundamentally will allow them to play fine in this game. While some of their current moves were nerfed, nothing was really taken away, they still have every tool in the world for great pressure and mixup. It just won’t be so “herp derp” (as you put it) anymore.

I actual enjoyed reading this i also like to know your opinion on yang also if thats too much to ask

For all the ‘rewarding many styles’ of Super and ‘Stupidness of AE’, you still had 13-14 characters mostly shutting down the rest and doing well against each other, plus a couple more wildcards.
Had a goooood share of 7-3s.

So, yeah. Whether the viable characters are all rushdown (hey, who is Sagat and Gief btw) or varied ‘styles’ matters little, it’s more about the overall number.
2012 is not shaping to be just better than AE, it’s shaping to better than Super as well by miles, and of course Vanilla.
The fact that you consider Super way more balanced is more telling of you ignoring blatant issues more than anything else.

And no, while these nerfs do not make them Z tier, they are mostly strong because of their great to decent options.
If all of them became ‘meh’ tier, it would not add up well. And considering them ‘herp derp’ in the first place is a whole different issue.
People relate strong characters with free wins/ease of use/cheapness way too much.

Sonic Hurricane lol, 300 dmg, more like here have a sonic candy cane.

7-3s EVERYWHERE! /troll If you discount honda…nobody has more than 3 7-3 matchups. And most of those are against the upmost low tiers of the game. And even Honda just blows up the not as good characters of the game. And goes pretty much even with the rest. Yeaaaah. I feel like most people who don’t think Super was fairly well balanced either don’t remember the game or barely played it.

And people always need to bring up Sagat and Gief when I say AE is very rushdown centric like they’re coming up with some amazing point. 2 out of the top 10 characters does not make this game well balanced.

I would say on that tier list, everyone up til Sakura was viable. 4-6s are VERY VERY manageable, and should really never be complained about.

the changes on the twins seem a little overboard. however, im not really expecting to see them get most of their stuff back.

one or two of the changes might not stick, but they arent makin a run for S tier again anytime soon

also, ive said this before, but if hakan turns out top tier, id like to RSVP my spot on the bandwagon now

Never said everywhere, you added the hyperbole.
And the fact that the mid-lower tiers get shut down like that is the exact issue people should focus on and conveniantely ignore.
And nobody who plays the game seriously would say Fei, Akuma and Yun play the same way in the first place and just lump them together with a ‘they are more about offense’ tag.
Variety in offensive styles counts, as much as people would like to ignore that.
This is kinda irrrelevant, since 2012 seems to fix problems that both SUper and AE have.
It just becomes easier to understand what spurred it to come out so fast.

If Hakan is S-tier/top tier, then it’s time to hand in that resignation letter.

LOL at the notion the second rekka had no risk. I rest my case about my general assumption about many of the folks here.

Agreed however it was an unnecessary nerf born out of laziness by the community. Non Fei players dont realise the impact it has on the game. Not to mention that second rekka was easily punishible by most of the cast. However the players whose character COULDNT punish, kept trying to rather than adjusting, and thus, the crying ensued.

Here, I will give you an example of largely what occurs and it is the direct cause for the rebalance.

I struggle with el fuertes mixup and wake up game, capcom needs to nerf it. Why should I adjust based on my characters skill set?

This is exactly what occured, and if you think it didnt, you are kidding yourself. I for one, care not, I will adjust, but people who think a lot of these nerfs and changes are anything more than capcoms response to incessant whining, you are delusional.

2012 will be the best version of the game. Even though I personally am still salty from what they did to Guile going into AE and have not made it better for 2012.

2012 Guile would fit great IN AE.

Others getting buffed will neutralize his 1.4 nerfs they erased for 2012.

This is completely and totally false.

But its not against mid lower tiers, Mostly all of those 7-3s are against the bottom 4. I never said fei, akuma, and yun play exactly the same.

Why would I conveniantely ignore the fact that I played one of those low tiers that got shut down so easily as you say? If anybody understands how balanced Super was, its me. I played who many consider the worst character in Super and even still, never felt that a match was completely out of my reach, or impossible. Ask sims or Guiles how they feel about fighting Yun in AE.

Characters can and have always been lumped in certain categories. Although Guile and Sim can both be called zoning characters of course they play nothing alike. same thing goes for say Fei and Yun who both play rush down. The point for the balance of AE has been said by Ono more than a few times before the release of the game. He wanted a more offense based game, and he got it. Super was more defensive based game, a lot of characters could win. Mostly all of them, really.

I mean we’re both agreeing that AE2012 will more than likely be better, so what is really the problem here?

While I am a little unsure as to why I’m doing this because you’ve spewed nothing but wrongness in this thread so far…but…

Any reasons why what I said is completely and totally false?

