SSFIV AE 2012 ALL character changes (FINAL )

Yun and Yang stun down to 950.

I’m shocked, Capcom didn’t say it in the dev blog so how could this happen! They’ve never stealth nerfed before… right Noodie 5?

Oh at least they changed Yun’s as well. 1k stun never made sense in the first place.

Does this mean they nerfed MP TK and EX Seismo’s frame data? Or is it just a whack Google Translation again? I know about the change to EX TK, but what about Seismo?

lol stiffness of hands…

Viper changes(based on the capcom pdf file):

MP TK damage to 110
EX TK startup 25F, on hit +2F more recovery
EX Seismo 100 damage
U2 410 damage
U1 to 441, improved hitbox to make it harder to whiff

Interesting. Here’s a pdf from capcom’s site and it shows the **FULL **changes of this patch which is called “SSF4 AE 2012 ver Alpha”.

Some interesting things that were not listed in the blog (I didn’t check everything though):
Yun and Yang’s stun are decreased to 950
The free oil for Hakan every round is the HK version

EDIT: Damn just noticed the post above :frowning: 30 mins late.

Will be interesting to compare the changes to the final loketests next weekend.

Thanks for the compliment.

To be honest loketest is more about bug testing instead of re-balancing. As long as the program doesn’t crash these changes will probably be the final one.

Surprise nerfs for the twins? I’m kinda starting to feel sorry for the Yang mains.

not arguing because maybe you know better than me, but what version had deejay doing ex sobat into ultra before super dropped? i thought that was a loc test?

was that different because it was coming for consoles?

That was when they revealed DJ, T Hawk and Juri (and I think Super itself… IIRC) and everyone cried… overpowered! Way before Super came out… and remember Super had no loketests, was tested by a lot of players though.

oh yeah. thats right. it was just popping up in the hands of well known players in NY or cali

so you guys think all these changes are going to stick? my guess would be that they do unless someone looks like theyer going to be completely amazing

According to this post:

…they still want feedback.

Well lets look @ AE loketests compared to AE itself, Did Cammy’s divekick nerf stick? Blanka’s Blanka ball nerf stick? Ryu’s nerf stick? Guile’s Sonic Boom meter nerf stick? Boxer’s headbutt nerf stick?

You know the answer!

I have the feeling they nerfed the Twins like that just to gauge the reaction at the loketest, and make some minor adujstments later.

They had this loketest “survey” last year as well and you know the result. As long as the game doesn’t crash and nobody can pull off some out of hand shit, these changes are basically sealed.

You are probably right.

Dive kicks in this game are dumb in general.

But AE is a good game.

They can change things after loke tests as well. I remember Azrael posting about how Viper’s normals got progressively worse after each build, and that Umezono (I think) discovered some broken shit with Dictator’s Psycho Crusher that they eventually removed.

That was the loketests for the initial version of SFIV though, you can’t relate that to what their doing now which is more bug tests than anything else.