Hakan is odd when it comes to tiers, but these changes definitely give him the potential to reach a good level. If you can manage to stay oiled up within a round/match, which I think with these changes is certainly possible. Well, you’re using one of the best characters in the game then.

Remember though Hakan is not a beginner friendly character and it will take a lot of investment to learn him. Can’t say it won’t be a waste of time though, buffs are mad crazy.

i personally disagreed with that list for Vega

Cammy, Rufus, Honda and Akuma was still 7-3 if you ask me… although it still fits with what you said.

btw can someone explain to me why Fei was top tier other than the fact his bad matchups got nerfed? I’m still not seeing it

Cody seems to be a real beast now.

Well the reason I personally havent talked about the nerfs on either Yun or Yang is what goood would it do. The ones who play them are either so delusional about their characters or purposely turn a blind eye to the bullshit their characters have.

So now It went from being a free target combo to being a free punish, and NOW you have a problem w/ it?

So because your target combo is no longer free to use as liberally as you see fit, you now have to actually use your tools to beat specific opponents tools instead of having one option that beats multiple shit. Now thats a problem for you but you fail to see how it was a MUCH bigger and legit problem to your opponents for the very reason that you stated. Thinking that you can no longer use the combo is ridiculous. It just shows how Yun player’s thinking is warped.

Focus against shoulder in no good. LVL1 focus leaves you negative and if you try to dash forward instead of releasing immediately shoulder’s stupid hitbox prevents you from even dashing close so you cant punish. Dashing back is pointless, alll you’ve done is recieved grey damage that you’ll probably end up losing since backdash leaves you more negative

They could have just left that as it was. If anything this would be filed under unneccesary nerfs, not the other bullshit Yuns are crying about.

I really wish Yuns or Yangs would quit crying about damage. You got a command grab that leads to what again? Do you now see why they would think about touching their damage?

Who cares if his ground game is iffy compared to Yang? Comparing an aspect of play to one’s that is better doesnt make yours shitty in the slightest. Lunge and shoulder does very good and both are part of the ground game. The divekick will still be effective.It will be just as effective as Abels stepkick. If you successfully hit, combo to your hearts delight. If it doesnt, you got throw, command throw, dragon kicks, frame traps, all that. No mix up anymore? It has twice the mix up of Abels step kick.

I dont know what to say to ex upkicks to ultra yet. I’ll just wait to see if anything was changed to effect anything. I dont know if Yun deserves to win an anti-air trade so I wont comment on that either.

Combos from his other moves also leave you upclose to pressure. maybe now you’ll have to use meter more wisely than just throw out ex lunge whenever you want.

Damn there goes another automatic tool that my retard opponents now will make me think on how to use it effectively.
Just like you said you have to train your opponent to block. Why cant you hit crouch techs with dive kicks anymore? Can Yang not hit crouch tecs w/ his divekick? And as mentioned before, not only can you try to dive kick the tech, but you can cross up on the tech attempt. Recovery on command grab is in no way massive. If your opponent neutral jumps you recover before they can even hit you.

Incredibly slow ex lunge…yeah your not biased at all. You not how slow it is? You know those koryu edition mods people made that gave moves such ridiculous properties that the screen could not keep up with them. Ex lunge is so fast that it knocks you out of the screen momentarily just like that. You sure seem to cite alot of “probably’s”.

Im not even gonna address why the palms need nerfing. To complain about that is just…I dont know what to say.

which was completely stupid, not to mention the stupid command normal that hit from behind.

Yet again Im reminded why I had chose to just not talk about Yun or Yang.Well since I took the time to write all this shit again, Im just gonna hit the reply to thread button instead of just throwing it away like before.

Lol how did people get this idea that Zangief of all characters is top 10 in AE? You mean the character who wasn’t top 10 in Super and then got nerfed? Please. He’s just a reasonably effective mid tier character in the same position as a dozen others. They’re not making ex hand knock down still but at least it’ll do more damage and stun so it’ll be worth comboing into again. That’ll be nice but it’s really no substitute for knockdowns. I like the lower hittable hitbox on sweep, it’s a smart change that’ll help in some really bad matchups like Sagat.

Anyway it doesn’t matter if Hakan is top tier, he’ll never be common. The same tiny group will keep using him and maybe a few more will join in. He’s just too complicated to use, way too big of a learning curve. Considering that zero people in the world have ever mastered all his tools I think it’ll be a while before anyone ever really makes noise with him. Even if he was top tier, which he probably still won’t be.

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Watch out for Hurricane Irene, then again if Capcom gets a hold of it, it might turn into a fun splash in the sun.

80% of 300 = 240
